HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-18 Planning Board Minutes Town ofNortlt Andover PLANNING BOARD Tyesd(ty,Ma E 18, 2021 Cii,) 7 L.m., 120 Moin Street Town Mill,Noi,th Andovei-, MA 01845 2 Present: E. Goldberg, J. Simons,P. Boynton, A. Preston, K. Bargnesi, K. Cormier, Assoc. 3 Absent: 4 Staff Present: J. Enright, Suzanne Egan 5 6 E. Goldberg, Chairman: The Planning Board meeting for Tuesday, May 18, 2021 was called to order at 7 p.m. 7 8 E. Goldberg: (Recicl the Governor's Or(ler into the record). Votes will be recorded cis roll call this evening. phis 9 meeting ii,as held remotely Na conj rence call. 10 J _EnrigbitALn_per.sonJpnqsgnt): Roll Call: K. Cormier(remote participant), A. Preston (remote participant), K. I I Bargnesi (remote participant), P. Boynton (remote participant), E. Goldberg(in-person/present),J. Simons(in- 12 person/present arrival 7:10 pin) 13 14 Pursuant to Governor Bakers March 12,2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions ol'the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 15 30A,§18, and the Governor's March 15,2020 Order imposing strict limitation oil the number offiepple that may gather ill 16 one place,this ineeling of the North Andover Planning Board will be conducted via rentoteparticipation to the greatest 17 extentpossible.Specific information and the general guidelines for rewrote participation by members oj'the public and/or 18 parties with a right andlor requirement to attend this ineeling call be found on the To)'Vn's ii,ebsite, (it 19 iiipit,.iioi-thaii(lovei-iiiii.go),. For this meeting,titeinbei,,vof the ptiblicitliojpivlito )t,titcli the itieeiiitgin(ij,(Iosooittlieir 20 televisions by tuning to Conicast Channel 8 or Verizon Channel 26 or onfine at jp;viv.iioi-fliaii(lovei-c(iiii.oi-g. No in person 21 attendance of members of the public will be permitted,but every effort jvffl be made to ensure that the public call 22 adequately access the proceedings ill real Illne, via technological means. Ili the event that is,e are unable to do so, despite 23 best efforts, ive will post oil the Toisn of North Andover ii,ebsite,all audio or video recording, transcript, or other 24 comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as passible after the ineeting. If the public would like to participate in public 25 hearings please email your question/comment prior to or during the meeting to.Lenright ii)iiortiteiii(loieriii(i.Loi. The 26 question/continent ivill be read during the proceedings and responded to accordingly. 27 28 STAFF IZE PORT 29 30 1450 & 1600 Osgood Street,John Smolak: Request for Withdrawal of the pending Definitive Subdivision 31 application. 32 J. Enright: Upon approval the form will be filed with the Clerk's office. 33 MOTION: A. Preston made a motion to allow the Withdrawal of the pending Definitive Subdivision application 34 for 1450 &1600 Osgood Street, without prejudice. P. Boynton seconded. The vote was 4-0, unanimous in favor. 35 Roll Call vote: A. Preston voted yes. P. Boynton voted yes. K. Bargnesi voted yes. E. Goldberg voted yes. 36 37 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 38 3 Great Pond Road,Elaine Firibur : Application for a Site Plan Review Special Permit under Article 8, Part 3 39 and Article 10 § 195-10.7 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. The Applicant proposes the creative reuse and 40 conversion of the Grange Hall in the Old Center to three residential units,construction of retaining walls, 41 storinwater management, and creation of associated parking spaces. No exterior alterations are proposed. The 42 parcel is located within the Residential 3 zoning district. (K. Cormier recuse(l) 43 MOTION: P. Boynton made a motion to accept the request for continuance until June 1, 2021. A. Preston 44 seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0, unanimous in favor. Roll Call vote: A. Preston voted yes. P. Boynton 45 voted yes. K. Bargnesi voted yes. E. Goldberg voted yes. 46 [Continued to the Jame 1, 2021 Planning Boai-cl meeting] I Town of'North Andover PLANNING BOARD Tuesday,May 18, 2021 Ltr7 7 pxi., 120 Maim Street T omt Hall,North Andover, MA 01845 47 48 DISCUSSION ITEM 49 PlanninL,Renard Report: Article 9 revised and update(] to reflect School Committee,Finance Committee and 50 Select Board recommendations. 51 J. Enright: The Board previously made a favorable recoinntendatioit on this Article. S. Egan, Town Counsel is 52 present this evening to explain a revision. In addition,the vote required for the Article is listed as `majority vote' 53 in the currentPlanning Board Deport, it should be a"2/3rd's vote". 'file Planning Board report will be updated to 54 reflect that. 55 S. Egan: Article 9 was revised to provide the authority to Select Board and Conservation.Commission to convey a 56 Conservation Restriction on the parcel. As a housekeeping measure,this will transfer the restriction to a third, non- 57 profit Conservation organization protecting the land to a larger degree ensuring it will only be used for Open 58 Space. Currently the town is discussing this with Mass Audubon who are very enthusiastic about holding the 59 restriction and providing environmental educational programs; Friends of NA Trails will maintain the property. 