HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-03Planning Board Minutes Senior Center September 3, 1996 Members Present: Joseph V. Mahoney, Chairman, Richard Rowen, Vice Chairman, Alison Lescarbeau, Clerk. John Simons arrived at 7:30 p.m. Richard Nardella and Alberto Angles were absent. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Minutes On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of August 20, 1996 and August 29, 1996. Discussion Foxwood - stone wall Continued discussion of the stone wall at Foxwood. Ms. Colwell stated that Steve Stapinski, designer of the wall, wrote a letter stating that a reduction in the height of the wall by six inches would not have any effect on the wall. Mr. Mahoney is in agreement, but would like it stated that it is Mr. Stapinski's opinion and Ms. Colwell's recommendation that the wall be reduced by six inches. Mr. Rowen and Ms. Lescarbeau agreed. Joyce Terrace - discussion of property located on Rea Street Ralph Joyce was present and stated that he owns approximately 260,000 sq ft of land off of Rea Street near Abbott Street. He is looking for direction from the Board with regards to how he should proceed in developing the property. Mr. Joyce feels he can demonstrate to the Board that a three lot subdivision, without any variances, would be the cleanest way to go. However, he is only interested in developing one additional lot. Ms. Colwell stated that she does not see a ?RD fitting in here and the Board members seemed to agree. Mr. Rowen asked Mr. Joyce if there was any potential to tie into Johnson Street and Mr. Joyce replied in the negative. The Board gave direction to Mr. Joyce to proceed with a two lot subdivision with the consideration of waiving the construction of a roadway. Roadway utilities may be required. A covenant not to further subdivide could be placed on the lot. A covenant requiring a private way would also be considered. Den Rock Park - subcommittee report Ms. Colwell stated that she, Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Angles, Ms. Lescarbeau and Mr. Scott met with John Thomson who lives on Waverly Road across from the proposed 248 housing complex in Lawrence. They discussed the current traffic problems and the severe traffic problems that could occur should this housing complex be constructed. The Lawrence Planning Board did not send notice of the public hearing to the Town of North Andover or to the abutters in North Andover. It was decided that the Planning Board will send a letter to the Lawrence Planning Board outlining the traffic issues and requesting a copy of the file for review. The Board will also send a petition signed by 10 residents of North Andover to the State requesting State review of the project due to the traffic impacts. Holt Road - proposed transfer and recycling station Merrimack Cartage is proposing to construct a 250 ton per day recycling/transfer station on Holt Road across from the Town dump. The Town staff has reviewed the Environmental Notification Form submitted to DEP for this project and found many errors and problems. The Town has written a report to DEP requesting a full environmental review under the MEPA process. Coventry I - bond update Ms. Colwell stated that she has no update to report. Mr. Mahoney stated that he believes this has continued for too long and would like a letter written regarding the Board's deep concerns. Master Plan Committee - update Ms. Colwell stated to the Board that the committee met last Thursday night and divided up into subcommittees to research and draft a baseline report on the following topics: Water resources Quantity and Quality, Housing and Residential Development, Industrial Development, Commercial Development, Open Space and Natural Resources, Traffic and Circulation, Town Services, Education, Cultural and Recreation Amenities and Regulation and Bylaws. The next meeting is on September 12 at the DPW. Public Hearings - continued 1750 Great Pond Road - watershed special permit This is a continuation of the public hearing. Ms. Colwell stated that a revised plan was submitted but more detail is needed. The parking space at the bottom of the driveway has been added, but the plan hasn't gone to Watershed Committee yet. Phil Christiansen was present and stated they have two easements to go thru French Farm. He also stated that they are waiting for the consultants comments and will then respond. Continued until September 17, 1996. Windkist Farms - Subdivision Continuation of the public hearing. The site visit was held on Saturday and a few of the neighbors were present. They are still very concerned regarding the drainage. Phil Christiansen has not yet responded to John Chessia's comments. Mr. Christiansen sent a letter to the Planning Office stating that a PRD will not work because they can't fit septic systems on the smaller lots -- there is a problem with nitrogen loading. Mr. Simons stated that the length of the road is a legitimate concern and