HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-14April 14, 1975 - Monday Regular Meeting The BOARD OF APPEALS held its regular monthly meeting' on Monday evening, April 14, 1975 et 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following member~ were present and voting: Frank Serio, Jr., Chairman; Alfred E. l~izelle, ¥ice-Chairm~n; William N. Salemme; I~r. Eugene A. ~eliveau, Clerk; Lot~is DiFruscio; and Asso. Member James D. Noble, Jr. DISCUSSIC~ - DR. WILLIAM PATTERSON CASE: Letter received ~ Atty. O. W. ~ombly, ~r. ~s read ~ %he ~i~. Atty. ~ombly ~s pres~% ~d ~oke of ta~ ~th To~ O~sel ab~ ~he ~r~ to ~ t~ d~. He m~ioned She v~i~oe of ~h 1972 ~d ~ 18, 19~ ~ ~ ~he ~e sec~i~s (7.22 · 7.~2) ~ cited ~d ~he ~ri~ce ~s ~ed, ~i~e~, ~h no c~ditions ab~t ~g ~he ~a~. As a ~er of law he ~s ~o raf~e i~ ~fore he ~ sell either of these lots, ~ if he raises it n~ he ~11 ~ve ~o leave ~rs ~ ~he s~ree~. ~. ~ombly ~ated ~t it appe~s ~ ~he T~ is pro~ec~ as i~ s$~ds ri~$ n~ howe~r, if the ~ ~11 feel be~$er ~hey ~11 ~ ~he above ~ ~i~g. ~. ~rio stated t~t it showed t~t it w~ld ~ rais~ ~ She p~. ~. ~omb~ c~$ed t~t he sees no sense at all ~use i~ is use~l $o the pe~i$i~er. ~. Serio felt t~t the ~A~ a~ld do t~s ~bjeo~ %o a ~blic hear~g. Atty. ~bly's th~hts we~ %~t ~his w~ld ~ck up a ~o~e~'s ne~a. ~i~_~ Serio no~ed ~$ if we let ~his c~tion e~s2 ~hen ~e ~ come ~ ~d ~ s~eSh~g ~ ~ pl~ ~d no~ h~or i~. ~ther 2he ~lding is ~Zed or y~ keep it ~here ~ a ~i~ce, ~t i$ ~ld no~ stay the ~y i~ is. ~bly fel~ ~ ~his o~ld ~ d~e ~ s$i~ti~ ~h a cove~t ~i~ ~h ~he ~d ~her $~n She ~ ~. Serio ~esSed. ~e ~ $o check ~$h ~old $o see if ~his is acceptable. The Building Inspector spok~ saying that he supported Patterson's original petition because he thought he was trying to meet the conditions of the Zoning By-Law and inquired as to wh~ they have cha~ged their minds about razing the garage. Dr. Patter- son s~ated that now it is a usefUl building and right or wrong this is how he feels. Originally, he said, he had to do that in order to get %he variance. Mr. Foster said that he could have made it a condition before he issued the building permit. The consensus of the ]~OAND was to decide about the public hearing upon receipt of Arnold Salisbury's reply. Mr. Trombly stated that he didn't have to talk to Charlie Foster and proceeded to leave the meeting room. Letters from Arnold Salisbury and letter from 1~_~ Serio to the Selectmen of Nov. 15 were read. John J. Willis, Jr. presented a plan in triplica-t;e, to the BOARD. Mr. Rober~ ~tson ~as also present. The BOARD would like to see a barrier near the rear pond. Charles Foster felt that maybe the bushes, trees, etc. would be better than a Barrier to hold the soil. James Noble noted that the area in front of the rear pond has a sluiceway now~ the pond is actually higher than the Drook. ~r. Watson wants to build the road higher and explained the route of the Brook. Mr. Frizelle asked how much longer he anticipates excavation and, also, the whole project. Watson answered, ~ithin two years for the whole project. By nex~ year the to~al area in red on the plan on the bank of the rear pond should be seeded and some trees planted plus a couple of other areas~ said Wateon. tie would rather see trees than seed because if it is not mowed for a few ~ears it becomes a fire hazard. Mr. Willis stated than anything that is done to the property from mow on will enly e~bA~ce it and guarantees they will start the screening on the front, l~r. Noble wondered if the BOARD was getting into trouble with the Conservation Co...~ssion by having him build a dike nex~ to the Brook, but the BoAP~D felt that they were far enoug~ away. The BOARD then reviewed the bond. He is to build up the front pond in the southwest April 14, 1975 - cont. corner; %he l~nks of She p~nd shall be ,~ec~nstructed; %he red area of n~p %o ~ pl~%ed, ~0 %tees per acre. ~d %he presen2 pemi% %o ~co~o~$e %he pl~ ms p~senSed. ~. ~zelle ~e a m~i~ %~% ~he ~ e~d %he peri% for ~e y~ ~% to ~he c~diti~s of ~he presen~ pe~ plus ~he condi~i~s pr~i~sly~ stinted. '~. Di- ~scio seceded ~d She v~e ~s ~,a,~s. MISCELLANE(NS MA~PER~: Notice of Cc~serva%icm Co-,.~ ssi~n hearing ~n Planning Office for Urban Affairs was read mhd mcknowledged by the BOARD. PATTERS~ CA~E.- Motic~ was made by Mr. Frizelle to petition the Selectmen to advise Town Counsel %o enforce the decisic~ of the BOARD and secended by Mr. DiFruscio. The vote was una~imous.. Eax~h Removal By-Law: C_h~rles Foster ~n%ed %0 know if th'ere was any ques~ima about the proposed By-Laws- whether or not the BOARD can impose the c~ditions of the new try-law on %he existing permits. A decision was not apparent a% this time. The mee$ing adjourned at 9:30 P.M.