60 MOTION: P. Boynton made a motion to recommend favorable action on amended Article 9. K. Bargnesi 61 seconded the motion. The vote was 4-0, unanimous in favor. Roll Call vote: Kate Bargnesi voted yes. P. Boynton 62 voted yes. A. Preston voted yes. E. Goldberg voted yes. 63 64 1987 Watei°shed Plan Update 65 D. Beckley, Staff Planner: Various entities in town have been working since October with an independent 66 consultant(Weston & Sampson)to update the 1987. Lake Cochichewick Watershed Plan. ffebpage & links 67 avwilable). The Watershed Plan followed a 1987 giardia outbreak which helped to form policies and regulating 68 activities that occur today;water treatment plant was a result of that plan. Tile 2018 Master Plan recommended 69 initiatives related to watershed management. A gap analysis was reviewed prior to Planning&Policy initiatives. A 70 policy audit identified areas of improvement. Stakeholder engagement,field assessment and sampling of the water 71 quality will enable better management of the watershed. An education plan,action plan and a watershed 72 management plan meeting 9 elements the EPA outlines, are being established. Described project.timeline Nov. - 73 June. Grant funding will be sought for implementation of this project. Outlined process the group has undertaken. 74 Final plan results will be available in June 2021. Initial findings include a new delineation of the watershed, 75 updated buffer zone language, additional data. Identified areas of concern and erosion which are being observed. 76 77 [.I E51right: (7.3©p.ni. audio cor,rccted)Reacl public coins rent ft-cam Kevin O'Donnell into the record, stating "the 78 duality of this broocicast is unacceptable and should not be considen•ecl a public forum."All ef,fof-ts(we being rttade 79 to ensure the public pray access the meeting; also r•eaci into reeorel. "....clespite best efforts, lve wdlpost oil the 80 Town of North Anclover website all aucho or video recording, transcript, or other-comprehensive record of 81 proceedings cis soon as possible after the nneeting. "Assured audience this meeting will be posted tonnon•roly 82 morning lvithfidl audio. Chair noted no new public heal-ings were opened or heard this evening.] 83 84 A. Preston: Expressed concern for liberal application of salt on the roadways during winter. 85 D. Beckley: Encouraging consultant to investigate this as a general concern in the final action plan. 86 P. Boynton: We are waiting for a substantial amount of information and analyses; early to make a judgement as to 87 progress. Road runoff significant factor. Surprised and concerned portion of the data related to phosphorous 88 content is considered unusable as it is a significant factor in algae blooms. "Thanked Dan for a quality update. 89 T . Gold,bera: Once we receive this report, are there specific roles for the Planning Board? 2 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Tuesday, May 18, 2021 k) 7 p.im, 120 Maur Street Town 1-101,North Andover-, MA 01845 90 D. Beckley: Updating the Watershed Protection District; zoning and review. Revisions are minor, level of site 91 disturbance that will trigger Special.Permit or Site Plan Review. 92 J._I nriglit: Recommendations will require funding;through Dan's efforts with grants,the Board will have 93 involvement and this report will be presented to the Town Manager and Select Board be prioritized. 94 J. Simons: We spend a great deal of time ensuring Best Management Practices which may require funding. We 95 have stressed the importance of ongoing raw water sampling; disappointing we do not have good historical 96 sampling data. It is critical to be doing this oil a regular, ongoing basis for a track record of what the pollutants and 97 metrics are so we can correct problems. Agreed fixing deficiencies will be important. 98 P. Bo, ny ton: The consultant's key contribution is they have identified problems with the data; labeling of tile 99 phosphorous as ambiguous. If that labeling of data is not done correctly,the data is compromised. We will now 100 have a clean break with useable data going forward. This update identifies a multi;jurisdictional need to manage 101 the lake. The general perception has been that the water treatment plant manages the lake and watershed and they 1.02 really do not. The water treatment plant has a critical role to treat the water and produce potable drinking water 1.03 that.meets EPA standards. For many years now,we have tried to get sampling data the Planning Board could use 104 to evaluate impacts of the watershed on the lake. This cannot be done with a single set of sampling, it has to be a 105 series of sampling over time so that we can see a trend line. Tyne sampling is not for the lake itself, it is also for the 106 tributaries. Trend lines will help its to identify problems, i.e. phosphorous levels in certain tributaries as they arise. 