HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-21 Planning Board Minutes Town of Noah Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitan Goldberg, Chairman � •` John Simons ' Aaron Preston Peter Boynton ���� �,�.. Jennifer Litz %%,oi Lori Crane,Associate Tuesday August 21, 2018(4, 7 p.m. 120 Main Street Town Hall,North Andover, MA 01845 1 2 Present: E. Goldberg, P. Baynton, J. Luz, J. Simons,A. Preston, L. Crane (Associate) 3 Absent: 4 Staff Present: E. K.foury, J. Enright,M. Gregoire, B. Wolstromer 5 6 E. Goldberg, Chairman: The Planning Board meeting for Tuesday,August 21,2018 was called to order at 7 p.m. 7 Board welcomed new Associate Board Member-Lori Crane. 9 BOND RELEASE: 10 1665 Great Pond Road TKZ LLC: Requests release of remaining bond funds (;1;4,000)plus remaining interest associated 11 with the demolition of'an existing single family dwelling and construction of a new single family dwelling with improvements 12 to existing driveway and connection to existing utility services within the Residential. I Zoning District. Portions of the work 13 are within the Non-Disturbance Buffer Zone of Lake Cochichewick. 14 M. Gregoire: Approved in April of 2016,. this project allowed for the demolition of an existing single family structure; 15 construction of a new single family dwelling and reconstructed upper driveway. In May of 2017 a Modification was 16 approved to reconfigure and replace the existing driveway with stormwater and drainage enhancements and install a patio and 1.7 in ground pool.The pool was not installed. We have received the engineer's letter of compliance and as-built plans. 18 MOTION: J. Simons motioned to approve the bond release,plus interest for 1665 Great Pond Road,TKZ,LLC. P. Boynton 19 seconded. The vote was 5-0,imanimous in favor. 20 21 500 Great Pond Road,North Andover Country Club: Request release of remaining bond fiords($5,000 in connection 22 with a Site Plan Review Special Permit),($5,000 in connection with a Watershed Special Permit),and($1.0,000 Site Opening 23 bond)associated with the construction of a practice facility and parking lot expansion within 100' of a Bordering Vegetated 24 Wetland and within the General and Non-Disturbance Zones of the Watershed.Protection District of Lake Cochichewick. 25 M, Creg-ore: In 2014 the Board approved a Site Plan Review Special Permit and.Watershed Special Permit to allow 26 construction of an additional 3 new parking spaces on the premises,4 along the travel lane,for a total of 27 new parking 27 spaces.The project also involved the rehabilitation of a putting green,new cart path, a four paddle tennis court,new short 28 game practice area, drainage systern work and upgrades to the drainage system in the General and Non-Disturbance zones of 29 the Watershed District. The Board approved'Insubstantial Changes to allow for a culvert originally to be removed which 30 remained. 'Deviations were noted when the as-built plans were submitted,i.e. a gravel path within 100 feet of the Wetland 31 Buffer zone and invasive species in a retention pond.The applicant has submitted photos of these areas demonstrating they 32 replaced the dirt on the cart path with additional gravel for runoff and stated they removed invasives from the retention pond j 33 which needs verification. 34 MOTION: J. Simons motioned to approve the three bond releases plus interest,subject to a site visit to verify the removal of t 35 invasive species,for 550 Great Pond Road,NACC. A. Preston seconded. The vote was 4-0,unanimous in favor(J. Litz 36 recused herseo. 37 38 660 Great Pond Road,Rollins!Ridge Retreat and Conference Center: Requests release of remaining bond funds($2,000) 39 associated with paving and repaving of the existing driveway connecting the main visitor parking area to Great Pond Road 40 with a portion of work occurring within the Non-Discharge Zone of the wetland resource area within the Residential I (R-1) 41 Zoning District. 42 M. Gregoire:This Watershed Special.Pennit was approved in 2018.We received the engineer's certification and as-builts;the 43 grass swales have grown in and there are no site related issues. 44 Jay,Lawrence,Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center: A 701h Anniversary celebration is planned for September 30, 45 2018;all Board members are invited. 