HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-07-19 Planning Board Minutes PTANNINGROARD :71an Goldberg, Chair Sean Kevlah,an Peler°Bqynfon %%//!r%'%//,r% • # y� wwire" Jrrhrr 41rrr0rr8 i Tuest1eq .dub, 19, 0 visa) 7p.m., 1 rr n Street Town Hall ,+ '`rmrth jrrdrrveip A 01845 Present/Planning Board E. Goldberg, J. Sinions,A. oLb rd&K. C orrnicr-Ro mcoW:, S. Kevlmalumarn, Assume, Absent: P. iBoyrmtrran staff Present-, J. Frmrigln't F- tnaolldlmor° ., lrnitbrined the larulnlic llmaait the rnic, tirng is lvradrag hod irj-person. Tlrcrtc Kad not lbamw•ri any umpd atcs to the regulations regarding the reinorte meeting lnrorvisiioons when the agenda wvaas, la-rusted last wer"Iti.. The al l +nuance of the hybrid/r mute rnmeelings lnrpsed'Fr-idaay July 15,2022„ Since, then, the overnnor s"i ned legislation paasssca:l by tive I tomnse & ~Scrnate Which Qxfcrnrls the ability to hold r'r:rrnratc/hybrid mamcctiva ,s. The Board will allow for this goirig forward; however, explained that they couldn't do, it today because it wvausni't al lowed by lave at the time of ln"orstinp lho rnnoetirn , "flra.re are no perblr"c hearings this n vcnling and ll a"re is Une rerncnle Participant (under [liar Irnaditiamrrnal Open Mecting l.a°w Provisions), Kelly C ormicrr,, this Qye ning All vo,Ws will bu roll tWl Ludes, Tina: tn�ccfing began rat `,0,0l'M. COMM"UNICATION'S SO Peters StrceL North Andover'Ventures Ll" "r Expri s'Ssi ng cu twig rrns rc,g ardInng stain°rnawvualcn'drain agl, alesi ru or construction at d,19 Andover Street. JJ Enright; Explained that there have been ongoing discussions regarding drainage concerns between (he redevel,opM 419 Andover Street alld tlnc r:bmvmdrxs 0:71'lrc raTnnrttin parr ,aml whin an address' of' Peters Street. A letter° has been sorb nnitted Rine Planning Board Chair, which is included in time nnneetirmg packet. A $30,K bon id is being,Meld. on tlnc property. A v,w:clures,I for the bond release has nmaat bccn rrnadle to the Board at t:lnis ti.r:rma.;® Ulm are concerns fla-al drainage is 'leavvinng el 19 Andover St. at an rate that is, cauqirig flooding across the paarkii n,g loot at Sty Peters,Street. Expla iraed that there is disau reennent about causation and what has happened in the past., Advised the lcttcr°will pluacccd i,rn the file fir tine Spcciral N,r'rrmit. Coid I rincil ra bond is bcia g lrcld. W1wnn as rerluuesl fbr role asc is made,the Board will investigate this,and address, it. E'ncobunra ged paities for continue discussions for see if it is swiluthing they can resolve, ui ,gested'that if the paarRies nvcaurinl blue purr peer reviewer to, look at this and provide itiforrmnation tlnc can deterrma irne a liarrtltllra for paying or° limit. There is nolh iin f b0bre us to act on. If iussnncs are unnr°esclved when time bond release;conies up, wveIl address tivemn, If the parties wish to deal with this issue oil their crW n in as civil manner, lhcny can do llrarl as well. DISCUSSION ITEMS ll r,7 Arauiaryer° Str.'eef,The Trustees rofRes rvidiaons: (K Cbr°inier•a,usraraarc�, c,ror,t�ia r,ti"w° rassi n) Prescnfialion of operations report as required by SpQcial t'oornditio n 23 of'tTrc uap roved Site Plan