HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-19 Board of Selectmen Minutes 19, 1979 (continued) ~:I~, ~ .ol~G CO~.E~SSIONERS: 93' JUE.E.~TS FA/,[~JS PIZ~ml: A hearing ~.~ms held on the application for a ~.,~ine and Beer license to be ~runk on the premises from George and Constance Stoupis, Zisis ~,hntzekis d/b/a Ji~mkv's F~uous Pizza Parlor~ 15gl 0sgood Street. Ckuirman Guthric ~.ms concerned about setting a precedent ~..4%ere they a!!o~.red a liquor license close to ~.~hcre young people play miuiature golf and buying pisza. Selectm~n Groham stated that: in his opinion, if it is too close to children's activities, !the license shouldn't be granted. Selectman Joyce stated it ?rag a bad precedure. Selectman McEvoy that the pizza parlor hadn't anything to do ~.rith the golf games~ that !.~. Sto,'pis is only tryiug to increase his income and mdc a motion to grant the license. There ~.~,'s no second. Se!ectm.~n Salisbury agreed ~,rith Board. Chairm~n Guthrie motioned to der~ the license, it ~..ms seconded by Selectm~n Joyce. Vote x.~as 4 to l: McEvoy against the der'~al. A renew.al of J~.mmy's Famous Pizza Common Victunler license ,:.~as approved. B~.IEr~.T~S PACI%lGE STORE: Application received for a transfer of the P~tail Pacl~ge Goods Store: ~ ;~coholic license from Jo~ J, Bona]Ii: Inc.: FH~.m~ A. ~ea: 1.~Eer: 64 I.hin Street to Jo~ J. Bone~i: d~/a !,bin Street Ziquo~: 64 I.hin Street, A HearinC ~.~as set fo~at 7:30 p.m. The Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date ~-~ith all me,hers present~ Selectmen McEvoy~ Salisbury, Joyce and Graham ~.rith Chairman Guthrie presiding. The warrant and minutes x.~ere approved as submitted. TAX C~PS: .~. long hour discussion ensued bet~.~eem the Selectmen and the Advisory Board re the postponement of the armua~ To~m Meeting due to the Governor's proposed tax cap. .~.dvisory Board Chairman~ Thomas Dunn~ advised the Board that they had voted to postponed the To~.rn Meeting. Otheneise~ they x,muld be faced to do a tremendous amount of x. mrk all over again. Three articles v~ere propgsed for the To~.m Meeting to over ride the tax cut. Selectmen ~,rill vote on them at their next meeting. After 'much discussion~ it was voted tlmt it ~as the intent of the Board to Journ or recess 'the anm~a] To~.m Meeting to the endc..~£ 1.'my or beginning of June. Brian to ask To~.m Counsel ~.~hether To~m Meeting can be held in June or not. It ~.~as a4-1 vote, Guthrie opposed. BOSEDf~IEAV~UE-TUTTLE GIFT: Bud Cyr appeared before the Board to ask the Select,men to accept the 2~ift of ,~;8;500. throtgh Chap. 88 and have the Tox.m Accountant place the money in a special ac~mnt to be used by the Highway Surveyor to drainage as sho~,m on the plan for RosedaE~Avenue drainage improvements. It ~.~s an -unsmimous vote. BAPJ~E' S FA~: Vin Turano and George B~rker appeared before the Board to advise them tb~t Ba~_.ker ~.ms x.~_ling to deed 90 acres of his land in bhnjunction ~.~th the A~ricu!ture Preservation Act. Vin Turano strongly recormaended action of ~.Ir. 'Barker. The act requires~ the recomendation of the Board. Plans x.M]] be made available to the Board. The Board ~,~as unardmous in their vot~ to recommend affinmtively, 1.Lt. B~rker's action. SCEOOL STREET ~ Merchants of North Ar. dover's dox.mtoun business section appeared before the Board requesting the Board's decision to restrict ~ parl~ng on the right hand side of School Street be recon- sidered. They stated .that there were so few parking spaces tl~t the School Street restriction ~.~ould create more of a problem. It was an unanimous vote to re-~alu~te the decision and dis- cussed mak~mg School Street, a one-~.~ay street~ frem ~,Min to Second Street. Board also voted to send letters to all do~mto~.m merchants and banks Zustructing them that their employees should park in back of the T~.m Building. Tmen Building employees ~.dll be instructed to park behind the Tox. m Buflding~ also. tt :.~as brought out that the 2-hour p~rking restriction on ~.hin Street ~.ras not being er-forced. The Board voted to remind all emn!oyees of the restriction a.nd ed Brian to notify Chief Donnelly requesting the 2-hour r~striction be enforeed. PLA~ING BO~hRD: The Selectmen discussed a letter sent by the Board of Health stating that they had not been consulted before the Planning Board hired a Planner ~.~ho ~.~as -~lso supposed to ~.~ork for the Board of Health. The Board of Health also protested the action of the &dvisory Board who had not houored their request for a transfer from the reserve fund to pay t~e services of their tech- nician ~no x,as hired because of an emergemcy arising from the Campion Hall suit and the increase in building. The Adviso~-y Board Chairm~n, Tom Danu, stated that they did not have the to honor the request. Board of Health is of the opinion that, in the event of ~hoemergency, they have a right to hire the necessary help and they may be paid from the reserve fund. Bill Chepulis, Chairm~n of the Planning Board, stated that they had to hire a Planner because of the many .suits involved...that the Board of Health had been invited to attend the interv'aews. The Planner that has been hired is very x.~ell-versed in soils which involves perc tests -,nd she coul¢ be eas'~ly trained iu ma~iug perc tests cm.d inspections. The Planner can be a great help to the to~.m until June ~.~an position runs out. Chairm~n Guthrie stated that if the present .~lamner