46 MOTION: J. Simons motioned to approve the bond release,plus interest for 660 Great Pond Road. J. Luz seconded. The 47 vote was 5-0,unanimous in favor. 1 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitan Goldberg, Chairman JohnSimons Peter Boynton Aaron Preston Jennifer Luz " /% Lori Crane,Associate Tuesday August 21, 2018 4), 7 p.m. 1.20 Main}Street Town Hall, North Andover, MA 01845 48 49 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS: 50 1429 Osgood Street,Oliver Enterprise. Application for a Site Plan Review Special Permit under sections 8.3, 10.3, 10.31. 51 and 1.6 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw, The Applicant proposes exterior and interior renovations to an existing building 52 and seeks a special permit to allow a contractor's yard and outside storage of landscape products located within the Corridor 53 Development District 3 (CDD3)Zoning District. 54 M. Greu°e: All department comments have been received except for Health which submitted four pages of comments 55 regarding septic plans.The applicant has been requested to resubmit plans for review and approval. 56 B. Souza: Confirmed overall plans and septic layout will not change and will be resubmitted to the health department. 57 M._(kgZou•e: Since the last set of plans were submitted, lighting plans have been included. They have been reviewed and 58 approved by the Building Commissioner. 59 MOTION: J. Simons motioned to close the public hearing for the Site Plan.Review Special Permit for 1429 Osgood Street, 60 Oliver Enterprise.A. Preston seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor. 61 MOTION: A, Preston motioned to approve the Site Plan Review Special Permit for 1429 Osgood Street, Oliver Enterprise, 62 LLC, as amended and contingent upon receipt of an approved septic plan.J. Luz seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, 63 unanimous in favor. 64 65 Rea Street,Subdivision,Robert Messina Development Co.,Inc,:Application for a Definitive Subdivision to subdivide 66 Map 38,Lot 37 into seven(7)single-family residential lots with municipal water under M.G.L. Chapter 41,81-0, 81-T, 81-1J. 67 The project is located within the Residential 2 (R-2)Zoning District. 68 M. Gregoire: A site visit was held on August 2,2018;. public attended. Due to the public safety concern for traffic and school 69 children in the area we then performed a department site nisi with DPW,NA.FD,NAPD and Planning, Correspondence from 70 the NAPD and.DPW is included in your packets. They confirmed that a cul-de-sac is fine,however a thruway is better for 71 connectivity. Tinu street will be safe with stop signs and sidewalk. A 50 ft. roadway easement is proposed;its placement is 72 unusual as it bisects the setbacks and cuts them in half; it varies by lot which does not confirm to code. We have asked the 73 engineer to look at this, A traffic study will occur after school starts, i.e. late September. Drainage analysis is ongoing. 74 P. Christiansen: Explained how roadway easements in subdivisions are typically determined.According to Town Counsel 75 stated setbacks need to be measured from the house to the edge of the right of way. We can change the plan to note the right 76 of way; it is a public road. We submitted a preliminary cul-de-sac plan. The road is 200 ft. shorter in length; lots are 77 configured similarly.Drainage is not substantially different from the original plan.The Board determines whether this will be 78 a cul-de-sac. A Homeowners Association will be necessary for drainage. Suggests cul-de-sac be done by easement. G. 79 Hochmuth is working with a consultant regarding the placement of a beaver deceiver. 80 Board discussed the cul-de-sac configuration;prefers the arrangement for public safety concerns;traffic study not necessary, 81 Rick Green Abutter 357 Rea Street: Would like the questions lie submitted to the Board to be answered by the engineer. 82 [Continued to the Septenrber 6, 2018 Planning Bocard meeting] 83 84 NEW PUBLIC HEARING: 85 31 Johnson Circle Denise Favorat: Application for a Watershed Special Permit under Sections 4.136, 1.0.3 and 10.31 of the 86 North Andover Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant proposes to construct a 14'X16',4-Season finished sunroom and 1.0X10' deck 87 within the Non-Disturbance Zone. The project is located within the Residential 3 (R-3)Zoning District. 