Review Special Permit- Also, rccyt,rest for release of tlmie 'l 10,000 perforvnaarnce 'bond, wviniclm.was posted toensureconstruction erosion contrul,and 1111ca'SUMs, Mid por'la,:ra'ranancc of ally other condition Contained within the deicisio n'will take place irn ruccordannccwith time plans and for ensure an €rs-lnui'lt plan will besubinitted. I l,rnrigh..L This, i.le plan,nappr oy al rall'a_owved For the r pnurp,osing a,of'ran existirn, 4' x 60,' wd to scrvQ as raa Visitor's [:enter, parking Cor°611 cars and associatedlandscapling. An apermrtiorns reploit, constructioraa record planrm, avrmd engir aver certification letter are included in your parukerts. A bond rtlenmse request was included on line December 21, 2021, Plarrrnian, ,Roaxd agenda, The result of that request was the following nioti m u "0,1. Sirnorns made an nnu' ion to maintain time bond as is and review the site based upon the 1-year report and evidence of plantings and screc,rnirngs collie sprinn lintiic. P. Boynton sc,co ndc d Ilnc rrnol iiuon. Tlnc vale was 3 0, a nrarndmmmrrrus in.favor." All Il Town qf'North Andover PLA NNI `G BOA RD „ , tts.�rr " err John �Ya�rr rorr�° ig Tuesd4y July 19, 2022 .rrr. Main Vreet lown Hrrfl North rfrrda.ver° 0184.5 Operations peppcad Its lacenn subla'rillcd to Ow Board to aardr(;was SppQ(Ja!al 1,orurlilionr 23 arl°line aap.apra:r'wya rl laanura ry^7', 201.9, Site Plan Review Special Permit; "one year after CO and yearly thereafter for 3 years, the Applicaarit shall liurnaslr flue>Plaarrtuinu , a"aim°tl With r,a 1pra.r°t i�ra the opnet°aatiwarrs rnl'tlue flew cru"s 'avolid f;c Fstale,, f"ou ruintg oil the w lfels of clnannnges noted iun this site pIaunn. °D'lais repaint slnaull irncIuude; but not be Iiinnited to f°i°equuencyF of'overflow park iirrp, lol unsu, pictuur°cs of plauurti.nr, s scr cuuuiuup , pictures of the rncww parking tr_ol aarid, overflow parking lot (wwdheur in nmse/wvhen not in use), evidence of Project En,ginc er cenlificatiort that the stornanwvaater nnaararn enanernt syrsternn is functioning its designed, and, as photometric pla rr aanaulysis to deterrnrine actual lumen intensity vs;,° planned lumen iratemity" Director,Steveia,;'s Cep(ud v tstate &Jeremy Dick, Stewar sh4l) Manager:er: °urunniinnr°ized Days ill tm; it), llnc Olxrafiomn, rgliorl; parking, li htin,„ ;"orrnnl and llnc ltcufkr. Frrtr,arrcc ol:f"ChicicuMriung Rd., drive and panrlkirup lot are all working aa%designed;drainage is working as well. Overflown parking lot has not been used since, vac st"I'l-led.T wvcl soil conditions l:ra ve not been faavorarlble in Olnua past year. Events haa.vua.been desi,prux! to be snrnaallur in size and used thnne-ti.claetinp to avoid that- F'xplari iced that liigh iirug is hardly ever urs,ed rnpa art from Winter Lights; which is the only time,of year wlrere the lights are, turned, on. Some of the landscape lighting was removed because it was never uusded, Nigh(events are not rurra apart fi omn Winter l.ip,,hls in Decini bear-first wccR of January, Requested to wvaaive photometric analysis. Explained that the applicant worked with the t learlth Director last year ru, ;raixtin s'o ld amnuaf craretnl ur'irr ,a s(iuund nnOe r laa tnac au unr°c the decillcl lcyel;s dii surnnnnncrdtnir conr(:Qrts, ill Found to, be reasonable. The fondest decibel occurred unun e� dnesda s when mowing was,occutra°in . Regarding l,uuMrs, :t rgif f"r n'a�tpt aar'caa wufre p,laarrlcd as rcquut stvid1 tlrc Q nd of Wood l.nauue, against 1"a rralover St. faacing Ysidc of parking Jot,,and along Chickering Road curb. A couple of screening wvaalIs were, installed. Requested release of tine bond -and it wwraaiverr for l.im pholornetriu analysis. Conservation Coran:tnnission recently clos;cd line project and iss,rued as Certificarte of CompIiaui'rce. J. Enri ; ln.foriTled the Board that enzauils from abutters wver,e received earlier today and this evening, which have beeru added to the nlectin,g packet°. E° Goldbcrur; (Ruud l-°ieri and Cornier, coirirnuents, into the record.)P. Cicri cominnents 5 ... lui ' llIa c 1 aarne; Seni Metter in l�rt'aarina t'arch to an airtlr„ir,r,ecr, lfl'roto .shnw dr in ag;c issue-, grnuu ijdu vork is ernt7'rlpldlc d adding 8ardoll structures, road, parking,lots, etc. Backyard heconnes flooded since the work commenced; never dries,except in h,6grl t of'srntrrirrret. K. Currmier°corntrrc:urO, Ili' , ndd;:nver° la'ecl; l_1a'fpeal Bogard to uo sidcr not ruwlcaasirrg 11he band dire to outstanding 'itenna (referenced letter submitted 1 2-2021) noting aull issues that remain, The"Do Not Enter" sign has tnol lucetn 118 dirt not rr'rcnntic'rr, line tree, Tlne Tr°r.uslcc,� aamnd,l ha vc not u:otm nurrricaaWd about aan:ny of`tine points raised at the December 2021 Plarrnning Board meeting.Noise from the amplified music contiu'luar:s to he uurnaueceplable and tunruMarsona blea Any conmplaaiun.ls rnaade over ;ycaars to the Trustees,have been fintite yielding no chaarage, Eneonrrspfes 1)hotonaetrie analysis; l(ghtirap is,out ofelnuarracteu° ir) Phis r'esiuterati,al v:aprte,, Trustees ronlinnu;ue to, use Wood Lane fdr, ecgruipment access(witnessed 124/122) did not: (believe access wvaas allowed. Planting buffers arre iinsaufficient, Car 1n rking lots aari� dill visible arid "active railer 10-6 p.m Plantings aii tniniratral M lire end of Wood Larne and duo not meet the request or need (included photos), T°r t nnwaullact : What is th(e bicmd lh,al we are lnotdiaug nacaatrl tap covivr? J° Enright: Condition 31 it the decision (aa $D OK bond) states "`to erusarre the construction,erosion control imear nn°es and o.thcr condiliora corulaahneul hurviso will take 13121rrtc ill auccu+rraaannce with 111c plans and conditions in this decisronn to ensure the as-built plans will, be,suulnin iitted", E. Ciold u:rl That's,broad,giVirrg uus sig nilicaarnt lcuawagyr and wide discretion. °1. innorasr Expressed pres,;sed the cams are visible drivimnge,along Andover Street. Suggested ar low hedge hunfferinp the rains would be reasonable and appropriate tinder the Special Permit. .2 To i vit of No r1h A ndo twee PL Nk,^ G. Or.1N R D mean Gohlbep , rt":'rttnarr' Sean Kertahait ' cf.l'r ta, r KellyC,°o�TM��Cormier John Simons Alissa Koenig 1mursda r 'ul 19' 0 �y °..m. 120J ain St'reel Town Mil 'ui-th .>dqdovei rllfl 01845 L. a➢bee C.o ndiiVion 42 1, "AppliicanI sNall I rqmir tin(] tiiainfair7 thc e istirig draiiriage seals identified on exhib�iI plasm dated ➢anmmaar r 14, 2020- 1 lie engineer shall provide written notes that thel plaintiff i ccrtilyinng tlne swaalc' functiniling as designed." 1. EunriWl"i: C;°onforurgcnl an enn itraen°4 acftifrtoa4i.Oil letter starting the, build substantially connphes with the plaarns and is fa.mnctinrnin, ,as designed ivaas received.. The paucluet includes as locus showing where tlnaat s%,Y- lc is,kuu,ted, Repair of thaat:swaule was conditioned in the Spec..uatl pe nr it dccislcrnu. Die p,arccl thaal subinnitted corn nients is to the right of diaat:location. c:rc was no work associated wwwitln drainage at that end of the parcel. "➢°liere were, draainnaagc concerns, raised regarding sheet flow across the property line of 100 as:m!ul 114 C11u1 Villaa c Lane duriitng;,the lnernnittin process, You maay n:maall tluc videos ofmwaatcr runnnunirng a°acnro ss those properties, It was anticipated that repairing the swaalc ww^a'Rild iinpro ve that situation. No one has enntancted Wile saying that condition still exists,, as far as we know it has improved- E. Gol bcrtr,. Stalcd thaaf claming these annual reports, its a°a p ,d practice. ➢richrned to want to,see the photonnetric plans, Particularly iflighting use.Changes ill the frnture. It is as conuiitiora(paragraph 23 of dw nlc6,,io n) tlnercttarc we would [lave to wrote to release thernn fronn that Condition. vca°flow+ paarlainn ff lias bicona aan➢rtres"wed- Screening, noise and li,glrliinn 9 are On.e rtnaninn itcnnas that fnotA, to be addressed. ➢ 'Seri ng: [; pressed that you can't put even contingency ency° in adecision- your should olisc;rwwe arid cu ri when hera something is not working. ° Jp lbw)-wers; 17"n]aain1caf that tlac Oil ly timaae Iiglnti rig is tuu°ne-d oil is Decenn'ber- Jaunuaaury -, fixtLires are d anlw slay co nipfiaant. We do sound testing at every event by walking around to various parrs rrf'the property to see how loud it is. NVc explain to rrnursieiaanns tiro lwccp volunnn'n lewwcl down- We haven't had any complaints apart fron.ni this ewwcnafa'n . We wVill Continue to pion itor. Received an entertainment license to play until 8 ➢a.rin mien Fri(kay and Saturday nights", J. Dia:,l ; splamim icd tlnaat new trees wwcrtc plantedalong the wall at Andover St. and some along Wood Lane patran:llel to,the parr°fairip lit- Weed control brought al substantial problem down-,you can sce tlnc wall tioww+;aad the hayfield is, in better condition nowww diaan 2 years, ago. J. innnorts: A. low l'.netlpe nnc t to wlncn° the payu°kiing is would buffer the parking. ➢t"s au simple solution to clisgrri to numerous earn°s iri an alien field,wvl"aich is not very attractive. J �Ltiv: Expressed thaut as liedg 'i.s u,liff:nana,uIt to alaainnt-aainn c o nsiderirn the length aif`tlaaut [,parking lot. That's saanletlnun we'd, need to eunnsidea°., J. BoN rs: Apologized to abutter Cieri suiting alley➢.naawwcmn't aadclross;cd any work on that side of theproperty; hard to saay if it's OUr is ue or not. It was as vcry wwo'wwrinatcr°and we had f'la-mc-ndling on parts of our property. ➢�_ thol>afl er&- It";i not son'lething that was part of this clonstrnrctione I would ask tluaat you, review tl`nc;area to see: if there its anything fi-oni your,property corning omilo tlnei:r propert , if(he drainage iq�affected by your topography arnd if"11w.m"sr arlydiing,that eamn lac donne to assist l . Goldberg: Inclined to release some, but not the entire bornul. J. Simmons„ Prefers to revisit in aa.month or Iwo and &c dc ➢las,ed on better data- Provide the Might study and get that inifor•rnaation. Requuested applicants return to tl:ne Bwrd in a:ptennnbir r° ww°ilb an update- J. Diek. Onnra cotnccrri al otR doing t➢ac lighting stumdy in the sumninner would naeaan having lights,on past 8.30 p.rtl- Suggested waiting until Cictober when 6:00 p„nn. is nr unc coas',rsterrt;,. tdolul ,. geed aand' crrccrnirng photos rnniht lie helpftnl perharaps 1-6 nrainths��alaaart and the view ➢'m-om Andover trect of'the Parking, Irate (Abutter Cieri left package for the Board & Trustees witlm of their lot) (Discussion to be continued to early fall 022), 3 Town of North Andover Ohm Golt1her, , Chair r' eem �?'v ~rhan ,1 ^ter° Bayrr ta'aa i//%%%' K4,16 Cormier Tiac�wlarr ,h&. ), 7 p.ut, 120 Alain Street 'T'mon HeIII Myth Aatdov'(?T° .AL4,01845 149 Main Street, Crespo Treveluuaannernf° Presentation ofpotential conceptual developannerul p hi ns, I Enright: Developer is Iner"e to pnreserrt proposed rnaixvd-uusc dleveluppanricrrl pn,laaus for the former Santarider l3anlc lot on Maim Street, T"hQr is a lnrsn'c;h asc carnal scab executed on both time Santander Int and 14 Scoond Sir(m aru d if is aanlicipnarted they will be owned by the sanw crnlity, l^°, ieulclber : Expbainnea1l that this is coming to the Boord for the first tinnnc, WQ erncouraagc prropnarsals to approach.the Board beforehand so wwc a naayw c,l'(i r lcrndbaaelc, helping to, facilitate better pnrcu.pects and arpnp licatioras, This is a c twcprp they sucking feedback on, Proposal is in the C.lcnwwrrntowwra Ovcrlay DiAr-icl and the underlying General Business District. Zoning wwrcanl, it'do a;fkct in 20017 and has been in effect for 15 years. Purpose is to crawuut'aa e nuriuued-ruse developments,appropriate for a dow untrrwwrn lua rorilaalizc and encourage more pnedestr°iaun traffic. A. hrnr°i lrtr The l ow rik.iUll)vun'n.pnrrawement Master Han ILf1M )and Master Plan are avaaihabkl nar'r the Plar'rrnimng Board and Ecrnunoannic Developnrauennt The l-;t>Clw P contemplates st:reetwcapne hTapumvenneants, street trees, wvirler sirlcwaa lllws, street light inn ro, sta.urefrrunt iiunpn ove.rnneunt plans,etc, A cnras;uuhaanat bans Meer hired to lauauk at tine Overlay District and danwwrntowrr zoiu innp, Any rccaarrnunu ndauliaunn for zoning amendments would uld go before Town eoi n " John ` unn [Lak fbr pnr(,,lnuduucill 4_r(,s�par Am DiBurrc"-Joe the Architect„Righard & Josh Cr,c po . Frank Hahne% 1"'E-prnr feet eragirneers, I.maru all Frigia'uccu°iru : wu"are here to obtauin preliminary feedback auind get reactioru fi-0,1111 tine R)"Ird to detcan-rrnine if vve are heading in tlne right direction with (lie craunccpyttufl.u'eclevclupunrcrnl,of llic property° l ww o parcels are under agreerneint, 1 49 Main St. and 14 Second St. This is an opportunity to,dewrelrrp this as the aatewaay lc.a the downtown area which snuffers from am aarchitectraral identity. RuvicwcJ eaaislin c,auumdIhiens. Bank is apnp roN, .3k 100 sf in size wwPilb as dri'vc-(q) wwinaloww° Showed tine Ibauurrndary between tlh;e(i1:3 District and R,24 Residential District. Stiowed views of Main St.,crntrMarrncc;n In ;site:aard sulb;-raelas. :Existing buildings could rnanit be built based on setback req airejmn rats. Under GB Zoning 45, ft. height is allowed by right; under the Doww°urnlmvit Overlay District 3-stories,or,d 5 ff, is allowed by Special Pimnuit Gnu of line puarpnauses of the D°t°O district is to bring the front ant"fine ticwNclaapnnunennt closer-to the street li:mne(s) Deeds to crnnfirran rear arid siidc sctp'naaclas wwPilb this Building Commissioner. Showed pncnterntiall layout per special pnu:rmil wwNcu'e thuy+ to proceed through tine Downtown Overlay rtiMu°iio wrnivig. Resprcueting the R 4 district, we are pnrarpnan°swig a Wider tl, ll., s;Obaaclw u:unu ware id( nanrul ,saaune to rear of the proposed building- Striwairng fhr° street canrurnccl iwaily, beller signaage, architectural unnifrurnn;uty°: Goal is to open line cornur of Second and .main St, with the hope of tiTiung tan create cnuultlw:ncarr nlirning.fanr as rest aaaarant on. [lie ground floor, _ fVamc°rr crnrnceprtna�al option at 45 fI. tall 4-fluor upticun (with lower er interior ceif irng heighlar)" l enunleu imp s reveal mansard rrnrnfliune, shingled to,di;rna innisln nnna°ssiirnpp, 4xittstriaal"gaaraap;wu dour lnanwved pnlncutaurealistic m°cr7rlerimrf,, ww�ill) irnd usta°iaa,l `'tpraa,ge-door' wwindowws at first floor conli raerciall spaaacc for v1sibillit , exlc;rianr residential floors with clapabOard siding. Street trees parovidic as buffer to the street J. Smotak. General Run iirncs°s Dislidul allows 45 fl° by right regardless, Jhnn DiB urruu, Disasarssed schematics, Girrnrnund floor(caunn nnaer~eiiaal) pnlaaun to i.ntt°lamde parking to the ream and Parking anrader"neattr the pnropnanscul Wilding. Sitc will contain 2 connunerciaal spaces- 3,700,sfarid 4,II l3 sf, ecubnnd, third fourth floor resideintial layouts Which ww^i11 1nawc as ecuntral,double lauaaded corridul,with vertical circulation at each err& e envision 2-onc biA'J'Ounis, -1wo b droorns and l-three lnedr"or-rrn peer floor; (1 1) unils pier flour wwilh as potential for as total rnf:.33 units. Architecture is ix)un birnaalionn of New England and mill city style,with brick, clapulnrnards', bbick lr`inu windows and. garage doors. Dowvrntanww°ra Overlay allows Jim—3 slnurics or 45 fl° and prorarvides 1110re generous setbacks; a 4"' staryr wwatilal m'etpnairc as wam-iaau ce. K, Curu'aizn°; Acknowledged need for additional housing.. Likes t e ifta r'bl:"olo ulolur dining nand energy this coarlull bring:to darww°ntawvane Tryirnp to nnunnl rslaaund line imisrsinnp and the height and how it would look within line ncighborha od with 4 stem°ies or 4 5 feet:. Outdoor halcornres arc as plus t urc.sticurned the timing for the project, whether they would he corna)s our rcuataal u.rr'rit and whether there would be affordable unru its. 4 Film? 6"aratflbe,r g, Chair Sean Kevlcnlrau Aver Bqpnfon John Sintans 7'uerJda'ip.alul 1' , p.ni, 1 ' !Main,Street Tgw✓rrr Hall, -North.AndoverAM 0.1845 I° nIjolak., We'd, like to,file as soon as wve can; wve still want to wworrk with this Board to aadyaamncc lbe de-,sip, O.Aidos v, rooAaals is toa be eleterirunir fA, I.:,..Goldberg: Thiiau falls rounder our rnewwr irnclrasionaury zoning bylaw as being 8 or more units. Dcr city b,ortuus�es may luc:lp. Location is arpp�rupriamtt f6r-aaff6rdaiblc housing due to waalkaabifity; fyr.rta"el nnuca,e�lcl fi.Dr° smart f,uomh, Parkin seetTis irn,ar quatc based on r°atins°bunt the hyllaww of°tbr%flexibility for parking., l". Goldberg: 'hiis is an invesoune place for affordable hoauusing due to the wwalk,ability; it greaitur bennefi.t,10 saarnnr oarnc who is struggling. ']Clue reality r=nfMceoruroar'u°riCs is Nvbon you are doing doww"town jpro.jeos, that are in ixed-uusc you want to hunt a cool, retail or restauuur°arrt eatarhli lnnnent oun the bottom you must he able to support that with as resi lerntival component.. Not only is it necessary to make it work but it's as great unudel for smart growth. The paat'laiing s.'" lu irruaaiquaale b a,ww d o'n" n°oquuired, r°aatios, so rosider`uts"are not having to park on tlne street- Based on the,commercial hrnSlrne'SS your could,end up with competing time%for parking, We have some flexibility in the bylaw for parking, however it needs to be well figured Out. ., Ko,Q uir ; Likes raaixoMa -Ursaµ., Additional p arkirnt; innfor°rnation is needed. Parking for a rrewwr restaurant may create Inam°dslnip for estabiished bus ineurane- S. Kevlaaluaun: Likes the concept; ,serves as an aarleh r point :lbr the owuulo wn; within thc spirit:of the Overlay Distn'i:et. Four stories, may b,,Q cxoQssiive Affiwdability f4ctor°° is ar hid valune-adds Asked if the existing,curb cunt would be maintained at time current house? J. DiB urro,: Curb c�uul ulelaik� urcca;l lra are rlctennira d; Laarng;aru hrngincerirnp, is on board for tfnoge issues. I. fl"ircu"la.tioray would be hard tojustify with :3 curb cnrtS E° taMl Mo : Bikes,the nrnixedl-urS'e and the proaj c( tiadidresses,the T TO. T pr'cssed ooneerns aalbotnt parking, Building urrurst be atu;)n ur s and no laalllcr tl'raarr 45 fl, FNcsi;gn is, rna-me ern; hitched u°onveuro/gab e.s more in Rinse with existing. .I. Simons- Complimented tile architectural presentation. Contextually, downtown was built over`nnmuaay years, sa,rrn'ue buuilr.liin s are 5-1 tl years o 1d, soalurwe are 2"5-30 years old and tlucnr You heave o ldcr buildings, Marld You luarve vely diverse ir°cb-iteclural slyle , Yon also haN,42,fu pr•cdomirnnrnce ofwood gtructuur°es. Few thriving downtowns are composed ofwwoaod stick structures. Introducing au new architectural cunnccpt is irn po'llaant and all`l ougr a iiraititally jarring, will serves,as urn piraationn to,frrtrarc rcale vuwlo narlerrt. Likes pragc doors al ground floor, perhaps cony biirne them with traditional eleruents.. .An architectural blend will contribute to au better long-terni doww^nto rr. Feluls that 45 f . is currently taller than most everything downtown now, buut if tluaat represc nt fill uu°e dircelion, (hat is what we will end aria With Ovo. burrs, Our paarhing r°urlc,,arQ f exilrle; not concerned about parking. J. rnotak; In the 613 District you can go,to 45 ft. by right, but yo ui have it narrow buildi.ng. This Board Maas ties ,special permit authority to,go above tine height of 91na.:existing exisfing building but aar ylbing above the existing building requires au specital fuer'rnnit with t aoµ upper llitnit heing `i-stories or 45 ff. A density bonus would require more parking., E. (11oldber . t ncouur°ar edl developers to engage aulnrrtter' for feedback Election of O precis; p,, Qg1dbenr : rolled the,Board' regarding any new nominations. MOTION, . Koenig unna dil as ru'rration to rnaairntaain f:_ Goldberg as Chair a nd.l. S i.nnorus as V. Chair. K. Cornnnier (rennnote) ,geconded the motion, Roll Call w"orate; K. Cormier(remote) voted yes. A. Koenig voted yes,. I h irruom w'o ltd yaks, (E. Goldberg aabst;airtod)'Tile vote was 3-0.,a nanairrvaaaas, in favor- 1Rd.EI"1`" N MINUTES: MOTTONn J irn nq, raaaadc a miot:ion lo apfurove the,lhtne 'll„2022, meeting minutes—A. Koenit; seconded the unotioan, 'fine vote was 5-0,,uina:rniunouas, in favor, Doll Call wrote; K. Cormier(remote) vaawd ye-S., , l .orocrnig, voalcd yes„.f° S-finons woawd yu'fs„ E t=oldburg vote(,] yes, 'Tlue vote was 4-0;„ annnauunirrnr~aaas in favor. 5 Town o rrr th ,. w��tt��averM Eftan, Goldberg, Chair Sean Keiihihan . Kelly Cormier lr.r ern John Simons AL11ssra. oerar ,.h Tueselay,l'ul r 1 Z02 Parr, 120 MainStreet °7'ougaa fl`unll N au-th Anilover, MA 01845 1;., ( j,dberg: National Night Out will he hosted ciao At,r, usi 2,202`2, m;sA Phianing Roard uric li:o:ng is Aug.Llst 9, 2022, ADJOURNMENT MOTION:I ' ir'r otts ur'uu do au .mount icann to nnc!jo urn [lie inecting. `fine nuurnticnnl was,seconded by A. Koenig. Roll Call vote. K. Conn ienr(remote)voted"y s. A. Kunueunig voted yes. 1, S innaans voted yes F�. t puslu:Ubor v(Ac d y s. The�Pot,c. wag el-0, uuna nirtuart'u in favor.,M.culing adjourned 8,30 p.m. MFF V INGT, MATERIALS: Planning Board Meeting.Agenida July 19,,2022, LaltAl.,,l Planning Board Mectivig MiTa ICI hcgle 2 1, 2022, �tua:Pt l#epnort. 220719 Staff Repoli„ 137 Andover'Strectx 137 Andover Stun-c[—re )rt mind bund r°oludsic: AbLititer m. i �o r,l�a irr,a a cunmc arun,s: Pictures: lunnan es 1-12 220,719,1lunnanil Lief° NA Backyard Water,22 719 Find Cicri 5;8 Old Villiaag: Lane A Nnkyaard Water,,Reconstructed sale focus; Abutter—Cormier Concerns: 211221 A uuttor Corrilier(:",gin a c,ruN„ 20719 r baltbur t'ornii,Qr Cuanmmnennls,F nr Cent s-Built 1'lan11; r)l:ll As-Built Letter 5-3- 0,22 t,211 102 s-Bnnilt Plan CRIJ, 720712 Operations 9tepor t, '2020, 1107 Decision-Trustees r f'Rie,sen:° untaun n;s- PR-1�7 Andover Street&0 Chic ke.rin Road(Par-1 1; of2),70200107 Dmisiaaan Pllaan s-Trustees ol Re;servationns- PR-1 3 7 Andover Street&0,Chicke;r'nng Road(PaRrt 2 aall'7).,; 149 Main Ntr-eet„Cresmra Devclopmarmmt. 220,719 149 llr?1.aniun Street- ll.aevelun nnnerrt Meeting- v . ,22070 REVISED 149 Main Stroct N. A ndover Dcvcicul-aumu;rnt v9.75i Comm arualcTutienars. 5 0,Peters Street,Noilh,Andover Vientur'aes LLC: 20165tt Abutter Letter RE stuni'u''nvdlut slruina c dlcNiign and construction,