107 Tine water treatment department who does the sampling needs to provide to the Planning Board and Health Dept. 108 trend lines over time for the lake and tributaries; we will look for spikes(6-12 months)and their locations.Tile 109 Planning Board as the special permit granting authority for the watershed(not the DPW or the water treatment 110 plant)can then identify issues in specific sections of the watershed. These measurements are one of the few III objective ways to measure how we are doing as the special permit granting authority in our role with respect to 112 protecting the quality of tine drinking water in the lake. 113 E. Goldberg: I think we need to legislate it somehow, somewhere in the watershed protection district bylaw so that 114 it does not disappear over time listing the roles and responsibilities of the multijurisdictional parties involved. 115 P. Boynton: Agreed having a cross jurisdictional management structure is critical. This piece should appear in the 116 bylaws as part of the Watershed Protection District identifying the necessary participants. 117 118 Master Plan Implementation Committee: FY '21,311 quarter report. 119 K. Cormier&J. Strauss: Presented report update. In the 3T`'quarter we addressed our most significant piece of 120 work;framework to help evaluate plans, petitions or Master Plan intersections taking place. We applied it to 121 projects such as the Citizen Petition-multi-farnily housing moratorium, and Royal Crest. Tile framework was used 122 to evaluate each"project"against strategies in the Master Plan. Results rated positive, negative and neutral 123 impacts. Committee would like to know if these strategies are helpfill. 124 E. Goldberg: What does in-progress mean?I7id you vote on each item? 125 K. Cormier: It means that we did not have enough information at that point in time. We collectively voted on tine 126 completed framework as a whole; consensus was reached on most items. Feedback is appreciated. 127 J. Strauss: A Master Plan is a great tool that evolves as a working document; best served to weigh in oil it,testing 128 it to see that it is meeting its goal. The biggest internal debate was whether it was a direct or indirect action- short 129 term, long term. 130 E. Goldberg: The Housing Moratorium reflects 3 positive items, 3 neutral and 13 negatives; Royal Crest/'Trinity 131 reflects mostly positives, a couple of neutrals and a couple in progress; deemed the framework as helpful. 132 133 [Read Gon,. Bciker•'s Oi-ders into the reern°cIJ 3 Torun ofNorth Andover PLANNING BOARD ID Tuesday, Marx 18, 2021 (a), 71).►n., 120 Mai►►Street Town hall,North Andover, MA 01845 1.34 Annual Town Meeting Zoning Bylaw Amendment Articles/Planning Board Report: 135 Article 32, Citizen Petition,Article 32,Joe Finn and others: Multi-family housing moratorium. 136 . Cioldkre%, (Reatipublie comment into the r-ecomo email from J. Finn,dated 5.17.21. Moratorium was read into 137 the public record. 138 J. Enright: At the last meeting associated with the Trinity proposal, an aggregate school capacity study was 139 submitted including school children from the developments referenced in the email. Additionally,the town has 140 advertised school capacity public forums with the focus oil making the best decisions for all schools in t1re 141 community. Facilities Master Flan Phase 11 includes 4 important school projects, renovations and possible 142 additions to Atkinson,Franklin,Kittredge and HAMS; goal is to update and modernize these schools. For all the 143 projects listed there was a thorough traffic analysis that was peer reviewed, civil and stormwater were peer 144 reviewed. Mr. Finn is correct that in terms of a fiscal analysis; AvalonBay went through peer review for the fiscal 145 study, Princeton Property, Minco(I{ ofC)and East Mill provided a fiscal analysis,but it was not peer reviewed. 146 Department review by Police, Fire, School Dept, and others is not reflected in the comments tonight. 147 J. Simons: The Minco project provided the town with a site for a new Senior Center. 148 E. Goldberg: The projects went before Town Meeting prior to the permitting process. The town has been doing 149 their clue diligence. More harm is done by this moratorium than good. 150 J. Enright: Outside counsel raised concern as to the form of the article and the Select Board recommended 151 unfavorable action at their last meeting. (4-1 vote) 152 J.Firm: Expected to receive data suggesting true costs for the town services in a written report individually and in. 153 the aggregate. The Master Plan Implementation Committee invited Trinity to a presentation; I was refused that 154 opportunity; believes their report is biased. 155 MOTION: J. Simons made a motion to recommend tt►►favorable action on Article 32 Citizen Petition. A. 156 Preston seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor of unfavorable action. Roll Call vote: A. 157 Preston voted yes. P. Boynton voted yes. K. Bargnesi voted yes. J. Simons voted yes. E. Goldberg voted yes. 158 E. Goldberg: This article will go to Town Meeting June 15,2021. Planning Board meets a half hour before town. 159 meeting. All zoning and warrant articles carried to June 1,2021. 1.60 161 Annual Town Meeting Zoning Bylaw Amendment Articles/Planning Board Report: 162 • Article 27,Table 2: Summary of Dimensional._Reduirements, Corridor Development District 2(CDD2): 163 Amend lot area minimum, street frontage, and to make them consistent with the text in Article 16, 164 Corridor Development District, 195-1.6.13 of the Toning Bylaw. 