HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-01 After a discussion, it was decided that there -,,(,-,Aid he no decision ta~ight regardt~E the Ftletti motel. A more thorough discussian will fell~ at a fmt~ee date. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m~ 209 July 1, 1957 - Publio Hearing ~e meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. The members preseat were.- Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman; Robert j. Barke and Jmaes M. Barman. Mr. Bannan, Acting Secretary, reed the notice which .as published in the newspaper regarding the Hearing for the Suburban Household Emterprises. A representative for the petitioner explained that' they will build ?-room, brick houses costing over $25,000 each. There will be no cellars. They will take care of water drainage and sewerage; wqll fill with gravel; will take eare of land- scaping and see~g. The street would be hot-top te Amdover Street. Several of the a~atters were present: Mr. & Nra. Oahoon, Mr. Barbette, Mr. & Mrs. Brown and Nrs. Dow~ Mr. Cahoen acted as representative of the group and ex- pl~i~e~ the drainage problem that they all have in that area. They emplained that they were not against the petition, but that they would, like to know how the drai~- age problem wi3_l be taken care of by the petitioner. After a lengthy discusaiou, Mr. Bashan made a motion to take the matter unde~ advisement, seconded by Mr. Barke. and voted unanimously. Mr. Barman then read the notice regarding the petition of Amthouy Rogers for a reclassification of land ~ Cl~k Street, free Imdustr~ to General Business. Mr. Rogers appeared a~d e~l-~ned that there ds nothing he can do with that parcel of land and has a chance to sell it to a party who plans to use it for a used car garage. He stated that about a year ago he had a chance to sell that land to some industry, but that the town would not supply the water needed by them~ The Beard then decided to contact Mr. Duffy by letter to find out whether water is available to an Industrial area. No opposition appeared and Mr. Barman made a motion to take the petition under edvisement, seconded by Mr. Burke and voted unanimously. Mr. EC,~az~ Galaher appeared and questioned the Beard regarding the drayage along Milk Street, by the Suttca Hill Development. After smae discussion and looking at plans, he was informed that the Development will tie into an existing dr~n on M~lk Street and will tlr~sent no future drainage problem to Mr. Galaher,s property. Mr. ~_~_~ph E. Finck, ~_lliam Finneran and Philip ~tclfffe, the three metal, s of the Board of Selectmen, had a disCUSsion with Mr. Rlackw~:, who was present ~roughout the meeting, cc~cer~g the aerial survey map of No~-~.~ Andover which Mr. Rlackw~Ll sh~wed to the~ and also to the Planning Board. Mr. Henr~ Lurid appeared, and with the Planming Board, discussed several changes which they felt should by m~de in the present By-La~. Mr. Bla~l felt that there was no~ng more $o Be done and that there was nothing that the Planning Board had left o~t; that most of the ~rs were typogr~p_bical and ~hat the official report is the T~.. Clerkts copy, approved by the Attorney General. H~ver, he made notes of the propc~d changes and would ¢c~fer further with the Planning Board at a future The Board then discussed the petitic~ of Anthony Rogers and dscid~ to with- hold their decisic~ until they received a reply from the Board of Public Work~ oc~cerning the water rights ~n Clark S~reet. The Board discussed the petition ~f the S-~burban Hc~eehold Enterprises, Inc. and voted to approve it ~ the following c~nditions~ that the Petitioner finds a piped storm drain connection, adequate in the opinion of the Planning Board, either east or west of the proposed street; provided there be installed a second h2drant to be approved by the Fire Chief, soa~=~bere along the frontage c~ Lot ~1 cr ~ot #2, if necessary, ~he approval does not become effective until the Petitioner post Bc~d for the ~ompletion of insta~tion of water, sewer, surface drains and street; also that work is dc~e according to Plans and Prof,_les; and provided the installation of the water and sewe~ ma~ns meets the requirements stated by the J~e 24th letter of the Board of Public Works. · Mr. Burke made the motion, seconded by Mr. Bamnau and The Board then dAscussed and vo~ed ~n the petiti~ of JOSel~ R. Filetti for a motel ~ Chickering Road. Mr. Bm~e made +~ metic~ to grant the petition, seconded by Mr. Barman and voted unanimously. The Board finds no reason to deny the petitic~ because the To., Meeting of June 30, 1956 having adopted the permitting motels in -~ Zouing Areas and the petiti~er is meeting all the require- ~ts set forth by our adopted By-La~. A hearing date will be set for August 5th in the application of John F. to change the classificatic~ of a p~rcel of land from Rmral Residence and Eesidence to ~neral Bmsiness for a Garden Center. The Board voted to increase the clerk's salary to $1.55 pe~ h~ur. Action ~-~s take~ by the. three members present, with the knowledge that ~r. Osgocd, who was ~aahle to be present due to illness, was in agree~en%. Mr. O~ was out of t~m. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m.