HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-10-02Monday - October 2, 1967 Regular Meeting The Planning Board held their regular meeting on Monday evening, October 2, 1967 at ?:30 P.M. in the Town Office Building Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting:. W~lliam Chepulis, Jr., Chai _r~_ n; Robert J. Burke, Vice Chairman; Howard Gilman, Secretary; George B. Farley and Jam~_.s M. Banyan. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph So-w~ appeared before the Board for information regarding the procedure and requirements for re-zoning a parcel of land to business. The parcel of land is on Turnpike Street, past Kent's Movers. They-want to have two stores on the first floor and 2 apartments on the second floor. They showed a sketch of what they proposed. Mr. Chepulis noted that they had only 13,000 sq. ft. and 25~000 sq. ft. is re~ire~ for a business. He explained the procedure of a public hearing, Town Meeting, etc. 1. YUNGGEBAUER: The Board members discussed the hearing held last month for Yunggehauer. Letters were received from the Board of Public Works, with a copy of the plan showing 7% grade instead of 9% - slope easements. They noted that the road was only 10 Ft. wide at the end and discussed r~quiring a turnaround. Easements are still necessary from Yunggebausr to the Town. They discusse~ requiring the roadway to he finished in the same me~ner as any other subdivision before the Planning Board. requiring Mr. Gilman made a motion to approve the subdivision subject to/a turnaround an~ getting the necessary slope easements and to permit the proposed ~% slope. Mr. Gilman withdrew the motion. Mr. Burke made a motion to approve the subdivision subject to having a turnaround at the end of the roadway and subject to easements that are recommended by the engineer of making 7% gra~es. The road should be hot-topped. Mr. Barman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. A discussion was held as to what conditions should apply and the dec~sion will be written up accordingly. 2. ~w~ndment to Subdivision Rules and Regulations. A lengthy discussion was held as to whether the entire subdivision Rules and Regulations should be gone over and any changes made once and for all instead of doing it piecemeal. They discussed having two types of roads; one for residential use and one for industrial use. Mr. B.-nan made a motion that the amendment for which the hearing was held; tha% is to require hot-top surface with 1~ binder and 1" wearing surface, he accepted and properly filed with the Registry of Deeds. Mr. Burke seco~ed the motion and the vote was l~mous. The necessary papers will be typed up by the Clerk and filed with the Town Clerk, the Registry of Deeds. HENRY SUBDIVISION: An answer wes received from Town Counsel saying that ~mtec~s appeal has no legal value since an appeal should be filed with Superior Court. The Chairman will write a letter to Mr. Kmiec informing b~m so. October 2, 1967 - Cont. 1 75 Correspondence and copies of plans ~as received from George Hart, Johnson SA. He wants to lower the level Qf a pond at the corner of Johnson and Farnum Street~. This particular case comes under the Hatch Act because it is wet land and there is running water. Fart has sent copies to the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, P1A~ing Board and to the State Dept. of Natural Resources. The Selec+~aen also have to be notified. The Planning Board has to agree or disagree as to the lowerin4~ of the level of the pond. The Board members were in favor of it. Mr. Chepu!is will call the Dept. of Natural Resources and take it fro~ there. The Board noted the two hearings to be held by the Board of Appeals . The Board received notification of approval from the Advisory Board of a transfer from the Reserve Fund for ~10. SHERWOOD HOMES: A suitable, new Covenant was received from John Shields for the Shervood Homes Subdivision and was approved as to form by Town Counsel. The Clerk will record the covenant at the Registry of De.eds at the expense of the subdivider.. The Board discussed requiring subdividers to present coven_~nts before the plans are signed for approval. There have been instances of the developers being lax in filing the covenants with the Board. Mr. B~an felt that the Building Inspector should be notified not to grant any building permits until a covenant is presented. At the present time there are 3 developers ~ho have not filed covenants, and they should be notified to do so. He also suggested notifying the Fire Chief of any new street names. ELMCREST ROADS & MAGNOLIA DRIVEs A letter was received from the Selectmen requestiug a report from the P~,~,4~g Board on the Bond for Elmcrest Road and Magnolia Drive, for their October 9 meeting. The files were checked as to the latest status, lit. Chepulis read letters from the Selectmen and Town Counsel written in 1965, at which time the Selectmen approved the receipt of $500 from Demers & Shea and the bond was no longer 4- effect. MASS. FED.. OF PL. BRDS. The Chairman will attend a meeting in Gloucester of the Mass. Federation of Planning Boards. Mr. Burke made a motion to allow $20 for ~r. Chepulis for registration and expenses. Mr. Barman seconded the motion and the vote was A check will be made with Mr; Maker to see if he is hol~t~E any bond for F. lmcrest Estates and also check with Town Counsel as to what action the Ple~f~g Board should take. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Chairman WC . AD _ .. ,Clerk