HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-22 The PLA~I~ ~OA~D ~et ea Friday evm~-_% June 22, 1~73 at ?~30 P.~. h ~e Ol~kj: ~ N. ~s~ ~ ~ Oaths. A~O ~t James This mee~ing was e~lled to hold a hearing upon two amendnen~s to the Z~ug B~-Lau wh~h wilX bo voted u~ at a special tram mee$4n~ ~o bo held on ~0 j~e 2~th. Mr. He,eSr, nede a ms,ion ~o a~oep~ ~ho ~,~os of ~he previous Koirsteed seconded %he mellon and ~ho vo~o wH unanimous. Mr. Lamprey rea~ b legal no~i~e, upon peAi~on of ~he pw.~4~ Board, as followo~ delete tho refereace t~ nero #~ in the l~t area, .~n~q sq. ft. sectiea of the Sectiea ~.130, Zad~,,~ 2. District, as f~__e~ Delete xram (10).~eereatiea er Lt Bldg. Xusp. Ch-~los Fos~er ami Hr. Koirstead explained %~et ~M~dSeS had been taken ou~ of ~o Zon'~n~ ~-Eam at a s~c~ t~ ~ h ~c~ 1~72, ~t t~ ~ ~t, t~ ~~ ~~a ~. ~e ~ ~ d~ the ~~ r~,,~ts ~ ~ ~ t~ ~ c~ ~ve ~ t~ ~i~ of t~es ~ t~ ~ ~t~ct. ~. FOo~ ~~ t~t ~ ~i~ ~ts f~ ~ ~ ~.4. ~ s~ fa~y or ~'~th ~,~ sq.~ ft. ~ts ~ 1~ ft. f~. Dis~uasion ~ls ha3d on b delo~ o~ re~rea~ion ar,as in Xnd.-2 distri~. Hr. Weirstea~ ox?o4n~ ~hat ~is wes also an oversight; that in tho drafting of ~he would bo cc~rect4~ that mistake. ~r. M~teiro -m~e a ~ti~ t~ recoa~d favorable acti~ ~r. Xeirstead seceded the aoti~ and the v~e ~as ~med~c~. The Board felt that this aeti~ ~ bring the Zeaing ~j~Lae ia ~ ~ith tho intent of tho eri~nm'~ draft by leaving eut this sec~Lon~ one else ap.Mo o~ b amendments am~ ~ae~e woo ~ opposition. (Ho~e: Spe~Lal ~oun seeing passed on bo~h a~i~les). JO~F~ ~t~t~AGALI~: ~d~li~ ~ F~re~t ~treeto it 8~ ~t~r be sh~ or t~ out cmpl~. A ~ ~ ~ ~ mcei~ ~t ~ t~s p~)~. d~e~t it v~t neeess~t ~e e~ ~e ~ ~ the lots. ~lved. Tb~$ matter vLLI be taken up af*~-at the Ju~y 2nd meeting,' ~ 'ree~Lpt of a repor~ free the Board of Health end the sub~Lssion, of further corseted, plans, ~r. Hente~ro ma~e a motie~ that eopies ~tt~ ~ s~ ~o ~ch m~ of t~ B~ for the J~ ~ ~; ~. ~st~d Se~ t~ m~ ~ t~ v~ w~ ~us. Hr. xe~rstaad made a melton the si~B the fo~v~f plus aa not ~ approYa~ under the ~dbd~y~sion Control Lex; Hr. XeuteLro seconded the ~o~Lon end 1. G~et CLurk~t. 2. JcaathanGr~, Forest St. cuosion should be hold on tho proposed pumping station fOr the devoloPsent. Victor Hatom and Ben Osgood had agreed to take ears of the area where Hrs. LtYes, on the turnaround. Hr. Cyr had se~&ested cuttin& the r~ad bask:to take a sl~&ht h~p that ~ a b!~ spot. Hr. Cyr also had Shah&eS to be made on the 8uffosted SbA% probably tho re&~LlAtiOnS shoed be chan&od to r~ alop~u& berms. D~scuss4on vas held on the pump stmtie~8, Probably the B.P.W. v~l some up u~th some sort o£ a recommendationt probab~ uaLu& portable pumps, s~uee generators a~e not 8~vazs apt to work. This is a nee problem which ahou~d be stu~Lod and some standard requirements be made. Hr. Che~,~4s brought out that at a recent Conservation O.~--~ssien roosting it was noted that the toun must hake application to the D.N.R. for the lifi station and that the developer is respomsiblo for preparing the p3;,~. Hr. Ohepulis read a letter from D~ relative to the C°nServation ~.~-4osion and the req~t of municipelities, ets. having to go to them for new roade~s, etc. under Oh. 781 of the G.L., effective July 1, 1~73. J~me 22, 197~ - cont. The Jo~um~ ~ mdxLt~ uas discussed an~ Hz'. Chepulis 8e~ that prob&bl~ ~00 acres and an~thi~ over that should be ~n & ~diffee~t eategor~. Ho said if tho ~3.wu4n~ Board: appe~ea a developnent, ~% should boeome a part of tho Master ?hn and shou~ bo dono in stqos~ the developer c~n ~hen re-sone part of it. There will be no P.U.D. where there 2s no 8euerj unless the oeb-~r can be brought to ~ a~eat it wonOt be done, The number appears to be two dwe~n_- · m4%8 per acro to. make & propeFl~ developed ~.UoD. area. eussed. They were told to take out the buildable land and b,4]d in clusters and to b,~!a according to the density allowed under r~ing. This included %~.~est ~ duple* etc. The' ~ roeoamendit,ion ua8 not tO pug a that recpAired a 8euer to bo run to itl place it vhore there is alread~ Bower avA41-ble. Xf high density ia ,,]'~oved., single fAn~ly homoo ~ IIovel' be ~r. Keiratead asMed feF, the Board members f~ on ~e Hr. Ostherr Said he eeneurrod With Hr' £eirstead'a remork~ b~ he doe'net want to push for this at this time' Mr. Chep"~4$ said it needs to be studied but not at an accelerated pace. Hr. Keiratead sa~d the Lm~est proposal is han~ °vel'our heads. Hr. ChoFul~s said wo can'~ be forced to take ac%ic~ b~eauao Land/Vo8% vant8 someth4u~ doue ~r. Xeirstead made a motion that' direction be given to the ~U9 ~t~y ~ttee to proceed to develop conceptual plans for the develo~ent an~ implemmtation of sane type of PUD zoning ordinancet but not attempt to draft this ordinmace in its specifications; and at the conclusion of t-h~:$ development, bring it before the Board, probably by October 1, 1~7~. Mr. aouteiro seconded the motion and the vote was ,---w4-~us. Hr. Xeirstead made a motion to :sendvote a copy of the motion to Land/Vest{' Mr. ~Cateiro s~ the motion and the uas unaniuous, COpies uilX also be sent to ~heldon O{~hert and John Roberts. ,a traffie rePOrt~oA~ dr~-~-e report frem the Archdioeese. Mr. Xeiratead Bade a mo~ion to enter them ~n the r°cordo and fLle them; Hr, Honte~ro seconded the, motion 0-~ t~e'v~te was maan~!J.ous; The laeo~n~ adJouraed at 9*30 P.M. ,