165 • Article 2$ Business 4 District: add Personal Service Establishments to Permitted Uses. 166 O Article 29,Downtown Overlay District Historic Mill Area: Subdistrict A: add Personal Service 1.67 Establishments to Permitted Uses. 168 • Article 30 Water Protection District: Make Boundaries and Zones text consistent dimensions in Table 1 1.69 and Table 2, amend cross-references and other minor edits. 170 • Article 31, Sign.Bylaw: Amend the zoning bylaw to regulate the placement of signs on private property in 1.71 a content neutral manner. 172 [Continued to the June 1, 2021 Planning Board ineeti►gl 173 174 CONSENT ITEM 1.75 Planning Board's support for a town-wide sewet-and water eapac.rty study. 4 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD 7Wesda r Mar 18, 20219 7 m., 120 Maim Street Town Hall North Atttlover,MA 01845 176 MOUON: J. Simons made a motion for the Planning Board to indicate support for a town-wide sewer and water 177 capacity study. P. Boynton seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor. Roll. Call vote: J. Simons 178 voted yes. E. Goldberg voted yes. K. Bargnesi voted yes. A. Preston voted yes. P. Boynton voted yes. 179 1.80 MassDOT,Provided overview of Rt. 114 Larry Cash: Overview of'the Rt. 114 Improvement Project and 181 responses to public comments. 1.82 J. Enright: Previously, MassDOT was scheduled on the agenda to provide an overview of the Rt. 114 Roadway 183 Improvement Project. Although this project is not technically before this Board,there is an intersection between 184 the roadway improvement project and discussions related to the Royal Crest redevelopment proposal. They are 185 here tonight with an overview seeking feedback from the Planning Board. They received numerous comments 186 from the Hillside Rd. neighborhood behind Chestnut Green (Bucklin, Peterson,Nadine and Meadowview). 187 Proposal proposes light at the Hillside, Rt. 1.14 intersection, roadway would dead end into Chestnut Green parking 188 lot(not a proposed thru street). This would eliminate the traffic cutting through.Chestnut Green's parking lot to get 189 to Rt, 11.4. Tonight, is meant to be a project"overview"to make the Board aware of projects that have gone 190 through Site Plan Review,where the frontage is proposed to be changed due to a takings, i.e. stone walls, mature 191 landscaping,etc. being impacted. 192 E., Goldberg: Prefers to limit discussion to projects corning before us or have already come before its. Items that 193 could come back to us. 194 J. Enright: Comments were submitted from Matt McGarry who owns commercial property directly abutting Royal 195 Crest development&Jim D'Angelo,representing Northmark Bank. 196 L_,arry Cash, P.E. MassDO`I': Introduced team. 197 Chuck Grey. P.E., GPI: Provided overview of project area Waverly Rd.to Mill Road (2.1 miles along Rt. 114) 1.98 there are 9 intersections within project limits. Improvements will be made to side streets to address capacity. 199 Project history started in 2010 with a Corridor Study, ending in 2020 with 25%Design Plan submission. Still early 200 in overall project design.Noted history of public outreach;2 public informational meetings, Select Board meeting 201 and this evening. Summarized coordination with Trinity 'Financial and Royal Crest which began ill 2018 which 202 included abutters,town staff, Merrimack College, 510/530 & Crossroads Plaza Turnpike St. Study identified 203 safety need for pedestrian&bicycle accommodation along the corridor which is congested. Identified 5 of the 9 204 intersections are listed as high crash locations making them eligible for the Highway Safety Improvement Program 205 (Waverly Rd., Peters St., Andover St., Andover Bypass and Mill Rd.) Showed examples of existing sidewalks and 206 "missing" sidewalks(noting few signalized crossings); no bicycle accommodations. Roadway speed limit 30-40 207 mph. Traffic delays, congestion andinconsistent lanes going from 3 to 5 lanes in sections create air issue. Project 208 goals include improved safety,traffic operations, accommodate pedestrians and bicycle users, provide 209 connectivity and consistent cross sections. Goals include safety and mobility for all users whether driving, 210 walking, using wheelchairs,biking, or using transit. Improvements include consistent 5 lane roadway with center 211 turning lane or raised median. Buffered 5 ft. sidewalk our north side; south sidewalk a buffered 10 ft. shared use 212 path. 213 Joe Johnson,.P L-,.._GPI:.Presented proposed improvements.Roadway currently only caters to vehicle traffic. 214 Pedestrian sidewalks provided and bicycle accommodation to occur on 10 ft. shared use path. Crosswalks at all 215 intersections and pedestrian phasing. Highlighted changes west to cast side of project involving second thru lanes, 216 center turn lanes. 217 J. Simons;.Confirmed current width paved roadway curb to curb is 53 ft. cast of Staples; proposed is 62 ft. (5- 218 lanes)Impacts near Eaglewood Shops mainly occur to the south side. Concerned about encroachment and recent 219 efforts on behalf of Planning Board to make this area look presentable. 