HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-01-04Regular meeting & Bear~-~ The Flanmtng Beard held their regular ~eeting on M~-_d_-_y evening, January at 7=30 P.M. in the Tc~ ~,~]~g. The following me,rs were present and Ja~_a M. Ba~a~, Chaix~a~; Robel~ J. Burke, Secretary; ~ G~ a~ld Willia~ Chepulis. Mr. Farley was abseat due to ~llnesa. ~RING: Alfred Beeglin - 7:30 P.~. ~r. Chepnlis read the legal notice describing the area inwlved, in ~hich he requsets to re-zone from Village Residential zone to General Business zoae a parcel of land at the corner of Osgood Street and Wayne S~roet. This is the ~,~ parcel ~f land for which he petitioned to re-zc~e in March, 1963 - which was later turned dean at Tc~n Meeting. There were no abutters present. Mr. Boeglin spoke ca his o~ behalf. Be showed pictures and explained he wanted to change the front of the b~il~-g, which if approved would be a ~il~_~ Supply company. Everything w~uld ~e under cover. The front section oftha building would he the office and the rear would be used for storage. It would be a clean business. As it is new, he cen~t get any m~ney under its preseat noa-confeA:~ing use. It is surrounded on two sides by Industrial area. ~. P. Stevena has added & st~re which is a business in an Industrial area. If this re-zoning doesn't su~oeed, he will have t~ sell the property. Be has a permit fr~n the state to enter fr~a Osgoed St. Be has had offers to se~l but doesn't think they would improve m~eh on it. If it is left as it is, it certainly won't t .wprove the area. ~is *mw~d~,.te abutters approve. ~arold Boynten, Jr., Osgood St. ,. not an immediate abutter, objected to spot zoning, not to the petitioner's request since there were no other abutters present. Mr. Chepulis said Dr. & Mrs. Rogers telephoned him to say that they didn't disapprove of Boeglin's drawing but they objected to future change. said he didn't recognise her objection since she should call the C~-~-. Mr. Gilman said they should oo~e here and speak for themselves. Mr. Gilman made a motion to take the petition underadvisement. Mr. Chepulis sec~de~ the. motion and the vote was unanimous. Fd~-ZONING HEARING REQUEST: Atty. J. Alhe~t ~radley, representing the Shay Br~s. of the Den Rock Drive-y~ theater, .was present t~ present a petition for re-zoning to General Business a parcel ef lamd t~ the rear of tho Drive-Ia. He also presented plans. Mr. Gilman made a motion to held the hearing on Monday evening, Febr~e~y 1, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Chepulis seccmded the m~tion and the vote wa~ unanimous. OSGOOD SUB-DI~I~ION: Benjamin Osgoed wes present and asked the Board if they could approve the Sub-divisic~ subject te getting the necessary easements. Mr. Barman said they could he approved and inscribe on the plans the conditions of approval, etc.- He ~ have to-get a~ easement over the ~istorieal Society proper~y forsewerage. ~e fr~ the Trustees of Reservations for sewer, water & drainage. O~e frc~ the State. D.P.W. to cross the high~ay for pipe subject to getting an easement fro~ Rennie. ~a~A~y 4, 1965 - Cont. VILLAGE GRE~ AP~d~ME~T DEVELOPMF~: R. & S. Construction Ce. Atty. John J. Willis was present representing the 1~ & S. C~nstruction Co..~e showed the Definitive & Prof~_le plans of the streets for the apartment development. Th~-y are concerned about the streets to be .installed to take care of the first 120 apart- ments. It is necessary to have the plan approved by the PI~8 Board so that they can proceed with their plans to present to the E.H.A. and the other agencies in- v~lvodo Mr. Chepulis questioned a~out a street be~-~ moved over which had Been brought up at a previous ~eeting last year when they requested a special permit from the Board of Appeals. Mr. Willis said he is just asking for the streets that ~ be developed. ~e shoned the profiles and ex~lai~ed that there is one entrance, the roa~s are of sufficient width, water and se~er is s~. Mr. Banyan said he will need an entrance letter from the State D.P.W.,a letter frea the ~ighway Dept. and a letter fr~m the Board of Public