HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-07 Planning Board Minutes /• Zl ZD?� Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD E. Goldberg, Chairman J. Simms Peter Boynton Aaron Preston Hate Bargnesi Kelly Corrrrier,Assoc. Tuesday Janrrar y 7, 2020 (a�7p.m. 120 Maid.Street, Towfr Hall, North Arrrloyer, AM 01845 1 2 Present: E. Goldberg,P. Boynton, K. Bargnesi, J. Simons A. Preston, K. Cormier,Assoc. 3 Absent: M. Gregoire 4 Staff Present: J. Enright, B. Wolstromer 5 E. Goldberg, Chairman: The Planning Board meeting for Tuesday,January 7, 2020 was called to order at 7 p.m. 6 7 NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 8 210 Holt Road,MMD Shooting: Application for Site Plan Review Special Permit under Sections 195-4.14 I, 9 Section 195-8.11. A(3) and Common Parking areas and multiple use facilities under Article 8 Part I Off Street 10 Parking and Loading of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant proposes to construct a 25'x75' addition 11 at the rear of the existing building and change the use of a portion of the building to an indoor shooting range and 12 retail use. This project is within the Industrial 2(1-2)Zoning District, 13 Kevin Foley, Owner's Attorney: Site Plan Review is triggered due to the change of use and need for 5 or more 14 parking spaces. Provided an overview of the project. There are 3 buildings on site; Building 1 is 15K sf consisting 15 of half office space and half maintenance,Building 2 is the C&D Transfer Station damaged by fire over the 16 summer, and Building 3 is maintenance garage. Proposal is to take half of Building 1, put a de minimis addition on 17 the rear, and convert it to an indoor shooting range.No residences within a half mile. Provided existing and 18 estimated needed parking spaces. The indoor shooting range is typically used evenings opposite the office use and 19 maintenance garage use. More information to be provided regarding noise and acoustics, airborne lead hazards and 20 remediation(inside to outside) and lead disposal, storage and safety of firearms, retail aspect, stormwater runoff 21 for proposed addition, and licensing requirements for the sale of firearms. Addition is proposed on existing 22 pavement. 23 J. Enright: The application narrative indicates a request for a waiver of parking spaces. Common parking 24 facilities require the approval of Special Permit. The Building Commissioner will need to review what is 25 proposed for the current/new use and the calculation of the required need. 26 Jeff Thomson: Described type of firearms to be used,mainly shotguns and handguns. Granulated rubber 27 encapsulated the bullets; in time the bullets are discarded. 28 [Confinifed to the January 21, 2020 Planning Board meeting] 29 30 500 Great Pond Road,North Andover Country Club: Application for a Watershed Special Permit under Part 31 5. Watershed Protection District and Section 10.7 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant proposes 32 the construction of an 917 sf. expansion of the clubhouse and 164 s£ expansion of a patio with associated 33 landscaping in the Non-Discharge Zone and Non-Disturbance Zone.The project is located within the Residential 1 34 (R-1)Zoning District, 35 P. Boynton: Inquired as to the existing playground facility located on property, in close proximity to the Lake. 36 Thomas Childs,Architect: Manager is looking into permitting for the playground structure; however, is not sure 37 that there was any associated permitting. 38 Planning Department to review the bylaw to determine if a Watershed Special Permit is required for the 39 playground facility. 40 MOTION: K. Bargnesi motioned to close the public hearing.J. Simons seconded. The vote was 5-0, unanimous 41 in favor. 42 MOTION: K. Bargnesi made,a motion to approve the Watershed Special Permit for 500 Great Pond Road,North 43 Andover Country Club, as amended. J. Simons seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor. 1 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD E. Goldbe►g, Chah-nian L6 J. Si►nons Aa►•on P►'esto►1 Peter Boytiton Kate Bangnesi Kelly Co►mien,Assoc. Tuesday January 7 2020 r 7 .m. 120 Main Stneet Torun Hall Month Andove► MA 01845 44 45 315 Turnpi[ce Street,Verizon Wireless: Application for Wireless Service Facility Special Permit—Site Plan 46 Review under Part 8 Wireless Service Facilities and Section 10.7 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw.The project 47 consists of the installation of 16 camouflaged antennas on the rooftop of the Rogers Center with supporting 48 equipment. This project is within the Residential-3 (R3)Zoning District. 