HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-01Monday - May 1, 1972 Regular Meeting The PLANNINU BOARD held its regular meeting on Monday evening, May 1, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Building with the following members present and voting: Charles W. Trombly, Jr., Chairman; Fritz Ostherr, Clerk and John J. Monteiro. Mr. Chepulis and Mr. Keirstead were unable to attend. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meetings; Mr. Ostherr seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. GEORGE FARR PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: Mr. Pressey, the engineer and surveyor for the proposed subdivision of George Fart, was present because Mr. Farr was unable to attend. He presented another plan to the Board showing the turnaround extended. The Board wants the road extended to the end of the area. Mr. Monteiro was concerned about the drainage from the Raleigh Tavern subdivision and the effect it would have on Farr's subdivision. He thinks there might be a problem, he doesn't know where the water will go. Discussion was held on this. The Board set Tuesday, June 13th, as the hearing date because the special town meeting is called for June 5th. ARTHUR COLLINS PLAN: Atty. John Willis spoke to Board relative to a plan submitted by Arthur Collins for signatures as "Not requiring Planning ~oard approval under the Subdivision Control La~'. At their last meeting, the Board had decided not to sign the plans. Further discussion was held and the plans studied; the Board then signed the plans. "ANSWER" RE LAND/VEST COURT CASE: An "Answer" was received from Town Counsel re the Land/Vest - North Andover Associates court case. The material was read and Mr. Monteiro made a motion to accept it and file it. LEGAL NOTICE FOR ZONIN~ BY-LAW: Town Counsel sent a written form of legal notice to be used for the public hearing for the proposed Zoning By-law and zoning map. He had checked with the Attorney General's office and was told it would not be necessary to print the By-Law in its entirety in the newspaper as a part of the legal notice; only the two tables and the map would be sufficient. A letter was received from the Selectmen stating they had changed the special town meeting, at the Planning Board's request, to June 5th. FLOOD PLAIN REPORT: The Selectmen sent a copy of the Flood Plain Report from the Dept. of the Army. Mr. Ostherr made a motion that Jack Erle set up a meeting sometime after the special town meeting and send a letter to the Selectmen informing them so. Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. May 1, 1972 - cont. HOUSING IN%~ENTOR¥: Material on a Housing Inventory was received from the Merrimack ValleyPlanning Commission. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to table it until after the Special Town Meeting for further discussion; Mr. Ostherr seconded bhe motion and the vote was unanimous. BOARD OF APPEALS HEARINGS & DECISIONS: Notices of two public hearings were received. The Board had no comment to make relative to the petition of Leonard Degnan on Massachusetts Avenue. On the petition of Silvio Martinoli, Middlesex Street, the Board.wanted to point out to the Board of Appeals the fact that the area is presently zoned Neighborhood Business and proposed to be zoned B-l, neither of which allows a contractor's yard. Also, that the back h~lf of the parcel of land where the proposed garage would be located is zoned residential. Mr. Trombly read the decisions made by the Appeals Board on previous petitions. MASS. FED. OF PLANNING BOARDS: Mr. Monteiro said he was planning to attend the meeting of the Mass. Fed. of Planning Boards on May 12th & 13th. DRAINAG~PROBL~MS: Mr. Monteiro reported on the Apple Hill & Raleigh Tavern drainage problems. He and Mr. Chepulis are not in favor of submitting an article; the town should not have to pay for anything, it is the developer's responsibility. Everything should be piped and it will probably be costly. This matter will be discussed further at the next regular meeting. SIGN BY-LAW: The Board discussed the proposed Sign By-Law and they feel that it should be a separate By-Law and should be submitted as a separate article. A few minor changes were made by Mr. Ostherr. Mr. Ostherr made a motion to prepare the Sign By-Law for adoption at the Special Town Meeting; Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Chairman (Charles W. Trombly, Jr.) Secreta~