HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-25 Planning Board Minutes Town of'North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitan Goldberg, Chairman •" John Simons Peter Boynton j ���, aw�`• Aaron Preston Jennzfer Luz %'%/ Lori Crane,Assoc. i Tuesda ,September 25 2018 .m. 120 Main Street Town Hall North Andover A 01845 1 2 Present: E. Goldberg, J. Luz, J. Simons,A. Preston, L. Crane 3 Absent: P. Boynton 4 Staff Present: M. Gregoire,B. Wolstromer 5 6 E, Goldbera, Chairman: The Planning Board meeting for Tuesday, September 25,2018 was called to order at 7 7 p.m. 8 9 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: 10 Town of North Andover Draft Master Plan: The Planning Board will discuss and comment on the Town of I 1 North Andover Draft Master Plan. Resident comment is encouraged. 12 E. Halvorsen,RKG: Noted recent edits were made by the Town Manager and BOS to the public facilities section; 13 the Board now has a plan to vote on. 14 Board Discussed implementation of the plan and potential support and assistance to the BOS; i,e. zoning issues, 15 inclusionary zoning, etc. Board thanked all the members of the board for their efforts on behalf of the new Master 16 Plan. 17 MOTION: J. Simons motioned to approve the 2019 North Andover Master Plan. J. Luz seconded. The vote was 18 4-0,unanimous in favor. 19 20 Rea Street Subdivision,Robert Messina,Messina Development Co.,Inc.. Application for a Definitive 21 Subdivision to subdivide Map 38, Lot 37 into seven(7)single-family residential lots with municipal water under 22 M.G.L. Chapter 41,81-0, 81-T, 81-U. The project is located within the Residential 2(R-2)Zoning District. 23 M. Greer: Noted the cul-de>-sac configuration is now reflected in the recent plans. The right of way has been 24 addressed and the peer review is completed. We are waiting on the stormwater review. The clock on this project 25 expires on October 27, 2018 and anticipate closing the public hearing at the October 16, 2018 Planning Board 26 meeting. 27 Phil Christiansen: Reviewed updates to the definitive subdivision plans, i.e. cul-de-sac design, roadway width, 28 proposed catch basins to the street, proprietary stormwater systems for sediment control,two underground 29 infiltrations systems, natural walkway connection to Abbot Street, and noted the beaver deceiver has been installed 30 and is working. 31 E. Goldberg: Inquired about the gate to be located at the end of the natural path. 32 P. Christiansen: We have not proposed a gate. 33 Beth Williamson abutter 356 lea Street: Reviewed issues regarding the impact to her property involving 34 potential sewer access, construction vehicle access, dust control,water pollution, tree removal, gas main and 35 utilities, and street name. 36 E. Goldberg: Confirmed the Planning decision will cover dust mitigation as a construction requirement, i 37 stormwater runoff will be reviewed by our peer consultant and noted that changing the street name is perhaps a 38 good idea however, may be complicated. 39 M. Gregoire: We have not heard comment from the DPW and we will consult with Town Counsel regarding the } 40 street name. Conservation is concerned with Lot 7 and the two infiltration systems. 41 Rick Green, abutter, 357 Rea.Street: Suggested pipe bollards for the gate material noting the Town stores snow in 42 this area during winter, limiting accessibility. Agreed with renaming the street other than Rea Street and suggests 43 continuing it as North.Cross for consistency to that street. 1 1 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitan Goldberg, Chairman � John Sinmons Aaron Preston Peter Boynton � � �illr'��( ��r�•"Jenn fer Luz Lori Crane,.Assoc. Tuesday September 25 201 8 k 7 .nm. 120 Main Street Town Hail North Andover MA 01845 44 E. Goldberg: We suggest continuing and will work toward a vote at the October 16, 2018 Planning Board meeting. 45 MOTION: J. Simons motioned to accept the applicants Continuance for 0 Rea.Street Definitive Subdivision to 46 November 13, 2018 allowing time to render a decision by November 1.6,2018. 47 [Continued to the October 16`h Planning Board ineeting] 48 49 N:EW PUBLIC BEARINGS 50 1717 Turnpike Street: Consideration of Repetitive Petition application under the Town of North Andover 51 Bylaw Section 10.8, for the construction of a new, 2,400 sq.ft. Commercial Two-Unit Building within the General 52 Business(GB)Zoning District. 53 The procedure for a Repetitive Petition calls for the Planning Board to hold a public hearing on the petition and to 54 make a determination that the petition before it has specific and material changes in the conditions upon which the 55 previous unfavorable action was based and to consider consent to allow the petitioner to re-petition the Zoning 56 Board of Appeals. 57 M. Gregoire: The applicant appeared before the ZBA seeking setback variances and received a negative finding. 58 They have petitioned and are now before you with their applications and various materials for a repetitive petition 59 which allows their to demonstrate specific and material changes in conditions upon which the previous and 60 favorable action was based. 61 E.E. G'oldber : Expressed concern for how the ordinance reads finding it confusing; we have to grant our consent 62 based on material and significant change. 63 Connie V'ergados, applicant: Described her salon business and the potential site. Lot totals 15,000 sf. non- 64 conforming lot. 65 J. Simons: Questioned how you can legitimately grant a variance for this lot which is too small. 