5 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD T ttesrlay,Map 18, 2021 (r7 7 p.m., 120 Mazrt Street Towrt Ili-t 1, North Andover,MA 01845 220 J. Enright: Northniark's correspondence indicates 32 ft. in depth is being taken; MassDOT indicated this is 221 inaccurate. 222 J. Johnson: Crosswalk enhanced intersection at Eagle Tribune and Eaglewood Slops; Peters St, further enhanced 223 with shared use path, added north and southbound lanes, exclusive right turn lanes and crosswalks, Andover St. 224 intersection adding an additional turn lane southbound (3-lane approach southbound), along westbound approach 225 removing channelized right turn slowing movement as part of signal for pedestrian crossings. Merrimack/Royal 226 Crest provides full signalized intersection (current Hawk crossing), crosswalks, left turn lanes,shared use path and 227 sidewalks. Andover Bypass reconfiguration removes jug-handle turn, left turn lane eastbound to enter Royal Crest, 228 added dual left turn westbound onto Andover Bypass will process more vehicles during signal phase and reduce 229 queueing. Shared use path continues and cyclists' transition to buffered bike lanes. Hillside Rd. will have 230 signalized intersection, crosswalks, fourth approach connecting to Chestnut Green far safety,major change adds 231 additional thru lanes cast and westbound, 2 travel lanes each direction, sidewalks(tech»will continue to work with 232 loit,n movingfioruwrcl with this cirea.)Hillside to Jasmine Plaza(currently 3 lanes)proposing 5 lanes, share(] use 233 path and sidewalk to north. Stop `n Shop intersection will not change; enhanced with pedestrian crosswalks, 234 sidewalks and shared use path. Reviewed extent of new sidewalk network and shared use path. 235 C. Gregory_: Outlined project's next steps, design public hearing to occur this summer, begin 75% design phase 236 and permitting,will continue to update right of way plans. Anticipate plan acceptance in summer of 2022 with 237 construction beginning in spring of 2024. 238 Ron Headrick, RL,A, GPI: Discussed impacts to stone walls, fences, and buffer plantings. MassDOT has a process 239 in place regarding takings and compensating owners. Sonic impacts affect past Planning Board approvals. 240 Described difference between balance stone walls and mortared stone walls,fence types, landowner fences and 241 development fences. MassDOT will work to mitigate and restore impacts, buffer plantings,roadside vegetation, 242 etc. Aware of related developments and projects with plantings referenced in perpetuity. Seeking feedback, major 243 project taking a car-centric design to a new level. Obligation is on the owner to repair and rectify the impacts,the 244 decision for the town is how they will enforce restoration impacts. 245 J. Enright: The taking of the right of way at Eaglewood Plaza seems significant extending beyond the stone wall 246 and mature plantings almost to the parking lot. There does not seem to be enough land on the property to reinstall 247 all those features. Where does the new right of way end?Northmark Bank has concerns as well. 248 E._.Goldberg: Our zoning specifically references these items;the Board has gone above and beyond to maintain a 249 structured comprehensive set of rules and designs along Rt. 114. These takings take that away; it is disheartening. 250 I am not sure we can advise you where this is a state project. This Board will be opposed to taking things down. 251 Not sure there is room to do this, but unsure of the town's rights if you take away portions that are part of 252 conditions; best solution is to put them back in a cohesive manner. 253 R. Headrick: Ili the right of way process owners are compensated. Typically, placement of things is left to the 254 owner; in this case it is different.Is the developer"obligated"for restoration; how or would the Board or town 255 enforce this; are variances issued, aloes the town require restoration based upon compensation of tile state. We 256 want to mitigate impacts and balance improvements and efficiencies in the corridor. 257 E. Goldberg: As the landowner, I would question why I would have to rebuild and not MassDOT. 258 P. Boynton: Another approach might be the state reimburses the owner for the taking of land and for the design 259 features that now need to be replaced. 260 J. Simons: Suggested site walks in the field; review and stake proposed designs. How much additional capacity 261 will this provide and how have you modeled that? 262 J. Johnson: Construction will take 3 seasons. Model existing condition (2020) and project 20 years out to 2040; 263 look at model with and without the project improvements. Tool used to gauge how intersections work. Reviewed 6 Town o f North Andover PLANNING BOARD TuesdaE, Ma a 18 2021 G� 7 pan., 120 M(tin Street Town Hall Nortlz Andover MA 01845 2.64 average travel times using pre-Covid volumes. Average travel time without project estimated at 26 minutes; 265 reduced to 15 minutes with (yr. 2040). 266 J. Simons: Do you factor in projects like Royal Crest? 