HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-08-21 Board of Selectmen MinutesThe regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date at 7:30 P.M. with all members present and Chairman Finneran presiding. HEARING: Joseph Lebel Joseph Label was granted a license to store propane gas in a stone building on the property cf the North Andovar Coal Company, 14 Main Street. The motion made by Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Finck, vote was made unanimous by William A. Finneran, Chairmen. HEARING: Christmas Decoration COmmittee The Board met with the Christmas Decoration COmmittee, Leonard Albis, John Farrell and Albert Boucher who have been in contact with the Lagasse Amusement Company of Haverhill, Maes. in regards to better Christmas lighting. This year, the town is combining with the local committee to pay. for the program. It was requested by the Selectman that a le.tter be se~t to Mr. Westley of Lagasse Amusement Company asking that he arrange an early meeting with the Selectmen and the local committee with an itemized statement of his proposed decorations. Herbert T. Wild, 74 Herrick Road, North Andover, was drawn for Jury duty by Mr. Sutcliffe at the criminal session in Lawrence starting September 18th. Ralph Finck then drew the name of Edmund A. Colthorpa, 44 ChUrch Street, North Andov~r, for Jury duty at the civil session starting September llth in Salem, Mass. The motion was made to accept them by Philip Sutcliff. se..conded by Ralph Finck and the vote was made unanimous by William Finneran, Chairman. ~AMBER OF CC~ZRCE: An invitation was extended to the Selectmen, wives and the townspeople to honor Paul j. Greeley,' a fellow-townsman, at a testimonial on September 14, 1961. Mr. Greeleyj who has successfully headed the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce for six year has accepted a larger position in .the same field in Springfield. It was agreed that the Selectmen would make every effort~ to attemd. COURT STREET '~Appetition was accepted from Jane A. Temple for a sewer extension along Court Street fram the residence of Dr. Thomas B. Hayes to the residence of Edward C. ~napp. It was unanimously voted to have the petition introduced at the next special to~n meeting. ~RIMACE - ESSEX ELECTRIC CCMPANy Letters were received from the Merrimack-Essex Electric COmpany regarding installed lights on poles on Farnum, Stevems Streets, Green Hill and Nassachuse~ts Avenue, and at the corner of Campbell Road and Salem Street. INSURANCE A letter from Andrew F. COffin notified the Selectmen that additional duductible collision insurance on town vehicles would cost $894'.64. The Board voted to send a letter to the Insurance Association in care of Mr. Whipple requesting the added insurance be inserted into next year,~ budget if the association deemed it. advisable. AIRPORT CC~SSION: ~w~ letters were received frc~ Andrew A. Caffrey, Secretary _o~f ~th.e. Commission re: Repairs on Holt Road and a proposed lease of land on the south side ~ ou~on Street for playground p~rpuses. They stated tha~ since the County Commissioners had approved Holt Road as a public way, they ware no longer responsible for its repairs. The Selectmen did not agree as the town has not accepted Holt Road as a public way. On the playground issue, the State COmmission had no objection to the leasing of a portion of the land for playground purposes it there ware no tall buildings erected. The Federal Agency, however, stated that it will require a copy of the proposed lease before it can be considered as playground site. Bill McEvoy said that there was a great need for a playground in that section because of the large increase in families living there. He stated that about 4%0 boys and girls in that section had no access to any playground or playground activites that were planned for the children of North Andover. WiLliam A. Finneran said meetings on both problems would be arranged in the near i~tare. EASTERN MASSA~USETT STREET RY. CO. A letter statin~ the re-routing of the High Street bus would operate over Main Street to Davis 'street to ~st water Street, Water street, Elm Street and back to High Street to accommodate the residents of th~ elderly Housing Project. Mee.~ng. with the Board's approval, alett, cr was se~t requesting the service be started at the eerAmes~ possible date. 148 APPLICATIONS: Applications of Priscilla E. Potter for incorporation of the North Shore Community Arts Foundation, Inc. end of John J. Bonelli and Charles Randone for incorporation of the Massachusetts Italian American Civic League, Inc. were received and allocated to Chief Joseph W. Lawlor .of investigation. They were subsequently approved and recameudations in their favor were sent to Kevin H. White, Secretary of the Co~nonwaalth. APPOINTMENT: Arthur R. Morphy, a civil engineer and President of the Boston Chapter gl' Producers Council, Inc., w~s appointed an associate me~ber of the In~ustrial Development Commission by the'. motion made by Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Finck, vote made unanimous by Mr. Finneran, Chairman. LAWRENCE GAS CC~PANY: Permission was granted to the Lawronce Gas Light Company to excavate 1~0 feet. along Wentworth Avenue. C~R OIL CC~PANY: Letter received announcing price increase in oil at .002 cents per gallon, effective July 27, 1961. DEPARTNENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: A. letter stating Boston & Maine Railroad had withdrawa their petition against MarBlehead StreeZ becoming a public ~ray was received. Because of ROUte 49~, the sane streeZ will have to be relocated and question arises Once more; will the state make it a publi6' way to the Crossing or will the town, ditto the railroad tracks. A letter of camaondation was sent to Chief Lawlor on the exce~nt police protection of the plant at Western Electric while it was c~,Osed do~m for the annual two week's ~TacatiOU. PATRC~ JQtN J. L~: The Board of Selectmen voted to cmm~ond Patrolman John J. Lenni for his outstanding per- refinance of duty o~ the night of August 14th when he apprehended a~ 80 mile per hour speeding Juvenile on Main Street at the risk of serious personal injury. A.ietter. was sent to Chief Lawlor requesting he carry outthe terms of commendation. ~The Board agreed to await the decisions of Town Counsel Salisbury in regard 'to ~ir Jurisdiction to restrict the use of the Town Dump for local residents only. BUTGTER BOY LICENSE: The ABC has filed a demurrer with the Superior Court to the towa's allegations that the the Commission exceeded its authority illegally in granting a liquor license to Emily Murphy. Both sides have been asked to file legal briefs this week with Judge Charles S. Bolster wherethe matter will be decided in Salem Superior Court. The Commission~overruled~the town's licensing board's deCUsulb bit .ti g~aht Mrs. Murphy a license. Mrs. Norma Haphey of 288 Sutton Street complained of a neighbor who burned ~refUse material three or four feat from her clothesline. The Selectmen said they would check with the fire department and Board of Health. Alice M. Letarte, Secretary. Because of the Labor Day week-end, it was agreed by the Board of Selectmen to have the nex~ meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Friday, September 1, 1961. Motion to that effect was made by Mr. Sut.cliffe, seconded by Mr. Fimck and made unanimons by Mr. Fixmeran, Chairman. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. !