49 Steve McGovern, on behalf of Verizon Wireless: Explained the previous attorney sadly has passed away and Atty. 50 John Weaver will assume the project from McI.,ane Middleton. 51 J. Enright: Stamped plans were received yesterday;the Building Inspector has reviewed them and has indicated 52 that they are compliant with the zoning bylaw. Peer review has some questions regarding the number of antennas 53 vs. stacks. S. McGovern confirmed the number of stacks(16 stacks/8 antennas). A draft decision will be prepared 54 for the next meeting. 55 `Con inued to the January 21, 2020 Planning Board weeting] 56 57 4 Hiah Street,RCG West Mill NA LLC: Application for Definitive Subdivision Approval in accordance with 58 MGL Chapter 41, Section 81-0, 81-T and 81-U and North Andover Code Section 255-5.5 to subdivide Map 54, 59 Lot I and Map 53, Lot 25 into three(3) lots and to create a new subdivision road. The proposed subdivision is 60 located within the Downtown Overlay District A: Historic Mill Area(underlying Industrial—S (I-S), Residential 4 61 (R-4)and General Business(G-B)Zoning Districts). Application for Definitive Subdivision Approval in 62 accordance with MGL Chapter 41, Section 81-0, 81-T and 81-U to subdivide Map 54, 53 Lots I & 25 into three 63 (3) lots in the Downtown Overlay District A: Historic Mill Area(underlying Industrial—S (I-S) and Residential 4 64 (R-4)Zoning Districts. 65 Tania Hartford &D. Steinberg: Made comments regarding the draft Decision. 66 Steve Schwartz,Atty. & Counsel for Avalon: Noted there is no Owner's Association rather a Reciprocal Easement 67 Agreement that will govern the relationship between the owners of the lot(s). 68 MOTION: P. Boynton motioned to close the public hearing. A. Preston seconded. Vote was 5-0, unanimous in 69 favor. 70 MOTION: J. Simons made a motion to approve the Definitive Subdivision Plan for 4 High Street, RCG West 71 Mill NA LLC, as amended. A. Preston seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor. 72 73 4 High Street—AvalonBay Communities,Inc.: Application for Subdistrict A Definitive Master Plan Special 74 Permit in accordance with The Town of North Andover Zoning bylaw Section 195-18,20. The Applicant proposes 75 the construction of a market-rate rental multifamily residential community to be known as Avalon North Andover, 76 consisting of a total of 200 studio, one,two and three-bedroom units to be contained within three(3) separate 4 77 four&five(5) story buildings and clubhouse comprised of approximately 111,221 sq., approximately 113,603 sq. 78 and 5,142 sq. ft. along with an outdoor pool, parking, storniwater management facilities, landscaping, signage and 79 other improvements to be located on approximately 9.44 acres of land. This project is located within the 80 Downtown Overlay District A: Historic Mill Area(underlying Industrial S (I-S)and Residential 4(R-4)Zoning 81 Districts, with all buildings proposed within the boundaries of the underlying I-S District). 82 D. Steinberg: Reviewed the history of the East and West Mill development, highlighting positive aspects of this 83 proposed project. 84 J. Enright: Reviewed prepared Staff Report including summary of permitting and zoning changes that have led to 85 this permit application. Conservation has requested test pit data in order to confirm accuracy storiuwater 86 management plan. Final Police Department and Fire Department on the fiscal impact analysis are outstanding. 2 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD K Goldberg, Chah-mart J. Simons Aarora Preston Peter-Boynton • .Date Bargnesi Kelly Cormier;Assoc. Diesday Januarp 7 2020 7 .m. I20 Main Street Towi Hall North Andover H4 01845 87 Board: Discussed building heights,total number of units if both buildings were a maximurn of 4 stories (170)and 88 potential benefits to push/pull the proposed 5-story steps-up. 89 Barbara Suhr, 148 Main Street: Expressed concern for large vehicles trying to access the loading docks and 90 visibility around them. Buildings are too close to Sutton Pond's property line. 91 Bob Dufault, 148 Main Street: Expresses concern for traffic and impact to schools. 