HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-26 Board of Selectmen MinutesMARCH 26, 1984. The Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with all members present; Selectmen Charles A. Salisbury, Christine M. Smith, Francis X. Dugan, Kenneth C. Crouch with Chairman John W. Graham presiding. The minutes and warrant were approved as submitted. HEARING: ADJUDICATION OF STREETS: The Board unanimously approved the acceptance of the following streets: Blueberry Hill Lar Monteiro Way, Quail Run Lane, Foxhill Road, Bridle Path, Greenwood East and Chestnut Ct. Approval also received from the Highway, Public Works and Planning Board to accept the above-named streets. HOUSING AUTHORITY - GRANT APPLICATION (State): Louis Minicucci, Ex. Director of the N. A. Housing Authority. appeared before the Board to request their approval and support of a grant the Housing Authority is applying for from EOCD. The Grant will facilitate the building of 80 units:~composed of 24 Elderly, 24 family and 12 facility units. The units can be bu~t on scattered sites or all on one site. He advised the Board he had contacted Public Works, Bd. of Appeals, Planning Board, Conser- vation Commission, Building Inspector, Board of Assessors and the ,Council On Aging lng letters of support which will be sent into the S~ate EOCD with the grant application. The letters of support are required by the State. It was unanimously voted to authorize Minicucci to apply for the grant and to write a letter of support of the application. HOLT ROAD: Bud Cyr, Highway Surveyor, appeared before the Board to discuss the det~;ioration'of~Holt Road as a result of heavy trucks traveling every day on the road to the new NESWC plant. Bud had sent a letter to Joan Gardner, Acting Director of the Bureau of Solid Waste Disposal advising her of the heavy damage to Holt Road and requesting a commitment from the State before he proceeds with any more repairs to the road. His department had spent $5000. to date in materials to keep the road in a passable manner. The State is supposed to grade and upkeep the roads leading to the site and, to date, have not done so. It was unanimous- - ly voted to send letter to Ms. Gardner, request Rep... Hermann to .intercede for' the Town and have representatives of the Board make plans to go before the NESWC Board with John Bohenko and Bud Cyr to discuss the problem. DOC COMPLAINT: Letter received from Virginia Knowlton, 53 Furber Ave. contained a complaint that a dog, owned .by John Fitzgibbons, 54 Furber Ave., was running hround the neighborhood, unre- strained, and continually creating a noise nuisance because of 'his harking. Dog Officer and Police have responded to many calls, Fitzglbbons has been=issued a $25.00 citation, but the baFking continues. She also said he has tied his dog up on her side of the house so she will be anr~oy~drfurther by the dog barking. Fitzgibbon appeared before th~..Board and proceeded to tell the Board that th/~ alleg.ed barking was caused by. other dogs barking in the.neighborhood. H.e admitted h'e:~ies h~s dog on property occupied by Ms. Knowlton and, when questioned, he didn't know,whether his dog was licensed or not. He also admitted that his dog did run loose and he also told the Board that the dog did bark when he was playing soccer with the ch~dren because he (.the_dog) loved soccer and got very excited when playing the game ....... Police Chief Sullivan stated that it was the Dog Officer's duty to take repeated offenderS to Court. After further discussion the Board voted unanimously to send a letter to Ms. Knowlton to advise her to get in touch with the Dog Officer, day or night, if the barking continued. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Traffic Signals - Town HalllFire Station: Rick Domes appeared before the Board and stated that Michael Kurus, Traffic Signal Enginee for the State reviewed with him alternative traffic control systems, particularly one which provided pedestrian-activated crosswalks. I~aras stated that every travel way or lane re- quired two controlling lights.. . if one burned out, the other was operable. This requirement was Federally mandated, not State. So to have a traffic signal for the Fire Department~ 10 traffic lights would have to be installed. The Board ]1ad.three options...accept the plan, as is, accept the plan without the pedestrian activated system or just install duct work with signal .lights. Members of the Board were concerned about lights~lthat could not be seen.. Charlie S. stated that it would detract from