HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-05 Planning Board Meeting Minutes PLANNING BOARD Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Town Hall, 120 Main Street 7:00 PM 1 Present: J. Simons, M. Colantoni, D. Kellogg, L. Rudnicki, L. McSherry, R. Rowen 2 Absent: 3 Staff Present: J. Tymon,J. Enright 4 5 Meeting began at 7:00 pm. 6 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS 8 LOT RELEASES 9 1679 Osgood Street: Release of all 9 subdivision lots and establishment of Roadway Bond. 10 J. Tymon: The subdivision in now called "Stanton Woods" and roadway has been named 11 Stanton Way. Nearly all of the work has been completed, with the exception of the pavement 12 topcoat, and the applicant would like to establish the bond and release the lots. There have been 13 some keys changes made to a couple of the lots that need to be discussed. The DPW has 14 recommended the roadway bond amount of$149,800. There has been a minor modification on 15 Lot 31. The house on this lot is moved further from the wetlands and further away from the 16 CDD3 district. The applicant has requested a waiver for the sprinkler requirement in the 17 Decision and the Fire Department has recommended that the sprinklers stay. 18 Phil Christiansen, Christiansen and Sergi: Reviewed recommended changes of an infiltration 19 basin as opposed to a rain garden on lots 4 and 2. 20 MOTION 21 A motion was made by R. Rowen that the Planning Board accepts the DPW recommendation of 22 the bond amount for 1679 Osgood Street and to release the subdivision lots subject to receiving 23 the bond in proper format. The motion was seconded by D. Kellogg. The vote was unanimous, 24 6-0. 25 BOND RELEASES 26 108 Campion Road: Request for release of performance bond funds. 27 J. Tymon: The restoration of the cleared area is complete. A site visit has been completed. 28 MOTION 29 A motion was made by D. Kellogg to release all remaining bond funds for 108 Campion Road. 30 The motion was seconded by M. Colantoni. The vote was unanimous, 6-0. 31 32 72 Great Pond Road, "Turkey Hill": Request for release of performance bond funds. 33 J. Tymon: This bond was for a three lot subdivision with an existing home. The site is stabilized 34 and the roadway is complete. 35 MOTION 36 A motion was made by D. Kellogg to release all remaining bond funds for 72 Great Pond Road. 37 The motion was seconded by R. Rowen. The vote was unanimous, 6-0. 38 39 PUBLIC HEARINGS 40 School Administration Building: Application for Site Plan Review Special Permit. Applicant 41 proposes construction of a 7,380 sq. ft. School Department Administration Building with 34 42 parking spaces and associated grading, stormwater management, landscaping, and utilities in the 43 Residential 4 (R-4) zoning district. 1 PLANNING BOARD Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Town Hall, 120 Main Street 7:00 PM 44 R. Santilli, Assistant Town Manager: This is for the construction of a School Administration 45 Building to be located at 566 Main Street. It is a single level structure with one step-up in the 46 middle. The bid process will be conducted over the winter with an anticipated construction start 47 date of March 31, 2014. The goal is to have the school administration personnel moved into the 48 building by June 20, 2015. 49 Kaffee Kang, Architect: The building will roughly in the same location as the old police station 50 building, but with a larger footprint. Reviewed the existing conditions plan and proposed site 51 plan. 52 Imad Zrein, Civil Engineer: The proposed site will have access from Main Street only, there will 53 be 34 parking spaces on the North side, there will be two entrances to the building, and there is 54 an overall reduction in the amount of impervious area v. the existing site plan. The stormwater 55 management plan includes a crushed stone perimeter drip strip for roof runoff, leaching basin for 56 overflow, and a grass swale with stone check dams for any additional overflow. The DPW will 57 maintain the grass swale. 58 J. Tymon: L. Eggleston has commented that the project will need a Stormwater Pollution 59 Prevention Plan (SWPP) for construction because it is over an acre. 60 L Zrein: The site is more than an acre. A SWPP will be required if the disturbance is more than 61 acre. 62 D. Kellogg: Why was access from Main Street chosen rather than from Osgood Street? 