92 Betsy Cote 116 High Street: Residents are naive to the Master Plan; we don't know the rules and regulations. Felt 93 that abutter input was not considered on this project. 94 Chris Barker, 181 High Street: Requested clarification on the height of the existing building along High St. 95 Jill Barker, 181 High Street: Expressed disappointment that what was said at the last meeting by the Board about 96 wanting fewer units and shorter buildings was not being pursued. Residents want this space developed with 97 reasonable plans. Concern for density and appropriate character. Five stories is too impactful. 98 Resident, 148 Main Street: As owners, market value of our units is approx. $250K. Noted the decline of Royal 99 Crest after the market dropped and Flatley exited. This impacts the value of our condominiums. As homeowners 100 we are now required to spend money to defend against cars going through our property. Amazon employees 101 earning$15 per hour will not be paid enough to afford these apartments which start at$2K each. 102 E.E. Goldberg: Qualified components of the Master Plan. Other by right alternate options may not be desirable. 103 D. Gillespie: Offered to coordinate an interactive working group session. 104 K. Bargnesi: The height of the buildings should drop;the overall massing seems disproportionate. 105 P. Boynton: Noted that although the Master Plan envisioned 200 units for this site,the application before the 106 Board is for a Special Permit and that is the criteria that governs. 107 Board: Discussed required criteria for the Decision, housing verses potential other by-right uses for this site, four 108 stories and 170 units vs. 4/5 stories. 109 D. Gillespie: At 170 units we may not have a project. Will meet with the property owners to further discuss. The 110 test pit data should be complete by the January 21, 2020 meeting. 111 [Contiinted to the Janumy 21, 2020 Planning Board meeting] 112 113 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 114 1600 Osgood Street,1600 Osf400d Street,LLC.: Application for Definitive Subdivision approval of a 1-lot Plan 115 on parcel of land consisting of approximately 31.06 acres located on the west side of Osgood Street at what is 116 known as 1600 Osgood Street, The Premises Affected is located within the 1-2 Zoning District. 117 Discussed Extension to February 5, 2020. 118 J.Enright.- The applicant requests an extension to February 5, 2020. 119 MOTION: P. Boynton motioned to accept the Definitive Subdivision extension and authorizes the PIanner to sign 120 and time stamp it. A. Preston seconded. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor. 121 (Continued to the January 21, 2020 Planning Board meeting] 122 123 1600 Onood Street, 1600 Osgood Street,LLC.: Application for Site Plan Review(Article 8, Part 3), and 124 Parking(Article 8,Part 1, § 195-8.8.) Special Permits; and,Article 10, § 195-10.7A of Chapter 195 --North 125 Andover Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant proposes to redevelop a 27.07-acre portion (proposed Lot A) of an 126 approximate 167.8-acre site commonly known as 1600 Osgood Street. The proposed project includes the 127 rehabilitation of approximately 399,999 square feet of existing buildings known as both Building Nos. 20 and 21, 128 along with 1,500 parking spaces and with upgrades to parking, access,utilities, stormwater management, lighting, 3 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD E. Goldberg, Chairmran G��r J. Simons Aaron Preston Peter Boynton • Date Bargnesi Kelly Cormier,Assoc. low Trrestlay January 7, 2020 rr 7 p.m. 120 Main Street,_Towit Hall,North Andover, AM 01845 129 landscaping and other associated improvements. This project is located within the Industrial--2(1-2)Zoning 130 District. 