HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-02-28Monday - Fe~a~ary 28, 1966 Special ~eeting & Hearings The Pl---t-g Board held a special ~eeting on Monday evening, February 28, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. in the To~m ~,~-g. The following members were present and votiug~ James M. B&-~-, Cheirm~-~ Robert J. Burke, ~a~; Howard G~lw~,, George B. Farley and William Chepulis~ ,~e~r~'T The meeting was adjourned to the Fire Sta~n Meeting Roc~ because of the ~ ~mber of people-present. There were over 50 people present. 1. Re-~-~-- ~-*~lne - Tur~t~ St. - Fred Atty. ~alph E. Finek represented the petitioner Fred Bu+-~w~, who is petitioning to amend the Zoning By-Law by che~ging frc~ Rural residential to General Bu~-ess a parcel of land on Turnpike Street at the corner of Sullivan St. for the b~ and sel]~ of antiques. The business will he carried on in a barn adjacent to the h~me of the Buthmanns. There are ~ther businesses along Route 1~4 so that it would not be spot-zoning. The neighbors and abutters are in favor of the proposed ch~ge. There ~s no opposition . ~r. Burke made a motion to take the petition under advisement, ~. Chepulis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. 2. ~-ZONING HEARING~ MAY STreET - Mr. Ohepulis read the legal notice amd description of the ~ involved on May ~treet requesting the re-zoning from Industrial "Le to V~_llags Residential. Atty. Ralph E. Finck represented the petitioner and the abutters on M~y Street. This particular parcel came before the Board of Appeals for a variance on lot size in order to erect en Industrial buil~-g - that lot is 25~000 sq. ft. The people have found out that if their property was destroyed over 65% they would have to go before the Board of Appeals in order to repair or re-build. These people have invested their life's sa~ings in their hemes. The street is n~-~w and congested and not good for any type of business. Joseph Medolo asked questions of Atty. Finck end felt area should stay Industrial. Atty. Finck presented a petition signed by a large number of abutters. Mr. Gilman made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. 3. R~_-ZONING BEARING: Mr. Chepulis read the legal notice and description of the land involved on Turnpike Street requesting the re-zoning frc~ Residential to Industrial. Stewart l~ilson spoke, representing the First Methodist Church. He said it is the intention of the church to build on one section of the 1~. In order to raise money for the church, they have an option with the Eagle-Tribune for the other lot of land. This would benefit the town. Rev. Neil Fisher, of the Methodist Church, spoke a~d expressed the same feelings as Mr. Wilson. The church didn't need the 14 acres of land and felt it wise to sell a portion of it to ~ money in ~rder to ~,~d a new church~ The Eagle-Tribune would be a favorable industry and would be an a~t to the ccammu~ity. February 28, 1966 - Cont. 115 Atty. Joseph Baci&~lupo spoke as represent:i~ the EaSe-Tribune Publ~ah:h~ Co., he is also a resident of No.ch Andover. He explained, the Ea~le-Trlbune would purchase approx. 9 acres of land which is now zoned Residential. They want it to be re-zoned to Industrial "L". The E-T would then have their plant and offices in North Andover. The buila~-g would contain approx. 50,000 sq. ft. The buila~-g would be more nearly in appearance to a school or office b~il~ng. The area would be landscaped in the front and the building would he set back 50 feet or more. Parking would be in the rear, to the north side of the b~ilding. It would house the entire operation of the Eagle-Tribune. The cost for the development and erection of the buil~-g would be a large investment and wo~ld help the town tax-wise, et~ The operation does not involve noise, vibrationS, noxious odors, etc. Borings and tests have disclosed that there is considerable water and ledge and is not adequate for residential development; it can be used for this type of c~_,-...ercial activity. If approved, within a year they will begin the operation of the business. The sewer would have to he brought fro~ Waverly Road to the property. They ~et ~ith the Advisory Board and stated that now is the time for the sewer~to be brought up from Waverly Road because of this large development. The E.T. wants to come to N.A. if the sewer is available; if it is not available, then they ~aunot come to this site. Edward Phelan, chairman of the Ind. Development Coed. spoke in favor of the pe~Ject, saying the Cow~esion sat with the E.T. and felt that this would be a w~mder~ tb~-~ for N.A. - to accept them to our Town. M~. Kimb~ll of Winchester, an abutter, said the land is useless for residential purposes - if he had known, he would have included his abutting land on Dar~th St. and Acushnet Street, to be re-zonod. He is in favor. Theodore Peters, CbA~rmA, of the Advisory Board, said they met with the E-T, and reco~end that Article 72, concer-~g the sewer extension, he adopted and have ex- plained that they are recow=~nding this in order for the Tribune to come to N.A. Mr. Gilman made a motion to take the petition under advisement. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and the vote was un~-~w~us. A large number of people left. 4. A~D~NTS TO ZONING BY-LAW - Mr. Chepulis read the legal notice concerning the various amendments. Atty. John J. Willis spoke about ~3 - about 3,500 sq. ft. for each d~lling unit. He said the State provides for 5,000 sq. ft. lots. There is no reason to h_~__ve this cb--ged in the By-Laws. There wo~ld be conversions of older homes which this would control more. These older homes would be eliminated fro~ converting to apartments, etc. - which is good for the town. He would 1~ to he recorded in opposition to this particular amendment. Ame~w~nt to Section 4.31 - Fred Bastian, representing Gle~e~s Milk Co. wished to he recorded in favor of it. A~w~nt for Golf Courses - Edward Phelan said it was the intention of the Ind. Cow~. to have only the Rural areas for golf courses. Mr. Gilman w~_.de a motion to take the amen~-~_nts under advisement. Mr. Burke seconded the motion and the vote was Febr~_~y 28, 1~ - Cont. The Boar~ adjourned back to the off~ce. A discussion ~as held of the hearings of the eve~[ng. The Board signed the following bills: Mass. Fed. of P~A~g Beards 40.00 New England Telephone 8.35 ~ARTIN AVE, & BRENTW00D CIRCLE: Letters ~ere received fx~m the Righway Department stating that Martin Ave~Ae and Brentwoed Circle net their requirements. ~r. Burke made a motion to recommend acceptance of the streets to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. O~lw~n seconded the motion and the vote was ,-~e~4~vus. The meeting adjourned at 9~30 P.M. Ch~.~ Clerk