88 D.Favorat: Homeowner described intent of project. Conservation has identified and approved this as a small project and ZBA 89 has approved the project. The addition is right on the cusp of the 100 ft.marker. 90 M. Gre goire: The Town engineer has performed the peer review and identified outlets for the proposed gutters,construction 91 details for the proposed gutters,infiltration system and construction details of the sedimentation control barrier, 92 P.Boynton: Described the proximity of the stream that runs through Ridgewood Cemetery and its impact on the lake. 93 [Continued to the September 6, 2018 Planning Bocrrd rraeeling] 94 2 Town o f.North Andover PLANNING BOA Eiton Goldberg, Chairman John Simons Peter Boynton ,�� �, Aaron Preston Jennifer Litz ,i Lori Crane,Associate Tuesday Aggust 21, 2018 Cal 7 p.m. 120 Main Street "Town Hall, North Andover,MA 0.1845 95 "Town of North Andover Draft Master Plan: The Planning Board will discuss and comment on the Town of North Andover 96 Draft Master Plan. Residents are encouraged to participate. 97 E. Halvorsen: Reviewed format and updated changes to the Master Plan(particularly Addendum#2). 98 [Continued to the&,ptember Fi, 2018 Planning Board ineetingl 99 100 DISCUSSION: 101 Planning;Board Calendar 2018/2019:..Board approved the 201.8/2019 schedule, as amended,to reflect January 8&22. 102 (Meeting location for January 8,2019. may be relocated. Board will be updated.) 103 Potential.Zoning Changes: This starts a discussion about simplifying zoning. Look at the zoning map and identify where we 104 can simplify zoning.ZBA&Planning will also look at this. We will address this at the next meeting. 105 106 CORRESPONDENCE 107 Rollin Re idge Invitation; 108 109 MINUTES APPROVAL 1.10 MOTION:A. Preston made a motion to approve the July 24,2018 minutes. J.Luz seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, 111 unanimous in favor. 11.2 113 ADJOURNMENT 114 MOTION:P. Boynton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by A. Preston. The vote was 5-0, 1.1.5 unanimous in favor. Meeting adjourned @ 9:20 p.m. 116 117 MEETING;MATERIALS: Planning Board Meeting Agenda August 21,2018;DRAFTPlanning Board Minutes July 24, 119 2018; 1665 Great Pond Road TI{Z LLC: 160310 Rev Plan FINAL,20180725 1665 Great Pond Road-As Built,2018, 11.9 20180726 1.665 GPR As Built Compliance Letter,20180821 1.665 Great Pond Road Locus, Plan 170525; SQQ Great Pond. 120 Roan:3006_Gravel Cart Path, 140715_500 Great Pond Road SPR NA Country Club, 140715_500 Great Pond Road WSP NA 121 Country Chub, 170613_-Great Pond Road 500__Insubstantial_TIMESTAMP,20180725 As-Built Plan 500 Great Pond Road, 122 20180725 Bond Release,20180821 500 Great Pond Road Locus;660 Great Pond Road, Rollin;Ridge: 2018-08-02 WSP As 123 Built Compliance 660 Great Pond Road,201.80730 660 Great Pond Road_As BuiltPlan,20180805 660 Great Pond 124 Completion Letter,20180821 660 Rolling Ridge Locus,Recorded Decision; 31 .Johnson Circle Denise Favorat: Department 125 Review: Conservation: 200802 Department Review-Conservation,NACC#214, 31 Johnson Circle Approval,200802 126 Department Review-Conservation,200802 Department Review-Health,201821 Fire Department Review, Stormwater 127 Review: 20180810 DPW Review, 31 Johnson Circle Special Permit Plan-Revised 7-13-18, 180719 Degradation letter, 128 20171218 Norse Soils Evaluation,20180807 Time Stamped Legal Notice posted,20180821 31 Johnson Cir Special Permit. 129 Plan Revised, Christiansen&Sergi Support letter for Special Permit,Watershed 7-19-18,Narrative for 31 Johnson Circle 130 Addition for Planning-Special Permit;Town of North Andover Master Plan:2018-05-24 DRAFTMASTER PLAN 131 DOCUMENT,2018-08-15_RKG Master Plan Changes Addendum2; 1429 Osgood Street Oliver Enterprise.:2018-08-20 132 1429 Osgood St-Impact Statement, 18071.7 Decision 1429 Osgood-Civil Plan Set-STAMPED,20180809 Peer Review sign 133 off,20180810 1.429 Osgood St TEC Peer Review#3 Final; Rea Street Subdivision Robert Messina:20180731 Stormwater 134 Management Report-Revised,20180806 Rea St.Cul de sac-Conceptual Plan,20180814 Fire Department Site Visit,20180816 135 DPW email on Safety Concerns,20180821 Conceptual Subdivision Plan,20180821 setbackadjustment,Environmental 136 Statement,RFA ST DEF SUB 7-31-18(1), Written Documentation 8 3;Planning Board Meeting Calendar-2018-2019, 137 Potential Zoning Changes: Zoning Map; Correspondence: 20180802 Rolling Ridge Invitation. 3