HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-18 Board of Selectmen MinutesOctober 18, 1982. LICENSING - LOFT HEARING (continued) card him previously before and he had shown him a license that definitely did not have the age date, 4-17-83. He stated that there was too much at stake to risk serving a minor. That night he had carded at least six people at the bar who had shown they were of age. Mr. Lamattina agreed with Selectmen McEvoy and Graham that it is a privilege to have a license in this town but he pointed out that his restaurant was a far cry from previous estab~lishments that were there be- fore him. He and his partners had worked hard to make the restaurant wheat it was and to make a decent living. He and his family live in North Andover, his children attend the schools in North Andover and he certainly doesn't appreciate his child ten reading in the newspapers that h~s establishment wasn't upholding the rules of the license. He also stated that if the police de~ have any complaints of his restaurant and send them in writing to the Selectmen, it was only fair he should have a copy of said complaints. Mr. Lamattina went on to s_ay that he was proud of his ,~,r~estaurant and that , basically, he has cooperated in every w_ay. selectman Graham motioned Ithat the restaurant liquor license be suspended three days, October 28-29-30, the Halloween wee ~and. Motion seconded by McEvoy. Selectman Joyce stated that .any suspension gets t~he message ~across, liquor was the primary source of their business, and motmned that the three aay suspen- sion take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday .instead of the week-end. Selectman DiFru. scio agreed with Selectman Joyee. Atty. Cullen stated that the personnel present from the Loft de- pend on the restaurant to make their living and that they are not going to jeapodize that living by serving a $1.50 drink to a minor. Their' business is now 50% food and have built up a business that is well received by everyone. Atty. Cullen went on to request that the Board suspend the license but suspend the suspension at this time. If the Board gets another report, impose the suspension. After much discussion, the Board ~oted on Selectmen Joyce's motion which was: To ha.~ the Licensing Board Chairman inform the press that the Board is holding the Board's action on file subject to executive privilege until such time as the District Court has finished with their determination of the court case of bartender Snow. ~ro~t$ was 4-~1, McEvoy opposed. Alice M. Letarte, Secretary ' ****************--***** October 18, 19S2. ~" 417 The Board ef Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with all members present; Selectmen Charles A. Salisbury, John W. Orahm, Ralph R. Joyce, R. Louis DiFruscio with Chairman Thomas J. McEvey presiding. The warrant was approved as submitted. Mill Road: A letter received from the Police Chief enclosed a report from Officer Rand who had investigated a Mrs. Rachd Thornton,s request for trsffic signs on the narrow road and bad curve on Mill Road vicinity of 140 Mill Rd. Officer Rand said that signs in the area wou~d help to make motorists ~- aware of the narrow road and bad curve. The Board voted unanimously to authorize the police chief to take the necessary steps to insta~ the recommended signs on Mill Rd. AROLD PARKER FOREST: A letter received from Barbara M. DeNitto expressed her to.ri, cern and many ohters about closLng of roads an promotion of commercial cross countr ' · · · winter. Bri . . y. Sk~lng within the forest durra the an reported that a meeting w~th a representstlve of Harold Parker FOrest revgealed a plan to close off some roads. One was directly oppostite Berry Street on hr. 114. Bud Cyr stated that this was not a Town road and in the forest and they could c~ose it if they wanted to. They also indicated that they were planning to close off a portion of Middleton Street within the forest from the headquarters out to North Reading. However, because of overwhelming opposition to this proposal, they indicated that they would probably keep the entire length of Middleton Road open. Mrs. DeNitto stated that the rights of the people now using the trails in and around Bradford and Salem Ponds where the proposed private concessionaire proposal to institute cross-country skiing would be taken away if this area is given by the State to a private concern orr an exclusive use. People now us'ing the tra~s, hikers, horseback riders, hunters, snowshooers, non-paying cross-country skiers, s'kfmobflers, skaters, joggers, ice fishermen, tobogganers and families who enjoy winter outings would no ~Onger have access to the Harold Parker Forest. In conclusion, they stated that the ~-Iaro~ld Parker State Forest was established for the use of all people .... that it was not democratic to discriminate agains all groups for the sole profit of a private concern. A notice was received from the Mass. Dept. of Environmental Management, Boston, Mass., that a public meeting for trail users of Harold Parker State Forest were. invited to a public meeting, at 7:30 p.m~ , October 19, on the second floor of Memorial Ha11 Library, Elm Square, Andover, Ma. William' Dolan, Fire Chief, was present to object to the c~osing off of the Harold Parker Forest that .the Police Chief agreed with hime. He stated he would attend the public meeting on Oct. ,~EMSS WEEK PROCLAMATION: ~.t the~.requast of the Mass. Dept. of Public Health, ~h.e Board voted to proclaim the week of . $ovember 14 through November 20th, '~mergency Medical Services (EMS) ![-week. The Board also :~orized the Chairman to sign the proclamation as ~resented. FORMER'.TOWN CLERK'S MOTHER: Chairman McEvoy announced that former Town C~erk's:~mothar, MrS. Lyons, would celebrate her 100th bi~hday on Wednesday, October 20th. Her grandson wo91d also celebrate his 30th birthday. It was voted to send her Happy Birthday greetings and congratulations on her centennial year. ·LIC}~NSING: Approved: One-day wine and beer license to Jbhn Gaffny for reception to new school superinten- dent, Leslie Bernal, at the Merrimack Va~ey Text~e Museum. One-day liquor license for conference, ~2 to 8 p.m. at the B.U. Conference Center for group from Dedham, Mass, October 26th. Motion made by Select~,an Graham to have a police officer present, So moved, 4-1, McEvoy against whole license. Class II License: An application received for a Class II licenser from Jeffrey P. Watson d/ha/ Merrimack Citco, Rt. 125, at Hillside Rd. Hearing set for November ~, 1982, at 7:30_p.m. LOFT RES~AU~RANT HEARING: ..ChaPman D Fruscio opened the he ing stating that'the Was more ~aw :ne minor.s car outside the restaurant which belonged to. Scan Rona~~ whom he knew, he called --~fficer Foulds and they both went inside and saw Ronan sitting .at thee bar with a girlfriend and' when asked what he was drinking the answer was Vodka and tomc. ~The Board asked TownClerk to go ~o his'~f'l~es and certify how old Scan Ronan was. He came back with the data that determined Ronan had been born on April 17, 1963 and that he was 19 yrs. old.~ Officers than asked Ronan to leave, ~he friend he had been sitting with was of age, approximaialy 23 yrs. old. A motion was made to accept Town Clerk's statement and it was so recorded. Bartender Snow stated that Ronan had showh him his license on a previous occasion prior to the September 13th incident and it seemed to be in order'~-tl~i~t-he did not know where Ronan acquired it. Snow said he did not card Ronan because he had already seen the license. He would not have served him if he knew he was unders Snow advised the Board that he cards every customer at the door six days':a week, but that on Monday nights he fills in as bartender , the regnlar bartender's night off. Off~cer Fo,,lds said no arrest took place but Mr. Snow was advised that he would be ca, ed to a show canse hearing A~d arraignment in Court on October 21st. that the trial would be in approximately six weeks. Mr. Snow stated, that he never would have served him if he 'had known Ronan was underage, that he did