63 K. Kang: The foundation of the old Johnson High School is buried under the existing parking 64 lot. The proposed building is going to clip it on the corner but it is pushed as far to the South on 65 the site as possible in an attempt to avoid this foundation. The grades work better to keep the 66 building as high as possible and having access from Main Street. Osgood Street is lower than 67 Main Street. The hours of operation for the School Administration building are not the same as 68 either Kittredge School or the Middle School. Traffic to and from the proposed building will not 69 conflict with the school traffic. Also, Osgood Street is more of a residential neighborhood. 70 BOARD: General discussion around building elevations and materials, slope of the lot, height 71 and length of the proposed retaining wall, and landscape screening for the street side of the wall. 72 K. Kang: The outside building material will preferably be brick; however, based on budgetary 73 restrictions alternatives may need to be considered. 74 R. Rowen: Can a fence be put around the rooftop HVAC units or could they be put on the 75 ground or inside the building? 76 K. Kang: The units sit in the center of the flattened roof area. A fence could be put around it but 77 it would have to be four feet out and it may be more noticeable than the unit itself To put the 78 unit either inside the building or on the ground would be much more costly. An effort will be 79 made to minimize the visual impact. The noise of the units should not be an issue. 80 J. Simons: It would be nice to include photos or a plaque commemorating the Johnson High 81 School and the history of the site. 82 J. Simons: The hearing will be kept open and a draft Decision can be reviewed at the next 83 meeting. 84 85 MEETING MINUTES: Approval of October 1, 2013 meeting minutes. 86 MOTION 2 PLANNING BOARD Meeting Minutes Tuesday, November 5, 2013 Town Hall, 120 Main Street 7:00 PM 87 A motion was made by L. Rudnicki to approve the October 1, 2013 meeting minutes. The 88 motion was seconded by R. Rowen. The vote was unanimous, 6-0 in favor. 89 90 EXECUTIVE SESSION 91 Executive session to discuss litigation strategy in North Andover Land Corp v. North Andover 92 MOTION 93 D. Kellogg: I move that the Board vote to go into Executive Session to discuss confidential 94 communications with Town Counsel for legal advice, and to discuss litigation strategy in the 95 case of North Andover Land Corp v. North Andover and that the Chair declare that an Open 96 Session would be detrimental to the Town's litigation strategy position, and to not return to Open 97 Session. 98 Roll Call: L. McSherry voted to go into Executive Session, D. Kellogg voted to go into 99 Executive Session. R. Rowen voted to go into Executive Session. J. Simons voted to go into 100 Executive Session. M. Colantoni voted to go into Executive Session. L. Rudnicki voted to go 101 into Executive Session. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 102 103 ADJOURNMENT 104 MOTION: 105 A motion was made by R. Rowen to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by D. 106 Kellogg. The vote was unanimous, 6-0 in favor. 107 108 The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. 109 110 MEETING MATERIALS: Agenda, 1679 Osgood Street: Bond Estimate 42 for Stanton Way, 111 North Andover date October 28, 2013, Email dated November 1, 2013 from G. Willis to J. 112 Tymon re: two items regarding Stanton Woods, Email dated November 1, 2013 from Dan 113 O'Connell to J. Hughes re: Lot 4 Alternative Site Plan, Letter dated October 29, 2013 from Chief 114 Andrew Melnikas to J. Tymon re: Stanton Way, Alternative Site Plan Lot 4, Site Plan for Lot 4, 115 Site Plan for Lot 5, Site Plan for Lot 31, 108 Campion Road: Planting Plan, 72 Great Pond 116 Road: As-Built Plan of Land "Turkey Hill" subdivision, School Administration Building: Letter 117 dated October 30, 2013 from L. Eggleston to NA Planning Board re: stormwater review School 118 Department Building 566 Main Street, Letter dated November 4, 2013 from Imad A Zrein, P.E. 119 re: response to stormwater review School Department Building, 566 Main Street, Site 120 Development Plans revised to November 4, 2013(9 sheets), Executive Session: draft motion 121 language, 10/1/2013 draft meeting minutes. 3