HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-05February 19, 1962 - Cont. Mr. Barman will notify the Industrial Developmemt Oo~ssion of the hearing changing Industrial land t~ basimess to be held on March 15th at 6:30 P.M. Mr. Chep, l~s made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 P.M. Mr. Farley secca3ded the motio~ ami the vote .as unanimou~ AD ..... ~ , Clerk Me,day, March 5, 1962 Regal ar Meeting The Planning Beard held their regular meeting on Monday evening, March 5, 1962 at 7:30 P.M. in the Tewn Buila~ug. The follewing members were present and voting: James M. Bannan, Chairm~u; Robert J. Burke, Secretary$ N~,~d Gilman, George Farley and William Chepulis. There were approx. 25 People present because of the two re-zoning hearings and other business. 1st HEARING: J~a Farnum and John W'mllis. Mr. Farley read the notices of the hearings, since M~. Burke had not arrived yet. The hearings were to change t~o parcels ef land, one owned by John Farnum and one ~wned by John Willis, frem Rural Residential to General B~siness. Atty. John Lynch represented the petitioners and showed the plans of the parcels to be rezoned. M~. Lynch explained that Mr. Farnum owns the triangular piece of land and Jo~m Willis owns the 12 acre parcel. The large piece of land is under ~ater in the rear portinn and the front is being filled with sand~ the land is not suitable for residential building. The triangular lot is not feasible for building houses. Atty. Leo Terrazauo, who represents Mrs. Simon an abutter, called Atty. Lynch earlier and stated that he would like th be recorded in favor of the rezoning. Milton Allen, 1208 Turnpike St. spoke in epposition and stated that they live in a residential zone and have alot to p~t up with frem the ski tow and dontt want any other businesses there. Atty. Lynch stated that it is vacant land and that there is no particular business use at present. Mr. Robart ~inters stated he was interested in using the old schoolhouse for an antiqae business. When asked what space he would use for parking, he stated that there was sufficient space in frant of the schoolhouse. Mr. & Mrs. Corbett, 1040 Johuson St. were recorded in opposition. March 5, 1962 - Cont. Atty. Willis asked if the ~llen land is where boats, etc. are for sale and if the Cor~ettts live where cars are for sale, repairs, etc. They an~'.ered yes., Mr. Sidney Coleman asked if the lot size complies wil~ the zoning by-law requirements. The question was the~ brought up about the Shopping Center and the Vernile lot being rezened for business, that lot abutted residential land, W211is said. Mr. Chepulis said that was a ~*ferent situation. Mr. Howard Thomson was recorded in opposition. There was some confusion while di~ussing the two parcels of land so Mr. Gilm~ made a motion to consider each parcel of land separately. Mr. Chepulis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. BurMe read the notice of the triangular parcel owned by John Faa-n-am. Mr. Coleman e~plained that he was not opposed to Mr. Fa~um's use of the school- house for a business as stated and it a same non-conforming use as the ski-tow. But he does not want it to be rezoned and have just any kind of business allowed. The Tow~ had one e~perience of rezoning that was misrepresented and don't want anything like that again. Atty. Lynch expl~ed that this is a part of a parcel of land that the P~s~ning Board rec~ended for rezoning to Industrial last year. Mr. Howard Thomson said he felt the same as Mr. Col~_~n as far as the triangular piece of land was concerned. He would not oppose planned use but would oppose rezonlng. Mr. Farley made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Burke read the second notice concerning the 12-acre parcel of land. Atty. Lynch stated that the legal description of the land is correct, but through a typographical error by the new~paper, the ownership should be Willis instead of Farrago. Mr. A~ en asked what type of business was proposed for that land. Atty. Lynch explained that no specific business is in ~d at present. T~o houses have been built but the remainder of the land is not adaptable for more houses. Edward Garvey spoke as an interested taxpayer and stated that he weald like to see more places zoned for 'business and industry, because North Andover is reach- ing a point where land is hard to purchase for busimess. Mere business and industry would ease the tax burden on private land*w,,ers. Atty. Willis spoke as o.uer of the land, and explained that this is the type of land best adapted to business-use development. T~o houses have been built on the only part of the land that could be used for homes. There Would not be any- thing detrimental put into that area. The use of the land would face on TurnpiMe St. and would have little or no effect on surroundd_ug properties. He is also ia favor of the triangular piece being rezoned. The-land is best suited for business. There is no Other business zone available in town. March 5, 1962 - Cont. When asked about using lend as a parking area, Mr. Willis expl~d that up until this year it was a sand depot for the State Dept. of Public Works. This year they are allowing cars from the ski tow to park there. Mr. Thomson stated that the rear part of the lend should be allo,~d for the preservation of w~ld life, etc. and that the best use of that ~ea would be for parking cars for the ski tow. Mr. Bennen explained that the entire area would have to be rezoned. Mr. Burke ~ a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. Chepulis seconded the motion and the wte was unenimous. 