Works. Mr. W411~s s. aid l~r. Duffy, of the Board of Public Works, has on file a ~28,000 account, payable to the Town of North Andover - frc~ the R. & S. Coast. Co. ~EQ~EST FOR RE-ZOnING ~EARING: Atty. Willis requested a re-zc~t-g he'aring to be held for the next ~eettwE. ~r. BA~a~ said that an article has to be in the ~arrant Before a hearing can be held by the Plamaing ~oard, according to To~ Couasel. Atty. ~llis says he doesn't agree with that. Mr. Chepulis advised Atty. W~-~is to get a petition with 50 sigzatures a~d present it to the Beard a~& the~ a hear~_- date W~ll Be set. MASS. FED. OF PLA~NG Notiee was receive~ for. payment of dues for the year 1965 for the ~as~ackaset.te Federation of Planw~wg Beards - the amount is $40.00. Mr. Chepulio ~ade a meti~a te Joi~ again thio year a~d pay th~ necessary dues. Mr. Gilman seeonded the ~tion amd the vote was ~us, SPECIAL COURSE: Mr. Chepulis read a letter regarding a special course to be held in Boste~ that would Benefit Planning Board ~embers. ~e then ~ade a motion to send a ~ember of the Board. There was no seee~d and the motion was defeated. ALFRED BOEGLYN = The leard voted on the hear~-~ held earlier in the eve-~w~ f~r re-zoning fer Alfred Boegliu. Burke made a ~tion to approve the re-zo~-~ request. Mr. Gilman seconded the motion. Three members voted in favor and Mr. Chepulis void against.. The Beard approved the following bills: N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. 8.35 ~ Don~me T~b~ ting adjourned at 9,00 cha~ ~ - Fel-~-~ar~ 1, 1955 Regular meeting & ~ The l~=,n*n.- Beard held thei~ regular meeting ea ~c~da~ evening, Febreary 1, 19~ at 7:30 P.~. in the Tow~ ~ding. The following ~e~hers were present and voting~ Ja~es M. B.~-e~, Chairman; ~ Gilles, George I~rle7 and W~I~_B Chepulis. Mr. Burke ~as out of tow~. I~-ZONING REQUESTS: 1. Atty. John Willis presented a petitiea to the Board requesting a re-s~,,4n~ bearing for A~ Realty Co. The hearing will be held ca Thursday evening, Feb. 25~ at 7:30 P.~ 2. Atty. Charles W. T~omb]~ Fresated a petition to the ~oard on hehalf of De, noulaa Super ~arkets requesting a re-zoning hearing. The bearing ~] Be held on Thursday evening, Feb. 25th at $:00 P.~. VILLAGE OR~.N APARTMEFr DEVELOPMENT.. Atty. Willis presented a letter to the Board that he received fr~a the State Dept. of Public Work~ say~n~ they could not approve access per~ssie~ ~til approval ~as re- ceived ~ the Pla~mi~ ~oar~. Farley ~ade a mstion to approve the lay-e~t of the streete as ~s~t~ on ~ ~s ~Ject ~ access ~ISIG~ ~ t~ ~ ~pt. of ~c W~ke ~ ~J~t to t~ soe~ed t~ ~ti~ ~d t~ ~ ~s ~EARING: John P. & Xastant J. Shay; 7:30 P.M. Mr. Chepulie read the legal notice which petitioaed to a~end the North aw~ovar Z~ ~y-Law and the Z~ ~ap of the Tows by ohangimg frc~ Country Residential te General Business Zone, a parcel of ~and ccataining approx. 22 acres, located on Wi~p Ave. to the rear of the Den Reck Drive-In theater, to the ~sterly side of Waverly Road, 100 feet fr~a the line and 100 feet westerly of abutter' s property along Waverly Rd. Atty. J. Albert Bradley represented the petitioners. There were eighteen people present. ~e explained the area te be re-zoned to those present. There is a buffer zone of 100 ft. along Waverly Road and 100 feet to the rear of residents on part of Waverly Road. Atty. Bradley ms asked if there would be a road c~ming in frc~ Waverly Read or frc~ Xen Bailey' s land. Atty. Bradley said there would not be any r~ads o_~w~ fr~a either ~ay. The Board can ~ake these restriction if they like and the Shay*s oas also ~ake an agreement. Mr. Bamna~ explained that accor~<n~ to the ~y-Laws, if a ~_siness zone would b~rder on a Residential zone, it provides for a grass strip se +~het a road oonld ~et be put through. It was questioned wh~ Mr. Bailey can operate his earth removal business and Mr. Barman explained that he has a n~-confor~ing use because he had his earth removal Atty. ~h~h~rd S~ iwm ef A_n__4over vaLe present representing a n~aher of abutters al~ag Waverly Roa~. They were mainly concerned about a road oc~-g in f--~ Waverly Read and also