HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-03 Board of Selectmen MinutesSeptember 3, 1985 5.15 The Board held their regular meeting on this date with 4 members present: Chairman Christine M. Smith, John W. Graham, Charles A. Salisbury, Ramsay Bahrawy. Selectman Kenneth Crouch not present. Executive Secnetary Keith A. Bergman present. The minutes were approved with correction. The warrant was approved as submitted. The Board voted unanimously to go into executive session to discuss ABC Bus Company issues. ABC Bus Company The Board voted unanimously to authorize Town Counsel to proceed with litigation and take whatever means is necessary to enforce the Zoning bylaw. John Casey asked for clarification of a penalty to be enforced by the Building Inspector and whether this would still be assessed with lititgation being persued. Selectman Graham stated that the Board will proceed with litigation, and presumably Mr. Foster will assess the penalty. Local Arts Council Resi~nation The Board received the resignation of Marilyn Stalls from the Local Arts Council with regret. Voted to advertise. . EOCD Incentive Aid Program - Grant Application Executive Secretary Keith Bergman reviewed theieubmission of a joint application with the School Dept. for a grant in the amount of $16,200 from EOCD Incentive Aid Program, ~for the purpose of funding the development of a shared management information system of the school- municipal payroll and accounts payable/receivable systems. Additionally, the Advisory Bd. has given their full support to this grant application and has agreed to commit any additional funds necessary for management improvements associatad lwith this grant. Upon a motion by Selectman Graham, it was voted unanimously to submi[~the grant application~i~h t~e School Deptl for an EOCD 'Incentive Aid g:ant.and.to:send a-letter of support. Highway Surveyor~Issues Lower Main Street: Bud Cyr recommended that the Board do something about getting things moving on the project and resolve many outstanding issues. Bud stated that he would.not approve the project, and cited many areas where very poor quality of work is at issue. Everyone agreed that no work has been done for some time on the project and that if nothing else, the sidewalks should be completed by now. Executive Secretary, Keith Bergman reported that Jim D'Angelo of Vansse/Hangenhas met with Sherman Eidleman and was told thatthe matter will be looked into. Selectman Salisbury suggested that a meeting be held in Boston with all concerned parties, including Commissioner Tierney, and at,that time, present a chronology of what's happend~ on the project, and a list of what's wrong. The Board authorized Keith to contact Senator and Representative Hermann for assistance in scheduling this meeting. Davis & FurberMill Complex: Easements for Access Rd. Bud noted that he has not heard fromM arty Spagat since the meeting on Aug. 5th when he was to meet with Bud to go over what was needed for an easement for access to Rte.125 and for pedes- trian walkway. Letter to be sent requesting Mr. Spagat to get in touch with Buddy. Holt~ Road: Regulatory Signs Bud suggested~ the Board see about having regulatory sign~placed on Holt Rd. to deter speeding, and further suggested pushing the state to do something about the intersection of Holt Rd. and Rte. 125 '.' ptility ~oleLocations Bud noted that the utility poles scheduled to be removed on Holt Rd. some time ago, have. still not been removed. Also, a utility pole at the intersection, of Gray St. and Boston St., which stands in the middle of the intersection,~was schgduled to be moved approx. 3 hears ago, and still hasn't been moved. The Board voted unanimously to go into executive sessionto discuss a) C.61 A properties, b) litigation: school dept. arbitration case, and c) litigation: D.Green retirement case. LICENSING COMMISSIONERS: McKinnez School ~Licens~ Upon a motion by Selectman Smith, seconded, by. Selectman Bahrawy, it was voted to approve the issuance of a license to Robert MeKinney, d/b/a MeKinney School Bus Company and set a fee of $10 per year in accordance with MGL C.159A. s.1 ABC BUS Company The Licensing Commissioners voted to schedule a public hearing to consider whether or not to revoke the underground fuel storage license issued to ABC Bus Company, for September 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Catherine J. Hicks, Secretary ***************************--_-- Clerk