267 J. Johnson: We only include approved projects; Royal Crest,as proposed, is not considered in our analysis. Has 268 coordinated with the developer to be compatible regarding anticipated driveway locations while keeping an eye on. 269 mitigation that might be needed.Need to assume our project moves forward regardless of major development. 270 E. Goldberg: It is important to look at their traffic study. We are considering zoning changes as part of that traffic 271 study which involves the Rt. 1.14 Improvement Project, My understanding was that a significant portion of 272 capacity would be taken tap by the proposed Royal Crest project. Can you speak to the mitigation measures? 273 Traffic is a significant consideration. Can we submit our list of concerns to MassDOT? 274 J. Johns-on: We would be receptive to adding an exclusive right turn lane into the development and increasing the 275 crosswalk. I cannot confirm MassDOT will "build"that right turn lane. 276 C. Gregory: Adaptive traffic signal technology is another form of mitigation as part of the MassDOT project. 277 P. Bo uy ltot7: Would like the capacity delta to be presented in different terms or units, How many years oftraffic 278 growth on this roadway will this project accommodate?How much of tile growth capacity will be consumed when 279 this project is completed?The increased traffic analysis from Royal. Crest is significant estimated at 3.5 -4-fold 280 with larger pedestrian crossing traffic. Do you see developers doing large-scale major proposals coincident with 281 MassDOT roadway improvements? 282 J. Johnson: We could clo a sensitivity analysis showing the point at which this roadway could reach its capacity. 283 ']'here could be limitations beyond this corridor that will limit this corridor. The hard part is understanding what is 284 reasonable for growth particularly coming out ofCovid, We consider traffic count stations in this vicinity and type 285 of roadway and we may consult with the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission. 2.86 L, Cash: It does happen that large-scale projects coincide with our improvement projects. Tile projected volume is 2.87 not significant and is something an adaptive signal can control. Students will not be driving in and out of that site; 288 they will be walking. 289 P. Boynton: Should we put a placcholder on a project start of2024 that continues for 3 construction seasons or 290 years?That means we would have the anticipated traffic congestion during construction for an extended time. We 291 need to be mindful of that construction phase coinciding with peaks in volume increases. The two timelines need 292 to be weighed against each other. Without changing your design, are you able to take into account the impact a 293 large proposal like this if approved? Will the impact be minimal, significant, or reduce the growth capacity from 294 20 to 10 years?I thought Trinity Financial was coordinating their aspirations with MassDO"I; I am hearing this is 295 not being coordinated. 1 am hearing that MassDOT is not adapting to the Royal Crest proposal and questioned 296 level of coordination. 297 E. Goldberg: My understanding is MassDOT does not take into consideration in their analysis of growth, projects 298 that are not approved. When there are projects being proposed they work through potential calculations together. 299 J. Johnson: We do not want to preclude something they may be planning. To a degree,we are Looking at whether 300 the projects are compatible. We shared our analysis with them; they looked at impacts. We are talking with one 301 another(pedestrian and bike accommodations);we are not showing their turning lanes onto their site. 302 P. Boynton: Confirmed MassDOT is talking compatibility of design with Trinity Financial however MassDOT is 303 not changing the design based on all unapproved proposal at Royal Crest. Intersection that is a Hawk pedestrian 304 signal today will be turned into a hull roadway intersection with a traffic light. Are we undoing what was done 305 when it was within your planning jurisdiction, or are simply adding to the pedestrian crossing? 306 J. Johnson: The signalized crossing was an immediate interim safety improvement to solve an issue. 307 A. Preston: Has any consideration been given to Rt 1.14 with increased width as being used as a cut thru? 7 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD 7Wesrlrry, May 18, 2021(a), 7 tl.m., 120 Main Street Town Ha11,Not-fit Andover, MA 01845 308 J. Johnson: As you build more roadway capacity it becomes more attractive, attracting more vehicles; people take 309 the path of least resistance. This project addresses Hillside Rd. issues without increasing capacity. We have not 310 looked at whether this will draw other trips from alternate routes. 311 K. Cormier: How much use will the multi-modal opportunities receive and how do we encourage their use? 312 J. Johnson: We look at walkability,provide the network, implement connectivity components. We do not have 313 anything promotional specific tools; hopeful immediate benefits will be obvious. 314 E. Goldberg: What is the feasibility of pedestrian bridge? 