maybe they should try to shorten it. Mr. Christiansen admitted the road is long, but there is no where to connect it up to. According to Mr. Christiansen, Bill Hmurciak asked if the water main could be extended from Old Cart Way up 2300' in order to service the residents in the area. Mr. Christiansen thought this could be a trade off for the longer road. Mr. Simons asked if there was any information from the Board of Health yet and was told there are no official results on the perk tests. Mr. Christiansen stated that his office is analyzing moving the detention area to the other side of the street, subject to DPW and consultant review. Mr. Dunn, a resident of Boston Street, expressed concern about water runoff from the hill. He stated that his property has no water problems now, and he hopes he won't have. Mr. Christiansen stated that they are proposing a series of catch basins set up to capture water so flooding won't occur. Sheila Griffin expressed concerns regarding the A ndover Sportsmen's Club and safety issues. She wonders if a fence could be installed. Tom King from the Andover Sportsmen's Club was present and stated that they have no problem with the proposed development, but the Club was there first and they feel they should not have any restrictions put upon them. Greg Dane, representing Windkist Riding Academy, stated that he has filed a written document outlining their concerns i.e. the length of proposed roadway is 1600' and the ZBA book stated 800' should be the longest. Given that the road cannot be connected anywhere, safety and health concerns arise and Mr. Dane suggests the Board look very carefully at a waiver for the road. Dave Hart, an abutter to the proposed detention pond, asked if a compromise could be reached and water diverted to both sides of the street. Mr. Christiansen stated that although there is no detention pond in a certain area, the water is still being captured. Mr. Rowen asked how far from the Club are the homes backyard and Mr. Christiansen replied 200' to 350' depending on the location of the home. Discussion continued until September 17, 1996. Salem Forest IV - Subdivision/PRD Joe Serwatka, Hancock Engineering, was present and stated that he is proposing a 6 lot PRD subdivision located off of Raleigh Tavern Lane. A preliminary plan was filed last March, but was denied because lots 5 & 6 lacked sufficient frontage and lots 3,4,5 and 6 required additional septic testing. Mr. Serwatka stated that the drainage will be contained by an on site detention area, and there is 26.9 acres of open space. Ms. Colwell stated that she is waiting for comments from Coler & Colantonio and the Board of Health. Lots 5 and 6 may not be buildable in the conventional plan due to a second wetland crossing. Bill Erban, Woodchuck Lane, asked the Board why they seem to be so hot on a PRD, and Mr. Simons explained the benefits of a PRD vs a conventional subdivision. A resident of 232 Raleigh Tavern Lane stated that the open space is very wet and he wants to be sure it is never built upon. Ms. Colwell explained that under a PRD it would never be built on. Mr. Rowen stated that if a conventional plan and a PRD were both buildable, the Board would prefer a PRD be built. Continued until September 17, 1996. Lawrence Airport Hangers - Site Plan Review Continuation of the public hearing. Ms. Colwell stated that the drainage information was just submitted on Thursday. A detention pond and planting berm have been added to the plan. The abutters issue of the noise has been addressed by the airport, the hold/run-up area for Eagle East will be moved away from Sutton Street, thereby eliminating/reducing the noise. Steve Stapinski was present and stated that the buffering and planting will be taken care of with a planting berm 6' high. There will be white pines on the berm, therefore, the effect will be 12' high trees. Ms. Colwell stated that parking was still an issue. Mr. Stapinski replied that people use the hangers for parking once the planes are out of them. He asked the Board if they want to grant a waiver for a paved area for parking, o otherwise parking will be in the hangers. Mr. Mahoney pointed out that he is quite frequently at the airport and there is ample parking near the tower. The Board agreed that there was sufficient parking available on the site. Ms. Lescarbeau asked how many planes will be housed in the hangers and was told 14 planes. Mr. Simons stated that since there are 300 acres at the airport, why did you have to pick this location for the hangers? Mr. Stapinski replied that is the only area with services: water, sewer, available master box for a fire alarm, and the airport wants to see this area developed. Mr. Rowen asked how high the hangers are and was told 17 feet. Ms. Lescarbeau wants to see the planting enhanced for the next meeting. Continued until September 17, 1996. 