131 See Below 132 [Continued to the January 21, 2020 Planning Board meeting] 133 134 1600 Osgood Street,Hillwood Enterprises,L.P.: Application for Site Plan Review(Article 8, Part 3), Parking 135 (Article 8,Part 1, § 195-8.8.), Building Height(Article 7, § 195-7.4. and 195 Attachment 3, Town of North 136 Andover, Table 2: Summary Of Dimensional Requirements,Footnote 18), and Floor Area Ratio (Article 7, § 195- 137 7.6. and 195 Attachment 3, Town of North Andover, "fable 2: Summary Of Dimensional Requirements, Footnote 138 19) Special Permits; and,Article 10, § 195-10.7A of Chapter 195 --North Andover Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant 139 proposes the redevelopment of a 109.67 portion(proposed Lot B)of an approximate 167.8-acre site commonly 140 known as 1600 Osgood Street, and intends to construct a proposed e-commerce storage, warehouse and 141 distribution facility with accessory office and other uses, consisting of a 5-story building including approximately 142 3,773,997 square feet of gross floor area,with upgrades to parking,access, utilities, stormwater management, 143 lighting, landscaping and other associated improvements. This project is located within the Industrial---2 (1-2) 144 Zoning District. 145 J. Smolak: Reviewed minor changes in lot sizes, building heights (under 100 ft.), gross floor area, FAR, parking 146 and loading spaces, proposed sewer Iine installation and pump station location, alternate sewer line protection Lot 147 B, connections to Osgood Street,water and sewer comments. Entire site will be brought tip to DEP standards; 148 hope to resolve all issues on January 22,2020. Building Lot B is undergoing extensive state safety, building and 149 fire code review. FAA has reviewed our filing; MA Aeronautics Commission has issued their approval. We will 150 file our ANR plan soon. There are previous Notice of Decisions that will need to be superseded on the site.We 151 need to get over the MEPA hurdle. We hope to close with MA DOT soon. 152 (Continued to the January 21, 2020 Planning Board meeting] 153 154 155 1600 Osgood Street, 1600 Osgood Street,LLC. Application for Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Energy 156 Systems Site Plan Review(Article 8, Part 12); Setback Modification Special Permit(Article 8,Part 12, Section 157 195-8.88.D), and,Article 10, §195-10.7A of Chapter 195 --North Andover Zoning Bylaw. Applicant proposes the 158 redevelopment of a 30.00-acre portion(proposed Lot C) of an approximate 167.8-acre site commonly known as 159 1600 Osgood Street for a Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System. The proposed project will include 160 the relocation and redevelopment of a portion of an existing 6MW Solar Energy System onto proposed Lot C for 161 purposes of a Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System, including upgrades to access, utilities, 162 stormwater management, lighting, landscaping and other associated improvements. This project is located within 163 the Industrial-2 (I-2)Zoning District. 164 See Above 165 [Continued to the Januaty 21, 2020 Planning.hoard ineetingf 166 167 0 Chickerinu Rd., 137 Andover St.,The Trustees of Reservations: Application for a Site Plan Review Special 168 Permit under sections 195-8.1 LA(3)and 10.7 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant requests a 169 Special Permit to allow for the repurposing of an existing 24'x 60' shed to become a Visitor Center,parking for 60 170 cars and associated landscaping. The property is located in the R 3 Zoning District. [Kelly Cormier,Associate 171 Manning Board member recused helselffi•om the discussion] 4 Torun of North Andover PLANNING BOARD E. Goltlbetg, Chairman J. Simons Aaron Preston Peter Boynton Kate Bargttesi - Kelly Cornriet;Assoc. Ttresrlay Januaryy 7,2020 a, 7 p.m. I20 Main Stmet, Town Hall,Nor-tlz Andoven MA 01845 172 D. Colbert,Hancock Associates: We understand neighbors are concerned about flooding. We have mitigated the 173 stormwater runoff and we will have less runoff post development. The Trustees reviewed a swale on their 174 property. That Swale is not currently operating efficiently;the Trustees agreed to maintain it.The DPW has 175 concern for a blocked culvert downstream. It has been determined that it is not the Trustees responsibility; a draft 176 letter from the town will be sent to MA DOT regarding this culvert; applicant to help facilitate this. 177 Board: Discussed use on a residential property and growing number of events. At what point the activity is 178 considered commercial on a residentially zoned property v. educational. Suggested the Board write a letter to the 179 Board of Selectmen suggesting the Town may want to work collaboratively with the Trustees annually regarding 180 extent of the program and scope of use. (Board requested J. Enright to draft this letter). Suggested an annual 181 review would be appropriate for overflow parking, lighting, stortnwater management, and screening. 