315 L. Cash: MassDOT does not plan to build a pedestrian bridge as pant of the project; cost is an issue, more of a 316 private property use. 317 It I neigh : (Recidpitblic comment into recorcl): 510-530 Turnpike St., M. McGarry: J. McGarry, owner of 510-530 318 Turnpike St. with 35K sq. ft. of office&retail buildings, prefers Option 3 used in latest of MassDOT plans with 319 direct access to the signalized intersection between Royal Crest and 510 -530 Turnpike St.; Option 2 is designed 320 for possible future development of Royal Crest,to the detriment of 51.0-530 Turnpike St. property which would go 321 from two major direct accesses,curb cuts on Rt. 114 to a back access behind Royal Crest buildings,the access 322 depends on.Royal Crest granting its an easement. Option 3 is the fairest choice giving 51.0-530 Turnpike St. and 323 Royal Crest direct access from Rt. 114. 324 C. Gregory: We showed Option 2 this evening; we looked at Option 3 which brought the Andover Bypass 325 intersection further to the east requiring MassDOT to pace a signal and build the northern leg onto Royal Crest 326 property forcing a cross access onto the 510-530 property. MassDOT cannot legally acquire property from 327 someone else for the sole purpose of helping an adjacent property owner. 328 J. Enright: (Re(icl several comrnews into record): Jim D'Angelo,Northmark Bank: MEPA process not reflected in 329 schedule or when MassDOT files an Environmental Notification.Form (ENF)and whether MassDO'I"should be 330 filing now during conceptual design phase showing extent of impact on abutters(as opposed to advancing design 331 to 75%design stage). Requests explanation of access to Jefferson Office Park-left turn in or out and questioned 332 responsibility of developer and restoration of property. Pedestrian connectivity and impacts to abutters with nnilti- 333 purpose path. If MassDOT files ENF it must consider Royal Crest as base condition;they will get scoped to 334 include Royal Crest as they Bled their ENF first. Royal Crest mitigation plan must stand on its own. Their 335 mitigation can consider potential MassDOT project and try to be consistent with it perhaps by building portions of 336 the approved project. MassDOT project needs to go through their own permitting process, loaded only at one 337 roadway. 338 C,_ regory: We commence permitting after the 75 %design,when the right of way is determined. We need to do 339 an ENF; schedule allows time for MEPA process. Right of way acquisitions along the corridor will take over a 340 year to accomplish. Looking at late 2023, when we advertise the project plans, specs and send it to contractors to 341 bid; anticipates construction beginning spring 2024. Left turn in/out to Jefferson Park should not be allowed. Not 342 physically prohibited; not looking to change the geometry much. 343 E. Goldbery: Royal. Crest and MassDOT need to stand on their own. The town needs to have a say in making sure 344 the existing walls, landscaping gets fairly and cohesively restored to the extent we can. Royal Crest will have to 345 adapt their plans into MassDOT plans. The town is not a MEPA enforcement division. 346 347 Royal Crest Estates (l & 28 Royal Crest Drive),Trinity Financial,Jim Keefe: Proposed Master 348 Redevelopment Plan for the property. 349 • Summary of general comments 350 + Follow-tip Fiscal Impact Analysis and School Capacity Study 351 • May 25,2021 site visit at 6:00 p.m. for balloon test confirmed 8 Town of North Andover I'LANNING BOARD Tties&ty, May 18 2021 ar, 7 .rn. 120 Maur Street Town Hall,North Andover MA 01845 352 E. Goldberg: Not revisiting general comments this evening. Confirmed Site visit/Balloon Test for I'rresday, May 353 25, 2021 C& 6 p.m. mecting at Royal Crest clubhouse. 354 Jean.Enright:Noted housekeeping related issue. Letter in support of the project was received from Karen Martin, 355 Chair,North Parish"Climate Justice Group"and co-signers, referencing energy efficiency of the project and their 356 approval of that. Confirmed date of site visit as May 25, 2021 @b, 6 p.m.meet at the Royal Crest clubhouse, public 357 is welcome and proponents will provide a brief presentation, no discussion or deliberation. Questions will be 358 answered at the next meeting. This is a first step to get a general sense of the proposed heights of tile buildings. 359 M. Lozano: Balloons will be placed at 9 different locations highlighting perimeter and highest locations around 360 proposed town green; a drone will be available to augment the balloons. 361 M. Lozano: Additional fiscal impact document was submitted per the Board's request comparing"net to net"M. 362 Fougere netted out the"existing revenues provided by the existing Royal Crest"and also showed the "existing 363 costs using the same data within the report and applied it to the"existing Royal Crest as compared to the existing 364 revenue". 365 E. Goldberg: Table 1 on page 4, reflects the existing tax revenue using the same cost formulas in the proposal. 366 Table 2 reflects net costs and revenues for the projected Royal Crest and Table 3 is the comparison providing a 367 fuller picture. This is what we were looking for. We currently have a net negative. It puts things into perspective. 368 This is a more useful chart for us to consider. 