HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-28 Stevens Memorial Library Trustees Minutes *Motion to,acc%A as vmittewffie minuto of the meRting from Seoember 28,202 1, The,motion im utumuncusly zpprove& Stevew Memorial Library Board of Ubmry Tnistees(BOLT) Nfinutes September 28,2l 21 Monthly Meeting, -Appravedll,11612021 I. Call to Ch-&T CLauperw, n,Anu Cavanaugh called the Bowel of Libnuy Tim tees Seplember Monthly meeting to ordei on Tix-.,s&y, Sep ten iber 28,202 1 at 5:06 pin, Attendee Ann Cav=, augJL chan;Mmy Disham, Eva Hanzmi-1 Stan Lia4mi;Nlnk Rodgers; Eat,I Sleendse�Kathleen K'eenam' eclof;Lucinda M ,azza Assist -ant Dkiec tor Absent: Detuse Casey,moray Town Managet/Dinsion Ditector 2. Pubh-cCbn=eut-None 3. Appoval of'Nl[intues fof Ttusteesraeetinp a, 'Mintges from Bcmd of Libiw-y Tru,,,itees Augusl 17,2011 Monthly meeting Eva Hamori nude,a MOTION.,seconded by Stwi Limpert, to appfmv the,mintites Appcove& 64 4. Cotrespondevce,�Cmrtannucations a, Received: ,md from Ann 0"BrieA,fov the fnu,t boucpwt received while out,on an extended letter. 5, Repotts, a. Chairpet-som • Recognition of fenner Tnmtees Bill Duffy recited diis past June afw as years of senrice.Reconunendation: create a Stevens photo a%=fbit Bill and presew it at the Noven*er annual nteeting, Contents urould inclixte:Imtory of'Stevens,picture s ofliteviows directors,Stevens fwxiily feiuuon pichves,etc. ACTIONS: * A=Cnranati*,collect qwu-s from current and former Tmstees to put in the book. * Katbleen Keen=gather pictmes for Ann who uill create the book. * Eva Haawn, assist Amu as an ecktct. * Mark RD4gets, gatlier,Bill"s biographical u6m"run ation. • Maria�&s�ager,former Tmdee,urdl be Sivfti a,Ste phoW album also. Asub- group of'the Tiustees,wiU work on this. o ACTION", Eva Hanwfi MR lead this. • Bond vacancy ptocess dig, wsicn With Bill 's tetitement,diae is a vac ancy on the Bawd.A brief&m-sion followed abeig the sialls a new raeniber would bring to the Board,Tntstees were, as,lwd to reach out to i"vichials who they thought iniglit be,interested in sen*,. GoaL to have at least 2 or 3 aWlicant s to imite for an interview. ACTION- Ann Cam anauo Nmll cfiaft a Vacancy letter to post 1xiblicly. To increaw possible respoases,,it mrill,be pwsted widelyvia the,Librazy,(mrebsite, Facebook,and Twitter). It NNill also,go to the Town to post via the Towu's owdia channels. 102 1-09-23 B*LT SVt Mtutft DPAFT 11 1-12-211021 Stcnrens Memorial Library Board of Librzy Thtstees (BoLT) Minutes Septernber 29, 2021 Monthly Mcefing .501 update, Maly Dishaw repotted,aflft which diffe was discussion of a few pomLr. One question va,s whethet-t ,isit the,Bylaws at d2is time,- die, de ision is to=9 do IVL Brad Bedi4gfield,, Hemenway and Baines LLB'(ME)aftorney, is pi-epanag,the Ubvu- y 501(c)(3)application and providmg guidance. Mzy Dishaw loved that the NU AttAnney Genefal's office will need to,be involved when nwLing the Endowment fbn&,ficau the Tmm's tax Mto the Board's 501(cX3), Sefingupthe 501( )(.;),and meeting,ulth MA Attomey General's office can be done s=iltanemisly. Mmy Dishaw, stated tbe imixwtance of haviug,the onginals of the Eudowux-W,docation docunxmts,the"genesis"'d6numents for du s process. ACTION: Nbr y will1ocate all genesis dontments and puU thent tagether. Next,meps would be Heawnway&Bames spealdng with Toi=Management to answer any H&B questions. The'Trw;tees as a couttesy should update The To r Manageiabout the, 501(c)(3)process befcne Hemenway&Barnes contact ACTIONS: • FIRST, Mmy Dishaw andS�tanL tint pert%ill anange to meeting with Town Manages,Mebss,a Rodrigues,to,i4xiate bet on'the Tnistees' plans and%vba:t steps vis a iis th,e Town,if any,she reconunenclss. • SECOND—MwT Nvill put Heuvenway&Batues LLP,in ccatact with die Tvau Mlam, ger for H&B questions. 'b Libraty Directot • Staffin& Kathleen a=ouwed the retiten*nt, of NUfte McAndrev-Taylot,Head of Adult,Teen&Reference Seimces,on December 10, 202 1, 'T'owu Managgeux-nt has been asked about tt)*P,tal fill,the po.,sitiou before Mvie Itaives. If able to doso,the Libtar tio over the cost of both Matie"s retirement paymt and salary of'the new per son. • Buildiagg 'The septic lines halt bem cleaned cut and inspected using tiactcw with an a, Approximatel s mspecteA one%ection in the Water*,inU,e Room was urat accessible,bto,"BONA Facilities felt d3is acceptable Tbe large root has been remDved f rom the Stmur Water hnes at the intersection of N.Inm and Nfiddle sex Stseets, • The Friends'book,sale is at the Stevens Estate undes,the tents,Fri.., Sat Sj=., Octber 29. 30, 3 1.HaRoween weekend, The Friends will hold a&nation dtive drop off"neekend,October 15, , 17 at the LibrazT.Donaticus AiU be held in the conmumitf room imfil bock.sale the following weekend. • Ptopmntnin& Gradmilly stasting in the Libraty, guidelines follawing To= Scbeduled.monffilybook groups,nvmin=,i of 10 attendees -Tuesday e%vaing adult book-groW,Teen book-chat,Tween book chat",Fust Cbapter-Book chat,,, and Fiiv Book chat. The annnal Hall of Fame and,Teacber Recognition event,has,bem held at the Lbrary in the RouuWa for several)ears. Howe ex,tbis,�w it moved to,the IE41 School Au&t!onimi,(hie to Town OE circumstances. 271.11-09-23 BLS"Sept MmutesDRAFT 11-12-2021 Stevens Memorial Libruy Board of Library Trustecs(BoLT) Nfimites Sq,itember 2,S, 2 O�21 Monthly Meeting Kathleen contributed infoitnation about the Library for publication in the,NAPS Swenutendent's October nemdenti,and the'TON A quarterly newsle-ftergut vath the mrater bill mailing. North Ando,6w Rea,&, Fall 2 "s dwime"First Neighbors, Still Nei#bm,"baings tog gethff imterial on indigenous peoples, It,mus frm nn'd- ON:tober to tuid-Novembef in collabotation with the Nato Andover Pubhc Schools and the '3vupetinteudent's offxe. 81 Capital InVrovemeut(CIF)requesta; Si*amissiou dat r CIP requem�,3 was,JIxAVd from October 1, 202 1 'to 22, 2,02 1. c. Tteanxer • Earl Svendsen distritnited the Treasauef's Report psiortag the meeting. Feat reviewed the report, disaassing,the,latest spending and&4ances of vmicu munt s acs. • TbeTiea,=ex"scheckingac cap uwrepmlstattea fie.,shiNrithfisca af,,Jtdyl, 20,21, 81 He stated the Tvistees spent abolio the anwom as the Fmioxx yew. d. Committees Reporls 81 Investument Conixmiftee Mark Rodgers,explained hewas vam-ing.in vestnwntsselfing and tarying,M"the Inivstment Stratep, Alter selliAg,an imvstirrat and before,buying new i.twestownts. some money will be,held in tbe demmd accolutt so it cmi,be transfmedwithout having to make a sde. Mak asked if any money should be set&side and not re-awested at this time.The Trustees estimated how,nmch additional money would be needed in the near tesm and reconunended Muk hold aside,$51,000. 