701 Salem Street - Site Plan Review Continuation of the public hearing. John Daly, architect for the project, stated that he submitted the 8th plan for this location to the Planning Office on Thursday. The building has been reduced to 5300 feet, 41 parking spaces and more green space. The building still contains the bank, and there will be a deli with a drive-up window. The building does encroach a bit on both sides and will require a variance. The main entrance is on Salem Street in the center of the lot, and an entrance only is on Abbott Street for the bank ATM. Tom Laudani will be bringing the sewer down Salem Street to service the lots across the street, and the plans are for this site to connect up to sewerage. Mr. Simons asked, aside from the Town's standards for parking, is this overkill and Mr. Daly replied in the affirmative. Mr. Simons suggested that less parking in the front of the building would be in keeping with the village atmosphere. Mr. Rowen stated to Mr. Daly that great strides have been made since the plan was first presented. Ms. Lescarbeau stated that this plan is a great improvement. Tom Driscoll, representing the Police Chief, stated there is concern regarding the lack of sidewalks and the safety of children walking to school. He stated that the Police Department would like to see sidewalks going up the same side of the road as the proposed building. Another concern is at the back of the property the Police Department would like a sign saying "not an exit" to cut down on potential accidents. A flashing yellow light at the entrance of the building would be appreciated also. Ms. Colwell stated that she spoke with DPW regarding the sidewalk issue and there is a question about what side of the street the sidewalks should go on. Mr. Perna stated that right now the sidewalk is planned for the opposite side of the proposed development. Ms. Colwell stated that the drainage is the only question left. Continued until September 17, 1996. 277 Farnum Street - frontage exception lot and Access Continuation of the public hearing. George Perna was present representing the applicant. A site visit was held on Saturday and it seemed obvious to all present that the site does not need to be screened. The driveway will be slightly lower than the existing grade, the stone wall and existing vegetation along the wall will not be disturbed. Atty. Rand, representing the Farnum's, stated that it doesn't seem a lot to ask for screening along the driveway. There is noise involved with farming and also environmental concerns. Mrs. Bernice Fink, an abutter to the rear of the property, raised questions whether or not the rear lot could ever be further subdivided. Ms. Colwell stated that the Town's regulations simply say that a lot may not be reduced in size smaller than the required minimum for the zone. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to close the public hearings for the frontage exception lot and the access. Appleton Street Extension - Subdivision This has been continued until the September 17, 1996 meeting. Ms. Colwell stated she has a meeting with the applicant, Scott Giles, John Chessia and Bill Hmurciak to review the plans for the site and make a determination as to whether or not a roadway can be constructed without the adjacent property. Rocky Brook II - Subdivision The applicant requested a continuance until September 17, 1996. 12 Massachusetts Avenue (Mobil Oil) Site Plan Review Discussion of this project is continued until September 17, 1996. At the last meeting a woman in the audience pointed out that the legal notice for this project did not include the address of the project. The situation was discussed by the Board and the applicant and it was decided that a new legal notice, which would include the address, be published. Decisions 277 Farnum Street - Frontage Exception Lot Ms. Colwell had a draft decision ready for the Board to review. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to approve the draft decision as amended. 6 277 Farnum Street - Access Ms. Colwell had a draft decision ready for the Board to review. The Board set a bond of $1,000 for this project. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to approve the draft decision as amended. Endorse Plans 980 Osgood Street (Texaco) Site Plan Review The Board signed the plans for the above project. Lot 2 Chestnut Street - Frontage Exception Lot The Board signed the plans for the above project. Executive Session On a roll call vote, the Board agreed to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Heritage Estates subdivision. The Board will reconvene in open session. The vote took place at 9:35 p.m. Roll call vote: Mr. Simons yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Rowen yes Ms. Lescarbeau yes On a roll call vote, the Board agreed to move out of Executive Session and reconvene in open session. The vote took place at 10:00 p.m. Mr. Simons yes Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Rowen yes Ms. Lescarbeau yes Adjournment On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm.