HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-23Mo~day, JanUary 23, 1961 Regular Meetiag The re~r monthly meeting' of the Board of Appeals was held ea l~omday, Ja~ry 23, 1961 at the Tows Office Building. M~mbers preseat amd votiag were: Daniel T. OtLeary, ChairmAa~ He~ry E. Lu~d, Robert J. Burke, Howard Gi~ and Associate ~ember.~illiam M~rtoa.P ~r, O'Leary desigaated Mr. Morto~ to sit im place of Charles Foster, Regular Member who was absent. 1st heartmg~ james' O. Curtim requested a variation of Sectioa 6 Paragraph 7.23 of the Zomi~g By Law so as to permit ~he erectioa of a dwelling on the prem4~es loeate~ at the West-side'of Prospect Street 145 feet distant from the cor~er of Furber Arcane, knows as Lot 161. Mr. 0'Leary told the Board proper plans and a rel'dsal from the Building Inspector had lot bees recaive~.~ Mr~ Curtim said he did act know pla~s had to be ~Ub~itted ia five Copies and'a linen. He said he had act receive~ a copy of the Boar~'s rules and regulations from the Tow~ Clerk. The Board' decided they would go ahead with the ~eari~g amd t~e petitioaer will get the necessary pla~s~ Curtim appeared for himself and told the Board he would like a five foot variaaee each side a~d on the rear lot li~e. Mr. Burke asked if there was amy other land on either side owned ~y the petitioner. Mr. Curtis said he had ~one. Mr. O'Leary asked how' the house Would lime up with the other houses o~ the street and ~[r. Curtis said it.would co, form. · 'ttorney Mattrice SChwartz appeared for Walter and Elizabeth Adams, abbuttere, a~d opposed the parities.' He stated he felt Mr. Cur~im should have come ia udder Seeti~a 6, Paragraph 6.61. He also said there is mo reference that ~his lot was laid ou% im the Registry of Deeds prior to 1956 a~ required ia our Zoaiag Laws. He then aske~ when Mr. Curtis purchased this lot amd Mr. Curtin said approximately two years ago. Attorney Schwartz poimte~ out the lot'ia question contains ap~ately 4,100 square feet a~d the ~,,~ding law requires 12,500 square feet. He said he didn't feel Mr. 0urtia's three ~a~ lots should be split. Rufus Lambert, an abbutter, also opposed the variance; Mr. ~_~ert told th® Board a short time ago he had' agreed to purchase this lot' from Mr. Curtim as his t~ lots eomtai~ approximately 8,500 square feet, but Mr. Curtis did not foll~w through om this. Mr. A~ told the Board that most of the houses ca Prospect Street are set back approximately 30 feet. Mr. Burke moved to take the ~:.tter u~der advisement. Mr. Lured seconded the motion. ~naniuous vote. 23, 1961 2md hearimg: Wtlliam B, Kent 'requested a Variatio~ of seetio~ 4'11 of the Z~tmE By Law so as- to Permit the c0mversiom Of a three family into a four f~wfly dwelling om the premises located at 50 Secomd Street. _ Mr. Kemt appeared for himself amd told' the Board there Would be mo cheageS oa the ~tside'of' the butlding; He poimte~ out the deWa stairs apartment of sevea rooms was going to ~ split according~ to the pla~s submitted. There ~wa~? mo.eppositio~ present.. . · Mr. Burk· moved to take the matter umder advisement. Mr. Luad secmaded the motiom. ~namim~us vote. 3rd bearimg: sherwood HomeS, Iac. requested a variatiom of Sectiom 6 Paragraph 6.31 of the Zomimg By Law so as to permit the Combination of two lots into omc in accordance with 'Procedure uadsr Paragraph 6.62 om the premises located at the East side of Patroit Street at the cormer of Sargem% Street. JOhm Shields appeared for himself amd told the' Board he would like to Combine these 10ts' so c~e lot would coataia approVe=rely 10'000 square feet as required ~er SeotiO~ 6,62. Ne pointed out this lot has frontage om two streets amd there utilities available. Attorney Rolamd Sherm~m re~senting Evageline and Cec~11a Domovan, aBbutters, appeared before the Board and told them h® had diScusSe~ thiS Petitiom with Mr. Shields. He e~td~th® Dcmevans would mot object to the variance if the house would mot be too close to their property to cut out light and air. Mr. Shermam said Mr. Shields agreed that he would mot put the house nearer tha~ 30 feet to the Domovau property and that he would be willimg to have this writtem as a restrictiea em the varience. Attorney ~oha Willis stated he had mo objectiom tO the ~iance but brought out ~ fact there are mime Small lots ia this sectiom and if they were combined there would be cae small lot left. Mr. Shields told the Board he has en ~eme~t aow but did mot hove at the t~ the applicaticm was made to purchase the rem_-_t~tmg seven lots and they will be divided into three lots. Mr. Burke moved to take ~the~.m~%er umder advisement. Mr. Lured seocads~ the motioa. Um~mous vote. .~ Mel Belenger and Kemmeth Boy~ ef NaverhLll a~eared before the Board as~mE ~ requi~-~.emts for a Public Hearimg, Mr. Belanger told the Board ~hey would like to start building garden apartments om Massachusetts Avenue. A diacussiom was held ma She eveming's hearimg. Mr. ~rke moved tO de~ the 'variance to '~amen O, 0urt!-TM- because there is adJaeen% la~d and uader the ~oviSiO~s of sectic~ 6,61 the Board hes-mo power to greet such a variame~. Nr. Lured secoaded the motioa. Umamimous vote. Hr. Burke moved t~ grant the variouoo to W~lliam B. Kent. ~otioi. Uu_~mnus vote. l~, I~uad'm~ved tO ~t'the vartauce to Sherwood Hones, the motion. Unanimous vote. A bill was sig~ed for $ 40.25 flor ~ Doherty. PIr. Burke ~oved the mee~-~ adjour~ at 9:10 Mr. (~'t,~u seeended tho Mr. Gilmen seecadei Mr. Gilman seconded the motien.