01 on Range Plan:=g Coninuttee(LRP)i Ann Cavanaugh ha,s set tip a zoom n*e4ing on October 15, 2021 at I I am urith Nfichelle Eberle from the Nbssachu Ott s Libray Sysstem(NEL,S) fcc assistance. 01 Building Counriftee Eva Hamori said the RIP for the fimiture Ls teady. Tlie This-tees agreed to nmim forward and order the ftmniftue. ACTION: Eva Flanxni tosend ow, the RFF and proceed to,orderthe fimuitime fbr the Reading Room st*tables(7)and,dwir chairs.(16).Lotmge(upholstered) fumiture is on hold- & Old Btumness a, Action Item review—tabled for next meefi4g b. Hi"soric Entrawe ectu te no pda — update-see Nth LaN;m pvjectbelow. pn� c, Clumney roofrep",�replacanent update 01 Clay tiles- Steve,Foste:,JONA Facilities Maui a,genwut,, got a stinvite to,replace cbinvxy toofsurith the as clw tiles would cost mvr $10,000 Copperrooft wiotild be less,expensive and the longevity is better.Facilities will pay f6r teplacenwnt. MOTION.Proposed by Mak RDdgers,and seconded by Eva Hat=i� The Tniuteez mithori:e TOM A Facilifi&-, nep,wentMby Steve Fartmi*, to rnove fibmani m1th tire purrhase and itutallation qfnm cqpir r to mpair the Librayy chintru, e c))s� Viost of thisprojert, inateitals andlabor, 1*411 be rovemd in Steve Fostm's budget, 2,M 1-0 -'2 Sept,M=tes DF.MT II-1211-202 1 Stevens Memorial Library Boyd of Library,Trwtees(BoLT) Nhimtes Septet ber 28,, 2021 Monthly Meeting W Approved 6-0 & Public!badu�omm, renovation study i4xime Kathleen nill colupI e the Capital fiiVrm*nwnt(CT),xequest to renovate tbe public batbrooms, She mill work!with Steve Foslet I TONA Facilities Nfimpment(IFAC)on two.. e. FY22 Endomment Spending&scussion ■ Ann Cavmmighhas a list of pos4ble library pwjects,from ApnI 20,21 Kathleenhar, been adding(is bet,oopy of the Iist, A coakined,updated version will be distributed for the next meet The Thistees can me dus to help pnonhze projects and deteinuneffieu Endowmentq*fig plans, f To,,am: 'Nennyptanj-tipdate Eva Hanwn mfornied the'Trus tees the North Andover Women's Club Gda celebration hw been postponed to May 13. 2,022 g. Nc4th Lawn Project update, Kathleen reporting,. Still under consideration., coniiu=g thiss pcoject with the ffistoric Enttwce project.Toe ply wouW be to,aWly for Ccummity,Resftvation(CPC,,), fiwds for the lamm project. (Tbeffistotrc Entrance psojectalrea4y ha's a CpC'S1'MIt) Ifilre decision is,to try to,ccmkine the projects,,it will delay the,Historic Entrance clonstrixtion by a year as a CPC pant could not be approved until aftet,the May 2022 Town meeting.Nei ecisim was made at dus titw. '7. New Business a. Endovmwut Spending Process discussilm-Tabled until,next,nutting S. Net njeefiug dates Bcmd.awntlily nx4eting,October 26,2021 Board annual meeting:November 16, 2021 Board awnthly meeting.,Nov , 16., 202 1,follows,the a=nd niee.*g Board budget preparatim meeting. Decea*xn' 14, 2021 19 Adjcqumireirt Mark Rodgers awk a MOTION,seconded by E,,%m Hamori to a4i ourn the,nx-etuig at Approved: 6:0 Docimients DistnWed 2 202'1-0,9,-28BoLTAiigiistl7,, 202] r�iceholigittipiuteswj-2DP.4FT 3. BoLT Trm=irm ale pmtS017,t 24, 2021 Nal-09..n BOLT*t M�Mwft DpwvT 11-12-2023