369 J. Simons: The school number is the largest number; what is the actual number of students and unit costs per 370 student? 371 M. Lozano: Believe 21.3 existing students are reflected in the original report. 372 J. Enright: This was sent to the town's peer reviewer Judy Barrett. I do not have a report from J. Barrett,however 373 A. Shapiro relayed it is consistent with her discussions with M. Fougere. 374 [Discussion Continued to the June 1, 2021 Planning Boau l meeting] 375 376 MEETING MINI.ITES: 377 [Minutes tabled until the June 1, 2021 Planning Bom-clmeeting] 378 379 E. Goldberg: Site visit to occur next week. It appears the state may be going back to in-person public meetings by 380 May 29"'. June 1,2021 this Board's next meeting could potentially be in-person. 381 382 ADJOUItNMENT 383 MOTION: P. Boynton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by J. Simons. The vote was 384 5-0, unanimous in favor. Meeting adjourned @ 1.0:20 p.m. Roll Call vote: A. Preston voted yes. P. Boynton voted 385 yes. K. Cormier voted yes.J. Simons voted yes. E. Goldberg voted yes. 386 387 MEETING MATERIALS: Planning Board Meeting Agenda May 18, 2021, DRAFT Planning Board Meeting 388 Minutes May 4, 2021, Staff Report: 210518 Staff Report; 1450& 1600 Osgood Street,John Smolak: 210518 389 Request to Withdraw Def Subdiv; Master Plan Implementation Committee: M.PIC 3Q FY `21 report; 3 Great 390 Pond Road,Elaine Finbm y: Department Review: 210323 DPW Engineering Updated Comments,210325 391 Health--Final Comment, 210429 Resp to Borgesi 3 Great Pond; Plans: 210504 REV SP—GreatPond#3r-COVER, 392 210427 3 GreatPond Road Site Plan; Storinwater: SWMR--3 Great Pond Road 210427,3 Great Pond Watershed 393 Map, 210518 Con't to June 1; Annual Town Meetinp_Zoning Bylaw Amendment ArticleslPlanning Board 394 Re[ or"t: 21051.8 Planning Board Report; Annual Town Meeting Zoning Bylaw Amendment Articles/Plann n 395 Board Relaort:Article 32,Citizen Petition,Joe Finn and Others: 210328 Review Calendar—Citizen Petition 9 Town gf North Andover PLANNING BOARD , Taresdny, M(q 18, 2021 (ai), 7 p.nr., 120 Main Street Town Hall, North Andover, MA 0,1845 396 Article, 210517 Finn-Public Comments on Moratorium,210518 Planning Board Report, Citizen Petition 397 Housing Moratorium, Comprehensive Planning;School Capacity Public Forums, Existing 195-10.2 zoning bylaw, 398 Opinion-Letter re Citizen Petition Article - Building_Moratorium;Planning Board Report: 2.10518 Planning 399 Board Report; MassDOT,Larry Cash: Resident Comment: Resident Comment RE hillside Road: 210426 400 Resident Comment-Kurnar, 210405 Resident.Comment-Brissenden, 210325 Resident Comment---Sankhla, 401 210325 Resident Comment-Reppucci, 210325 Resident Comment---Khan,210325 Resident Comment- 402 Guruswamy, 210325 Resident Comment -Gondalia, 21.0324 Resident Comment-Tarikere, 210324 Resident 403 Comment-R Surette, 21.0324 Resident Comment-Perrone, 210324 Resident Comment Chheda,210324 404 Resident Comment-Burns,210323 Resident Comment--L Surette, 210323 Resident Comment-Ganti,210323 405 Resident Comment--Dhamsania, 210322 Resident Comment-Consoli (2), 210312 Resident Comment-Consoli, 406 210310 Resident Comment-Cullen,MCGait'ry: 210310 GPI(MassDOT') resp.---McGarry, 210310 Abutter 407 Comment-McGarry, 210308 Abutter Comment-McGarry,201118 McGarry Comment Rtes 114_1.25 Proposed 408 Intersection,201006 Abutter Comment---McGarry, 1.22015 MassDOT resp to McGarry_Rtes 114 125 Proposed 409 Intersection, 210518 MassDOT Abutter Comment: 210518 D'Angelo-for Northrnark, 210518D'Angelo- 410 from Northmark Bank-multiple,210518 McGarry 510-530 Turnpike Street Abutters choice for MassDOT 411 options,210416 Consoli email to MassDOT;Pedestrian Br-idge Response: MassDOT 412 PedestriaraBridgc_Response_RtI 14, image Proposed Hillside Road-Andover Bypass, 210517 Northmark.Bank- 413 Ltr to North Andover Planning Board, 2021-05-18 Route 114 Planning Board Presentation, REV 2021-05-18 414 Route 114 Planning Board Presentation,;Royal Crest Estates (1 &28 Royal Crest Drive),Trinity Financial, 415 Jim Keefe: Balloon Test: 14283.00-Balloon Test Locations-Graphic-EX, 14283.00-Balloon 'Pest I..ocations- 416 Graphic-PR, REV 14283.00-Balloon Test Locations-Graphic-PR [2021-05-18],Fiscal Impact Analysis: Jan 2021 417 Fougere final Draft fiscal Report Royal Crest Mixed Use,210514 Follow up Existing Revenue V. Estimated 418 Revenue Royal Crest,210503 Proponent's Fiscal Impact Presentation-5.3.21, 210428 Resp to Peer Review 419 FINAL, 210423 M. Rodrigues Letter, 210,123 Barrett Update-NAndoverRoyalCrest, 210420 Fougere Resp. Fiscal 420 Report Royal Crest Mixed Use Final Draft, 21.0222 Barrett Resp.NAndoverRoyalC:rest,Resident Comment: 421 210514 North Parish Climate Justice Group, School Capacity Study: School Enrollment Data:North Andover 422 Middle School 1.109 rev, Kittredge Space Summary 237,Franklin Space Summary 368, Atkinson Space Summary 423 351,210121 Wagman Peer Review North Andover Public Schools Demographic Study,210329 'I'BA Peer 424 Review NAPS Enrollment memo,March 2021 Fougere School. Age Children Data, 050518 Summary General 425 Public Comments Trinity Resp for 5 18_21 meeting,Program Summary 1.28.21; 1987 Watershed Update: 426 Watershed Plan Update. 427 10