2nd HEARING: ~?red Boeglin. Mr. B~rke read the notice of the hearing on petition of Alfred Boeglin to ~me~d the Zoning By-Law by changing from Vill~e Residential to Industrial a parcel of land on the comer of Osgood and Wayne Streets. There were approximately 10 people present for this hearing. Atty. J~hn W~llis appeared for the petitioner. The building o,~ers are Alfred Boeglin and Albert Kueupfer, they have owned that _ property for about 4 years. He showed a picture of an old garage, built in late l~OOIs that was used for re- P~i~ing carriages, etc. That land has been used for some sort of commercial use or another. Bill's Auto Service used it until Mr. Arsenault moved in 1934 to Chickering Road. Mr. Hargreaves had small repair jobs, etc. Then Mr. Boeglin and Mr. Kneupfer purchased the land end garage on November 20, 1956 from Mr. Hargreaves. They tore do.~ the garage and started the buil~ng with cement blocks and brick facing for a type of industry that would not be offensive in any way. If unfavorable action is taken, a building that is 2/3 completed that could not be used, would be left. ~.ll uses would be confined within the bullet ng. ~is does not constitute spot zoning but is an extension of an existing Industrial zone. The abutting area is owned by J.P. Stevens a large industry. Viayne Street is only a paper street and there are no abutters to the northeast. The to~n is receiving $200 ta~es now but when the building is completed, taxes will be increased and the property will be more attractive. Mr. Ralph Nordgren, 355 Osgood St., spoke in opposition. He salt ~hat every- thing that Willis said was not true. He himself checked and on Sept. 27, 1956, the Board of Appeals held a hearing for a proposed addition to the present structure on the premises for storage of equipm~ut. There was no addition made but an entirely now structure was built. They just want to sell the building now which would leave the people around in a bad situation. Paul Brucato, 345 OsgOOdl ~., objects becwase there are over 40 children in the area. The surrounding homes have been greatly improved and a lot of money has been invested. ~l~is type of structure can be of no benefit to that area or North Audover. It cannot help the town tax-wise. Mrs. Katherine Nerney, 351 Osgood Street, objected. Mr. Peabody, 13 Concord Street, objected. His lend directly abuts the lot and is trying to protect his interests. March 5, 1962 - Cont. Atty. W~llis said that he appreciates the fact that everyone is trying to protect the~ property, hut it would be ~,ch more attractive than it is now if the building was completed. Mr. Peabody,s land is directly across from Stevens' Imdustrial land and anything could be built there. Nr. Boeglin exolained that this lot is not suitable for a large industry. They Just want the building for storage and office space. The h~uilding cannot go over o~e story. The talk aroumd about selling the property is not true. Mr. Burke made a motion to take the petition under advis~m-~t. Mr. Gilma~ secem~ed the motion and the vote was u~an~mous. Mr. George Ha~es, Eagiueer, and '~v A~geli~i brothers af Nillcrest Realty, Imc. ef Read,ag were present to request a hearing for a subdivision ~f property on Johnson Street, across from Abbott Street to the rear of Shields Estates. They showed profile plans and stated they would canfo~-m to the rules and regulations as specified by the Beard. They intend to have hot-top roads amd will sh~w that on the plans. The bearing date wtll be Monday, April 2, 1962 at 7:30 P.M. Atty. Randazzo appeared before the Board te ask why the Beard conld not approve the acce~_nce of Morris Street. Mr. Barman e~01ai~ed that no~hing has been completed on the road, the sewerage is only pa.~ way and there are ne dr-~s. The ~ Dept. did not approve it. The Planning Beard decides according to the Sub-Division Control Law. Mr. Barman read a lette~ about b~ll s before the Legislature for controlling outdoor advertising in accordance with federal standards. Mr. Barke m~de a motion to all~ $10.00 for e~pemses for Mr. Chepulis to attend the hearing in Boston on March 6th. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Chepulis made a motion that the Planning Board shonld ge on record as being in favor of Article 69 en the Town Warrant. The article is concerned with the Town acquiring land by Lake Cochichewick for conservation use. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Bannan spoke about consulting Town Counsel about hearings that were held regarding zoning lot requirements. Mr. Barke wants to get awa~ from such con- sultations. Mr. Farley said to c~ll a special meeting to vote on the hearings. Mr. Burke m~ a motion to meet on Thursda~ evening, March 8th, at ?:O0 P.M. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. $ 8.35 AD The foll~ing bills were approved: N.E. Tel~ & Tel. Anna Denahue The meeting adjourned at 10:OO P'M~