about a piece of the lead to be re-zoned coming too near their property. ~ty. S~vaa said that restrictions were not enough, he thought the p]-_-s ah~d be changed. There ~as a discussion as to whether or not it is possible to change an article that has already been placed on t~e warrant. Mr. Banuan telephenedTc~n Co~asel Salisbury regarding putting stipulatieas ou that certain p~rtions of land cannot he used, etc. Atty. ~alisbury replied that you cannot confine the area that is zoned for business. Mr. Bannan and Mr. Chepulis Beth said that they thought the T~n Neet~r~ can allow an a~e~w~mt - that a technical approval has te he ~ade a~ to the wording of the petition. Atty. Bradley said they are ~ to leave out the portion of lam4 in questic~ and will draw up an agreement with Atty. Sullivaa . Atty. S~lliven said that the P~,~uiug Board can approve is to that there w~ll Be ac access read from Waverly Road. Mr. Ba~aa said the Board could ~ake the decision to read that way. Atty. Bradley said they could vote subject to emitting thatr porticn of land~ have the Engineer~ amend the plans right away. ~r. ~ba~ said they will not use land anyway, that they will ~ndscape it. Mr. GLT~aa ~ade a ~otion to tame the petition under advisement. Mr. 0hepulis seconded the motion and the vote was OSGOOD SUE)MSIOI~ BoaJn~- 0sgoed appeared before the ~oard ~nd presented the easements fr~a Xt%tre~ge an~ Re~aie. Now, he said, he is Just ~aiting for the Board to vote. Mr. ~ i~f~r~d Mr. 0sgeod that the name wOsgood Acres~ ~s already been used for the na~e of a ~b-division by Colgate. Mr. 0sgoed said ~e will c~a~ge the na~e ef his sub-divi{iea and w~33 change the plans also. Mr. ~Gil~an made a motion to approve the SuB-division as outlined and presented, sub- jest te the following conditions. Mr. Farley seconded the motion and the vote was CONDITIONS: .1. Approval granted subject to filiag of covenant satisfactory te the Te~n Counsel. 2. Water a~d sewer accor~-g to the rules and regulations of the Brd. ef Public Works. 3. Surface drains and street bounds ~st be installed; construction of street and driveways subject tS the approval of the ~igh~ay Department. 4. Roads anet be Bet-topped. 5. Approval subject to the requireme~ts of the Local and/er State Dept. of PuBlic Nea~th regarding s~n~tary disposal systems. 6. ~ust secure easement over ~istorical Society property for sewerage. 7. Must secure easement from the Trustees of Reservations for sewer, 'water and drainage. 8. Must ce~ly with the Brd. of Fire Engineer's requirements as to the fire alera system. ~. Must secure easement frc~ State Dept. of Public Works tc cress the state highway for pip4_-_~, subject to gett~-~ an easement from David Renuie, also. Febr~eryl, 1965 - Cont. The heer~_~Z will be held e~ Thursday ebeni~g, Fe~a~Ary 25th at 8:30 P.M. BOEGLIN PETITION: Mr. Farley wa ~er~itted to vote en $he Boeglin re-zoning petitica, since he wae a~en% at the last ~eeting. ~e voted in favor of the apprc~ to re-acts. COLGATE DRIVE: A letter was received fr~m the Board of SelectM~ asking fer the ~ ~oar~ts rec_ ~n3~_ndatiens as to the acceptance of Colgate Drive. as a public way. A letter was received from the Highway Dept. approving the street. Mr. Gilm~ made a ~tica to recommend acceptance of Colgate Drive ia its entirety. Mr. Farley seconded the ~otion and the vote was. uuani~ous. S~A! PETITION z Mr. G~lman made a motion to appreve the peti%ie~ am~ Mr. Farley seconded the ~tiea. The vote was tmami~mme. The ~eard approved this petition because the abutting lamd in the Lawrence area is completely business. A pertion of the land has already been zoned for business. The Board believes that the re-zoning of this area is for the ganeral good cf the tow~ 'North A~dover. It is not detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the neighbcrheed. The ~oar~ sig~ed whatever plans were necessary during the eveniag. The Board approved the fo~llowi~__g bt]Is: Mass. Fed. of Plaaaing B~a~ds. (dues) N.E. Tel. & Tel. ~o. Daniel i~01~11 - Anna Donahne, sexwiees $~O. 00 ~.25 The ~eeting adjourned at 9:00 P.I~. , ,Clerk