182 Melissa Rivers 179 Andover Street: I understand the finding(regarding the use)by the Building Commissioner, 183 however,we are considering the larger picture?The larger events are the issue here over the smaller venues. 184 Kelly Cormier, 169 Andover Street: This is currently a zoning violation that has a negative impact on the 185 neighbors. We cannot continue to allow this to perpetuate. Educational events aren't the issue(yoga,wreath 186 making,seeds), it's the beer gardens, events 5 nights a week during December,and rental of the property to 187 commercial businesses for parties, etc. Reducing the parking(700 people)may help reduce attendance numbers 188 and zoning violations from getting worse. Allowing retail in that space is problematic. Requested Trustees to 189 respect abutter's privacy by moving event displays into the property. 190 E. Goldberg: Suggested there is a process with the ZBA for questioning the allowed use determinations. 191 MOTION: A. Preston made a motion to close the public hearing. P. Boynton seconded. The vote was 5-0, 192 unanimous in favor. 193 Board: Reviewed the draft decision. 194 MOTION: P. Boynton made a motion to approve the Site Plan Review Special Permit for 0 Chickering Road, 137 195 Andover Street, The Trustees of Reservations, as amended. A. Preston seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, 196 Unanimous in favor. 197 198 21 High Street,RCG North Andover Mills LLC.: Application has been made for Planning Board approval of a 199 proposed 3-Iot preliminary subdivision plan on an approximate 18.5-acre parcel of land located at what is known 200 as East Mill located off High and Water Streets as further described below. The Premises Affected is located 201 within the I-S and R-4 underlying zoning districts, as well as the Downtown Overlay District Sub-District A 202 (Historic Mill Area). 203 Tania Hartford, RCG: Presented preliminary project which converts the PDD plan to a Sub District-A Master Plan 204 in order to move ahead with the East Mill Flats project. Phase I is the historic mill,Phase 11 is the 51 (approved) 205 units,Phase III will be the garage development with 140 new units(51 units are part of East Mill Flats) ;we have 206 no vision for this at this point. Shared parking will be part of the Definitive Plan. 207 John Smolak,Attorney: East Mill was permitted in 2007; East Mill Flats was approved under the PDD in 2018. 208 The zoning changed in 2015. We will role everything in tinder the PDD to Sub District A. Briefly addressed sun 209 setting the PRD decisions; no new uses are being created at this point. Vast majority of site is zoned IS with some 210 residential. The PDD has 20% set aside for Open Space which is not required under Sub District-A; if required by 211 Conservation we will come close to that. 212 Phil Hen!y, Civil Design Grou : Presented the preliminary subdivision.There are no new physical improvements 213 except to create a subdivision road to support the new building. This right of way traverses the parking lot 5 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD E. Goldberg, Chairman • 'U J. Sintons �r''�,� • Aaron Pi-estoft Peter-Boynton • Date Bargnesi Kelly Cormier,Assoc. Tuesday January 7, 2020 7 y.in. 120 Main Street, Town Hall,North Andover,MA 01845 214 (remains a paper street). There will be a blanket waiver list in order to gain access to that lot.The right of way is 215 50 ft. of frontage, however under Sub District-A there is no requirement. 216 J. Enright: We will need to confirm that there is no requirement for frontage under the Subdistrict and how that 217 would relate to creating a lot through Subdivision Rules and Regulations. 218 MOTION: J. Simons made a rnotior)to deny the Preliminary Subdivision for 21 High Street, A. Preston seconded 219 the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor of denial. 220 221 21 High Street,RCG North Andover Mills LLC: Application for a Preliminary Sub District-A Master Plan 222 (East Mill Subdivision)under Chapter 195 Article 18 Downtown Overlay District of the North Andover Zoning 223 Bylaw. The Applicant seeks approval of a Preliminary Master Plan for existing uses and improvements at East 224 Mill to bring the property into compliance with the overlay district guidelines. No changes are proposed to the 225 property for structures. The property is located in the I-S and R-4 Zoning Districts, and Downtown Overlay 226 District Sub District-A(Historic Mill Area). 