the plans to make downtown more attractive, 10 traffic~lights strung out in such a small area. Chief Sullivan suggested the fireman use a large flag to stop traff~ic such as the railroad men did on crossings. He also said the Bradford Fire Station had two red traffic lights only which controlled the busy area where the station was I'ocated. After f. urther discussio,0L,,i~.,va,.s_~'oted to have the duct work installed for future lights. Vote. 4-0, Smith ~. Before this motion was made, four other motions were made but not seconded. '~!!!' SMALL CITIES GRANT AGREEMENT: The Board unanimously voted to sign the 3rd year Small Cities Grant Agreement. This will enable the Community Development office to obligate funds for the remaining $709,245 of the Town's 3-year Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program. 5~'0 MARCH 26~ 1'9'84' '(c'o'nt'i~u'ed)' POLICE ACCIDENT INSURANCE: The Town's Accident Insurance for police officers will expire on June 30, 1984. The Mon- umental General Insurance Company requested the Town renew its policy with the following revisions. I) To increase the accident medical expense coverage from $5000 per man, per occurance to $I0,000 per , per occurance...2) To increase the accident dental expense coverage from $500 per man, per occurance to $1000 per man, per occurance...3) To increase the accident weekly disability income from $100 per week to $150 per week. The Board vcted unanimously 5-0 to renew the policy as presented. WINTER PARKING BAN: The Board voted unanimously to lift the winter all-night parking ban as of March 26th, with__ the stipulation it would automatically be enforced if a Spring snow storm breezed in. The · ban would have been up on March 31, 1984. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM: The Board voted unanimously to send'a letter of congratulations to the COach of the Sc.arlet Knights girls basketball team for the fine season they had. Copy of letter to the principal, Daniel Desmond. Licensing Commissioners: Merrimack College - Bruce Baker, Director of Student Activities appeared before the Board to discuss the application of the Class of '87 for a 1-day liquor license, April 7, 1984. He stated that the caterer who serves the wine and beer will make sure he serves only those students that are wearing an ID bracelet issued to them at the door. The Freshman viting upper class students for the Luau to insure its success. He stated that there is one campus policeman for every 150 students and that he expects the affair to be an orderly social. The license was approved by the Board. The Board voted to go into executive session to discuss fire negotiations. Alice M. Letarte, Secretary MARCH 27, 1984 The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all' Boar=d ~- present except Kenneth Crouch. The Board met to discuss the Articles on the Warrant for the annual Town Meeting 'in' April. The following votes were taken: Article 8- Article 9-20 Art. 20-22 Art. 24--35 Art. 25-26 Art. 27,28, 34 Art. 29-30 Art. 31 Art. 32 Art. 33 Art. 36 Ar~' ~37 Art, 76 Art. 77 Art. 79 Art. 80 Art. 82 Art. 88 John P. Bohenko The Board voted 3-1 not to endorse this Article re: Extension from R~tirement for Dana Fisher. After April 10th; Union vote, the Board sho-'.ld take a position on Articles 9 thru 20. Personnel Board Articles. Voted to support change'to GR/2;Board Would like to fund new position, Director of Sr. Citizen's programs ~ $12,000. Amend to take out $11,883 funding already in place for Custodian Craftsman-Town Building. Favorable recommendation. No recommendation for new position, engineering Aide. Voted to support this article for new position, Clerk'for Treasurer & Tax Coil's Off Voted to support this article for new position - Clerk for Fire Dept. Voted to support increase in daily rate of Asst. Bldg. Inspector. Voted to support new holiday - Martin Luther King Day. No Action taken on new postion article for Fire Captain. No action taken on proposed increase in Longevity for Town Hall employees until after April 10th. No recommendation. Voted to support the installation of new carpeting in the Town Hall. Voted to support drainage on Mablin Ave...a Citizen's article. Voted to support funding for Christmas Decorations..$3,000. Voted to support use of Town property to erect building to house Gov. Bradst. Voted not to support funding for Cable TV, Channel 28. Voted not to,Support pay increase for Dog Officer. Voted to support combininq positions of Tree Warden/Supt. of Inse~:t Pest Control. *********************************__*****