HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-03-134? Ja~a M. B~,wa~, Cbair~; Robert J. Burke, ~eeretary; ~oward G*l~,~ George Farley and William Chepul~s. Thi~ special ~_et~ warn ce.l~led f~ r~-~mt~g hearingm. 1. Willia~ .~asso: 7:30 P.M. This h~ was to cha~ge fr~a Couatry Residenee District to Village Residence a parcel of land on Waverly Road. Mr. ~ke read the legal notice. Atty. Alfr~ D~_.~_els, 3~1 Essex Street, represented the petitioaer. Be explai~d that orig,_ ~ally, prior to re-zoning, there ~ere three lots, which would have ~ it legal to construct 3 houses at that time. It is no longer possible. There is a house now on Lot A, with a~ple frontage. There are alot of similar h~aes along the road on the same size lotto so that this woulxt not be detr~tal to the neighborhoo~ amd -.x~ld be in Mr. Courtney Longton, an abutter, obJeeted aa~ Let B is periodically flooded and is not the type of lot for a residence. This petition fo~ re-zo-~-~ is not ve~ since it is spot zoning. Mrs. Oorcore~, an abutter, said they have trouble in that area with e~ess ~ater. ~ty. Daniels said he uaderstands that Mr. ~asso had to agree to tie into some sort of a drain and had to build a cateh Basin en the property. The B_l_dg. _X~speetor held upthe l~a~g permit u~t~_l he tied in. Be th~ukm that would take ears of Mr. Burk~ made a motion to take the petition under advise~rt. Mr. Farley seconded the ~otic~ and the vote was ,,-~-~-~u~. 2. Eileen Lynch and Loretta Willis. ~:45 P.M. This hearing was to e~*-ge from Rural Residence to General Business a parcel of land on Pleasant Street, bounded by land of Beffner Realty, Into, ~eOahe and V~ge Land Company. Mr. ~urke read the legal notice. Atty. Joh~ J. W~_llis spoke for the petitioners. Atty. John Lynch was alzo present. Be e~plainad that they have their law business and a medical b~ug, which have been there about 6 or 7 years. Since then, they have a~quired more ]~ i~ the V~]age La, d Co. They have had several inquiries concerning availab~2~ty of i~Artber medical facilities in the area and at the m~aent do not have sufficient ro~a for more professional offices. The buildings now there are a~ asset to the to~n. ~ of the home owners directly across the street and in the i~te vicinity are in approval. This would add to the neighborhood. It would be better to have the entire lot zoned for business, which ~wn~ld Be ~u extension of the present z~. Domenie Bo~a-~o, Lincoln Street, spoke regarding the traffio situation, which he considers dangerous now, because there is not enough parking area there now. March 13, 1963 - Cont. Atty. Willis said they have not had any serious congestioa there now amd that as soon as the weather is right, about 32,000 sq. ft. will be open for parking to the side which ~ll provide adequate parking space. Mr. G~Tman made a ~otion to take a petitioa under advisement. Mr. Burk~ seconded the motion ~d the vote was u~us. 3. Amendments to Zoning By-Law: 8:00 P.M. The Board voted unanimously to approve the Aw~dments. Mr. Burke read a letter frc~ Atty. Zoll from Salem, ~ass. requesting certain tnfor- matio~ from the Planning Board regarding the re-zoning of Day land on Turnpike St. A letter w~ be sent to him informing him that all of the information he z~eds is available in the Town Clerk's office. The Board then proceeded to vote on the hearings. 1. Angus Realty Corp. Mr. Burke made a motion to approve the petition, Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Four members voted in favor, Mr. ChepulAs voted no because it is not in the interest of the town to expand that piece of land in that area. 2. William Sasso. The plans were not in order. Mr. G~ m~__~e a motion to approve the petition subject to proper plans being submitted. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. 3. Eileen Lynch & Loretta Willis. Mr. Gilman made a motion to approve the petition, Mr. Burke seconded the motion and the vote was ~. Mr. Gilman made a motion to keep the same officers of the I~-8 Board. Mr. Burke seio~ded the motion and the vote was ,~a_~us. Mr. Barman, Chairman and Mr. Burke, ~ecretary. The Board signed all of the necessary plsms. The meeting adjourned at 9~30 P.F~ ~,/?/~ . . ~"z ~.. '/~-'/~'~'~