66 P. Christiansen: On 114 you are required to have a 100 ft. setback;the lot is only 90 ft. deep.The abutters 67 requested the style of the building look different than what was submitted. It is now more New England looking 68 than originally proposed. 69 J. Simons: Did the lot coverage ratio change? Our determination is on variance requests v. how the building looks. 70 C. Ver ag dos: Explained the 3 topics reviewed at the last ZBA meeting: structure style(deemed too cosmopolitan), 71 structure size and setback. Summarized building went from 2,900 sf to 2400 sf. and increased side setback by 5 ft. 72 pushed the building further back into the lot. 73 P. Christiansen: Rear requirement is 50ft.Lot coverage ratio is 15,000. GB District calls for 35%; this is 16%. 74 E. Goldberg: ZBA decision states the building size was reduced, design was revised and side setbacks were 75 addressed as specific and material changes. 76 Chris Carter,abutter, 15 Colonial Avenue: The ZBA was off topic discussing aesthetics;the variances for parking 77 and building changed minitually. The abutters are clearly against this and the plans aren't very different. It is a 78 very large structure on a very small lot. 79 John Hendrick abutter, 20 Colonial Avenue: Expressed concern for the traffic created by 12 parking spaces. 80 E. Goldberg: The parking has remained the same at 12 spaces therefore that is not material. 81 Tony Onello, abutter, 112 Colonial Avenue: Defined the term material as being important, essential or relevant. 82 The changes are insignificant. The impact on the abutters,the home behind the site and traffic is material. Adding 83 a cupola is immaterial. 84 E. Goldbert : Gave definitions of material changes. 2 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitan Goldberg, Chairman John Sinions PeterBoynton ����l�i��n'9� Aaron Preston Assoc. Jennifer Luz Lori Crane, 1 J TuesdoE September 25 2018 .m. 120 Main,Street Town Ha1,1 North.Andover,MA 01845 1 85 Caroline Castaldo abutter, 85 Colonial Avenue: The changes proposed are insignificant.The building is too large 86 for the property. Reducing the structure by 200 sf is immaterial. The lot is unbuildable,the structure could have 87 been proposed as single storefront. Architectural changes are minor; impact to the neighborhood is material. 88 C. Vergaros: Explained the building went from 65'x40' to 60'x40'. The business is a 4 chair salon,we have to 89 sustain the expenses of running the business by having a tenant. Parking conforms with the requirements. r 90 J. Simons: You increased the non-conformity to the rear of the site by increasing the variance. 91 Judy Ferris, abutter, 31 Oxbow Circle: The ZBA asked the applicant to reduce the building to one store.A 2% 92 decrease in lot coverage, and 20 sf reduction in building size is insignificant. 93 Lana Gill abutter 10 Colonial Avenue: Concern for hack of changes in pat-king;traffic is a problem. 94 Nick Chamallas abutter, 30 Oxbow Circle: Very little has changed, it is still non-conforming. t 95 Laura DelMarco abutter 74 Colonial Avenue: Noted two similar local ZBA decisions as references. 96 Board reviewed proposed changes and discussed whether they were material or specific, unanimously concluding 97 that the proposed changes were in fact not deemed material, or specific. 98MOTION: J. Simons motioned to close the public hearing.A. Preston seconded. The vote was 4-0, unanimous in 99 favor. 100 MOTION: J. Simons motioned to withhold the Board's consent based on the findings; changes made were 101 deemed as not material nor specific, for the Repetitive Petition for 1717 Turnpike,Nicholas Vergados. J. Luz 102 seconded. The vote was 4-0,unanimous in favor. 1.03 104 DISCUSSIONS 105 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) 1.06 11i1. Gregoire: Presented the municipal permit information provided by Conservation explaining that this relates 107 directly to the Clean Water Act and the MA DEP as being a regulation put in place to protect stormwater runoff. 1.08 The update includes the Merrimack Valley Watershed lakes&wetland area. The regulation helps decrease illicit 1.09 discharge and evaluates how we comply with mandates. 110 E. Goldberg: Concerned that this effort adds additional costs to cities and towns; i.e. having to treat waters that run Ill across roadways. 112 113 MINUTES APPROVAL 114 MOTION: A. Preston motioned to approve the September 6, 2018 minutes. J. Luz seconded. The vote was 4-0, 115 unanimous in favor. 116 117 ADJOURNMENT 1.18 MOTION: J. Luz motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by A. Preston.The vote was 4-0, 119 unanimous in favor. Meeting adjourned @ 8:45 p.m. 1.20 j 121 MEETING MATERIALS:Planning Board Meeting Agenda September 25,2018;DRAF'`1 Planning Board Minutes September 6,2018; 122 Draft Master Plan:201.8-09-18 CLEAN VERSION BASED ON ALL COMMENTS,2018-09-18 RED LINED DRAFT MASTER PLAN 1.23 DOCUMENT BASED ON ALL COMMENTS,2018-09-18 RKG Master Plan Changes dendum 5, 180924 Formatted MASTER PLAN 124 DOCUMENT; 1717 Turnpike Street:Application Materials:'Locus Map,2018.5.9 Decision Variance '1717 Turnpike,Decision 1717 1.25 Turnpike Street 8-28-2018,Project Description,Request for Consent complete application(1),20180911 Time Stamped Legal Notice, i 126 Edith Ranney&others v.Board of Appeals of Nantucket;Rea Street Definitive Subdivision:20180903 Written Documentation,2018091.8 127 Civil Peer Review Letter,20180918 Def Sub Submittal,20180918 Stormwater Packet,2018091.8 Stormwater Review Letter,20180924 Rea 128 Street Stormwater Review-Comment Letter 3;Municigal Separate Storm Sewer Systems(MS4):North Andover NC)1_dralt for meeting. 3