HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-02Monday- October 2, 1972 Regular Meeting The PLANR~ BO~JtD held its regular meeting on Monday evening, October 2, 1972 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Building with the following members present and voting: Donald N. Keirstead, Acting Chairman; Fritz Ostherr, Clerk;John J. Monteiro and William Chepulis. Chairman Charles W. Trembly, Jr. was unable to attend due to illness. There were 8 people present for the meeting. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to acceptthe minutes of the previous meeting; Mr. Ostherr seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. JAY ROAD: Eight residents from Jay Road appeared before the Board. John Collins, a resident, presented a petition to the Board which was addressed to the Selectmen and Advisory Board to appropriate funds for the completionof Jay Road in the amount of $1600 and use the bank book in the amount of $~400, since the Highway Surveyor had advised the residents that $4,000 would be the estimated amount needed. Mr. Ko,reread said the Beard is sympathy ~lth the problem and explained that the ~ . present members did not sit cn the Beard at that time and that we w~uld support _ ~,~e~t~ to the Selectmen and Advisory Beard. He explained that the present regu Ce lations d~ not place any time limit as to the completion of the subdivision. Ne ~ have to check with Town.Counsel as to what action can be taken. Mr. [eiretead said he had tried to contact John Shields and was unable to do so. Lengthy discussion was held as to the importance ef takin~ care of this problem before the winter and also the fact that the costs of ~ the road are going up and ~11 be even hi~her if we wait until next year. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to send a letter to Town Counsel relatiwe to the hein~heldbytheP~A-~t~gBoardfor the completion ofJayBeadto fimd eut what the Beard can dowith the money and authorize hi m to initiate any actionthatwill promptly take care of this. Mr. Ostherr seconded the motion a~d the vote was Mr. Nonteiro then made a motion to send a letter te John Shields (the develope~ of the Jay Bead subdivision) regardin~ this matter teLlin~ him that we are se~g a letter to Town Counsel and if he has any comment to make and what his disposition w~uld be of the $~OO for the completion of Jay Bead; that it has been brought to our attention that the read has net been completed and that it is time somathin~ should be done. Mr. Ohepulis seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Monteiro sug~eated that another meetiu~ should he held by the Plannin~ Beard this month and that maybe the Beard will have received some answers to this problem at that time. Another meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 17th, at 7:30 P.M., in the Town Office Building Meeting Room. October 2, 1972- cont. JOHN WILLIS ~ Atty. John Wil~4s appeared before the Board to discuss provisions of the Sub- division Rules and Regulations relative t~ the degree of grades and slopes c~ the reads. He was informed that the regulati~_~ are still in effect alleging a 12~ grade and that the proposed req,,4~e~ants ~ould not apply yet. WALTER Hb~,~F~: To~n House .Development. Mr. Walter Hughes and Mr. Jo½- C~lahan appeared before the Board with a plan shewing the roadways ~n the townhouso development. Mr. Hughes said they don't need a subdivision plan but are asking the Board to approve a plan so that the Building Inspector ~l~ give them building per, its for the t~nhouses. He asked the Board if the plan was all right as far as the road way ~as concerned. He said they 4]] build the road from Prescott St. to the turnaround but have no intentions of b,,41~-~ the road to the rem~A~ townhouees; that portion of the r~adway will be Just on paper and never be b,~t. They pla~ to bnild the driveways as shown on another plan. He said this is not a subdivision because they are making two large lots actually fronting on Prescott St. They can't get bank approval or b,,~H~2 permits u~til he receives pl~-~,~ Beard approval. A length~ discussion was held about not constructing the roadway and the Zo-~2 By-Law req,,~ement of each tow~bouse requiring its own lot and frontage. Mr. Xeirstead said that we have a zoning law that doesn't -l~ow a development to be b,,~]t such as is proposed. He thinks the problem is ~ith the B,,~l~g Inspector - hew does he have assurance that he can issue a permit? Toenhousee have to have frontage on a street. The ~,~g Inspector had said previously that he would isoue permits if the P]a,-~-E Beard approves the street. Mr. Hughes said he would forfeit the bend if necessary and that the Board could accept the road as it is' shown now. The Board said he ~ need a f,~11 set of plans, profiles, etc. for the road. Mr. Hughes asked if the Board would consider a 20-ft. read for the're~-4-4w8 18 townheuse units. Lengthy discussion was held. Mr. Ostherr ~ade a motion,which would also become part of a letter %o be sent to the B,,4~ding Inspector, that the read as sho~ on the plan, wb4~e it does net meet P]~--~-~ B~ard req,,~ements as t~ the roadway and turnaro,,~i it is acceptable for the purposes of iss,,~-~ permits. Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion. Further discussio~ was held. Mr. Keirsteed suggested that the Board give the read~a~ tentative approval as a preliminary plon~ he said there.are t~o exceptions to the requirements, the 20-ft. roadway and no tu,~ound on the second road. Mr. Ostherr then made a ruction that the Plaaa~g Beard approve the plan entitled "A ~ite and Topographic Plan for To~nhouse Development in North Andever, Mass~ dated April 20, 1972" with the street as shown in brown on said plan~ that we tantatively approve this street as shown on this pre2~m~-~y plen subject te the event,,-~ submission of detailed specifications of the roadway. Mr. M~nteiro seconded the motion a~d the vote was unanimous. October 2, 1972- cont. Mr. Chester S,,11~van appeared before the Board with plans to be sigmed as "Not Requiring Pl_a~-E Board Approval". Discussion was held oa the plains presented and the Board fo _n~d___ several discropencies. Areas on some of the lots were p~t shown properly. These lots front on Salem Street. Mr. Sullivau will present corrected plans at the Oct. 17th meeting. George Barker appeared before the Board to discuss the 100 feet of i~ustrial land that was re-zoned to residential at the June special town meeting at the request of Norman Lentz. Mr. Barker would like to get back that 1OO feet of industrial land and wanted to get the Board's thoughts on possibly re-zeroing that 100 feet to industrial. The Board will discuss this matter further at the next meet!~g. yAT~.a~m~ STUDY COMMITTEE: The Board accepted the letter from the Board of Health appointing their member $camlon to the Lake Cochichewick Watershed Study Oemmittes. BOARD OF AP]:q~AT~q ~iOP~J:~ & DECISIONS: The Pla~-~-g Board received notices of three hearings to be held by the Board of Appeals on October 16th. 1. Conversion of Steveas Mills to apartments. Mr. Xeirstead feels that t~ should suppor~ this and advise the Board of Appeals to proceed ~ith optimism and caution in that all requirements of the By-Law are met. Mr. Ostherr made a motion to write to the Board of Appeals as stated; Mr. Nonteiro seconded the motioa and the vote was 2, Antho~ Wertz. The Board h_~.$ no comment to make. 3. Maryemme Trombly. Mr. Keirstead made a motion to advise the Board of Appeals that the P.A.C. and the P]an-~nE Board in preparation of the new ZO-t-g By-Law adopted at Special Town Meeting, intentio-~lly omitted this use frem the By-Law and concluded that transmitting towers were net an appropriate use in a~ ~oming district in town. Mr. Ostherr seconded the motion. Mr. Ostherr & Mr; Keirotead voted yes; Mr. Ohepulis amd Mr. Nonteiro voted no. The motion failed. Mr. Chepulis then made a motion that the Board make no comment. Mr. Monteiro seconded the motion. Three members voted yes and Mr. Ostherr voted PRINTING OF ZONING BY-LAWS: Mr. Ostherr and Mr. Keirstead will get prices from two printing firms for the printing of the new Zoning By-Laws and map and report at the next meeting. October 2, 1972 - cont. P.U.D~ STUDY COi~TTEE~ Mr. Oetherr made a motion to rescind the action taken bytheP~Board at /ts, last mee~ingwithregard to the P.U.D. Study Committee and reaffirm the Planning Board's intention to appoint the five members already listed plus three Planning Boardmembers, namely, Don Keirstead, Fritz Ostherr and Nilliam Chepulis to make an eight man comm~tteewith Fritz Ostherr as chairman andDon Keiretead as Vice Chairman. Mr. Monteiro seconded the met[on and the vote was unanimous. The secretary will notify the members that October 12th eill be the first meeting date. Copies of the P.U.D. regulations drafted by John Brown will be sent to each member for study. HOUSIN~ STUDY COmmITTEE: Mr. Keirstead reported on the last meetiag held by the Housing Study Co~. They have had very interesting meetings. Marlene Stekert is c~-t~mau; Mr. DeParis is Vice Chairman and Don Xeirstead is secretary. The next meeting will be on October 12th. PROPOSED SUBDMSION R~ES AND REGULATIONS: Mr. Keirstead said an open meeting will be held at a later date with any interested persons. More discussion will he held on this at another time. NISCELLA~EDUS MATTE~S: Mr. Keirstead would like to discuss further at the next meeting, the lots en Jay Burke's subdivision off Chestnu.t Street. ~ Also to be discussed at the next mepting will be the ~igmiag of plans "Not Reqmfrkag Plan~ing Board Approval" and the practice of people going to the members' homes for signatures. John Monteiro reported that he attended an Airport Commission meetiag last week. The Board signed George Farr~'s defiaitive subdivision pleas. The meeting adjourned at ll:O0 P.M. '(Donald N. £eirstead) Ch~rm~m Secretary