227 MOTION: J. Simons made a motion to approve the Preliminary Sub District-A Master Plan (East Mill 228 Subdivision)for 21 High Street. A. Preston seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor. 229 230 MINUTES APPROVAL: Approval of November 5,November 26 &December 10, 2019 Planning Board 231 minutes. 232 MOTION: P. Boynton made a motion to approve the November 5, 2019,November 26,2019 &December 10, 233 2019 minutes. J. Simons seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0,unanimous in favor. 234 235 ADJOURNMENT 236 MOTION: P. Boynton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by A. Preston. The vote 237 was 5-0, unanimous in favor. Meeting adjourned 11:10 p.m. 238 239 MEETING MATERIALS: Planning Board Meeting Agenda January 7, 2020, DRAFT Planning Board Meeting 240 Minutes November-5, 2019,November 26, 2019 and December 10,2019;210 Holt Road MMD Shooting: 241 Ballistic protection for walls: Armocor Wall Panels,Dura-Bloc-EXP, GigaCrete,Department Review: 20191121 242 Fire Department Review,20191121 Police Department Review, 20191121 Water Department Review, 20191124 243 Conservation Department Review, 20191223 Police Comment-Gray,20191216 Rang Construction Narrative, 244 MMD SOP DRAFT,PB#2010-15 20191120 210 Holt rd, PB#2010-15 20191120 210 Holt Road Application, 245 Range_Design_Guide_2016-FINAL; 21 High Street,RCG North Andover Mills,LLC: Preliminary Subdivision: 246 Proposed Waivers Table 12-5-19, PB Cover Letter 12-5-19 Submission, Form B Application, East Mill, East Mill 247 Preliminary Subdivision Plan Set,East Mill Abutter List, 11-26-19, Preliminary Master Plan: Preliminary Master 248 Plan Narrative, Preliminary Master Plan Filing, Cover Ltr 12-5-19, Preliminary Master Plan Application-East 249 Mill, FINAL EAST MILL ALTA 8-14-19, East Mill Abutter List, 11-26-19,East& West Mill Subdivision Master 250 Plait; 1600 Osgood Street: Water Peer Review Comments 12,11,19(Reed 12,19,19) (00145099xBC4F6), Sewer 251 Peer Review Letter 11.11.19 (Reed 12.19.19)(00145098xBC4F6),Definitive Subdivision Time Extension 252 Request 1.7.20 (0014599lxBC4F6) (1),2020-01-07 Planning Board Hearing, 2020-01-07 Planning Board Hearing 253 Presentation; 500 Great Pond Road-NACC: 20200107 500 Great Pond Rd club house *&Patio-DRAFT, 254 20190926 500 GREAT POND RD Site Plan; 315 Turnpike Street-Verizon Wireless: 392581_Nor•th_Andover_5 255 MA_300' zoning sketch_010320-stamped, 200107 Bldg Comm Comments; 0 Chickering Road, 137 Andover 256 Street The Trustees of Reservations: Resident Comment: 20191215 Resident Comment Photos-V Fleury, 6 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD E. Goldberg, Chairman J. Simms • � "` Aaron.Preston Peter Boynton • Kate Bargttesi Kelly Cormier,Assoc. Tues(IaV Jaimarp 7 2020 7 .rrt. 120 Main Street Towrt Hall North Andover MA 01845 257 20191215 Resident Comment-V Fleury, 20191214 Resident Comment-S Rochwarg, 20190912 Resident 258 Comment-multiple,20200106 Resident Comment-Barker, 191222 Resident Comment-Rochwarg;4 High Street, 259 RCG West Mill NA LLC: 20191210 Avalon Mills Definitive Master Plan,20190107 REV Definitive Subdivision- 260 West Mill DRAFT Redlined,20190107 Definitive Subdivision-West Mill DRAFT, 191127 Plan p C-109; 4 Hi h 261 Street,AvalonBay Communities,In .: Stormwater: Avalon Mills Stormwater Response to Comments 2; Staff 262 Memo: 200107 Staff Memo; Resident Comment: 20191215 Resident Comment B Sulu, 200106 Resident 263 Comment-Barker; Plans: Color Landscape Plan, AVB North Andover Mills Site Landscape Plan-1 11919,AVB 264 North Andover Mills Building Typical-111819,Avalon Mills Stormwater Response to Comments 2, 2019-10-29 265 Definitive Master Plan Drawing Set-Architecture,Peer Review: Avalon TEC Traffic Peer Review Response to 266 Comments 2, PDF: Avalon TEC Peer Review Response to Comments 2, 20200102 Civil and Traffic-FINAL, 267 20200102 Fiscal Peer Review-FINAL,20191127 PR Review 42, 20191127 Barrett Planning_Peer ReviewResp, 268 Sutton Pond As-Builts, Signed Letter from Tenants, Previous Density Studies, Letter to Planning Board, 12-11-19, 269 Letter to Planning Board, 7-15-19, Avalon Dimensional Aerial Perspective, 20200102 Conservation Department 270 Review. 7