HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-24 Board of Selectmen Minutes(continued) 247 APPOIN~/~NT APPLICATIC~S: The Board received an application from Ethan D. Hoag, 383 Johnson Street, indicating his interest in an appointment to the Advisory Committee on the Merrimack Valley planning Dis- trict. The Board tabled the application until the following meeting when the majority of appointments will be made. RESIGNATI GI: A letter of resignation from the Capital Outlay Committee was received from Atty. Charles Trombly, Jr. with regret. He stated that his recant election to the planning Hoard would take a great portion of his time. The Board voted to send him a letter of thanks and appreciation for the fine Job he did as Chairman of the Capital Outlay Committee. NOTICE OF APPOINtmeNT: The planning Board sent a notice to the Board of the reappointmant of William Chepulis, Jr. as the planning Board represantative to the Merrimack Valley planning District. They sub - mttted a reconm~andation that Atty. Charles B. Trombly, Jr., be appointed by. the Selectmen as alternate representative. ~e Board will take the matter up Narch 31, at their meeting. MEETINGS AND NOTICES: ' ~. (Ar$~ Kirk will attend ) Eawrence Development & Industrial luncheon meeting, Lan~ Club, 12.noon, March 26, 1969. Merrimack Valley Planning District meeting, 477 Essex St., March 27, 8:00 P.M. Wm. Chepult.~ Community pl~-~ers, 4 workshops, 4 dates, Boston Archdiocese Center, Newbury St. ~eferred 'State Depertmant of Public Health Hearing, to planning Board. state House, Boston, Mass. March 28, 10 A.M. Referred to the Board of Health. .Dept. of Community Affairs, summer internship; re~erred ~o john Montairo, Jr. MASS. Civil Defense Agency, report of pending community emergency re floods. Referred to . John Farrell, C. D. Director. Lawrance Eagle Trinune Opan House, March 29, all members of the Board will attend. CIVIL DEFENSE ~EPORT: John Farrell, Director, submitted a report to the Selectmen that the town's Civil Defense report had been approved which will make the town eligible to be reimbursed by State. On flood control, Mr. Farrell stated that a program ha~ bean set up, remote cantrols had been set up in c~mmunication with the police, fire, tree and public works vehicles, in- cl,,~-S walkie-talkies. On Sunday traffic problems, Er. Farrell stated that a meeting wo,~ be held with the Chief, Monsignor Lon~ and Selectman William Finneran to attempt to iron out said problems. Acting Chairmau~ Arthur P. Kirk, e~pressed, in behalf of the Board and the Town, the detailed report of Mr. Farrell was deeply appreciated and thanked him for same. TO~N NEm,'~NG DISCUSSZ~: · Norman Lentz amd wife appeared before the Board to suggest that a Town Meeting should be held every three months. This would eliminate, he said, so many Special Town Meetings as were held in 1968. Selectman W~+~m A. F~eran stated that .this would be definitely tampering with the existing Town By-Laws. The existing ~u;;,~ Town Meeting had worked very effectively for 119 years which gives the townspeople the opportunity to exercise their rights and priv- ilege to express what they want for the TOWn. The annual Town meeting is Democracy.in action, he want on to state....that the existing Town Governmant is very strang and has shown~ its effectiveness for 119 years. He reminded Er. Lentz that it was he and his co-petitioners that had caused 4 of the Special Town Meeting in 1968. Acti~'g ~hairmen Arthur P. Kirk stated that he was watching, with interest, Andover~s experimant with two annual Town Neet~ge; that he agreed with Er. Finneran that it~ perhaps would be expedient to start the annual Town Meeting at 9 A.M. instead of 1 P.M. the day cf the meeting. Selectman F~eran, replying to a statement made by Er. Lantz, that the difference in North Audover ~s efficiant Town Meeting program progress was due the our vigorous Town Moderator, Mr. Arthur Thomson, Judge. The other towns, Methuen and Andover, were not ~uita so fortunate. LIQUOR LICEISE STATUS: Arnold Salisbury, Town Counsel, was voted to be santa letter requssting the status of a liquor license holder whose landlord had not ranewed the lease c~ establishment for which the licanse was issued. ~r~Ly MOTOR C~CH PETI~IGI: The Board veted to sand a letter to the Department of Public Utilities, State House, to advise that the Board unanimously and urgently requests that the ~rombly Motox' Coach Service, Inc. be allowed to transport passengers to Park Square, Boston, Mass. A hearing was to be held on this matter, March 26, at 2:30 P.M. in the DPU offices. Chairman Dully was scheduled to attend this hearing. M~S SILE SITE: John Roberts, Chairmen of Conservation commission, app.ear?d before th~,Board to ask i~ any answers to the missile site problems had bean receZvan. Chairman airk stated tha~ the Board had not received any answers to all the cuestions because the Army didn't have them, as yet. 248 (coutinusd) Missile Site (continued) Mr. Kirk went on to state ~t ~lonel Besttie, ~o~ect ~ineer, h~ .~'een con~c~d ~e ~ was the s~e...~at he, ~% was w~t~g ~or ~s~ucti~s/~d~ te date~ had not received ~em. '~ '*/ ~1 Hovey, A~is~ative Assist~t ~ ~es~ Ba~s c~led ~e Selec~s ~fice ~d, ~ ~er to qussti~s asked by ~e Bo~d's Se~e~y, he replied as Questi~: (Select~ Willi~ ~er~ w~d ~e ~s to ~ese as ~d the rest Bo~d) Is ~e Nor~ A~ovar P~ Site ~cl~ed ~ the n~ reused N~on Propose? Ques~on: C~ To~ Dep~ts e~eci~y ~e wat~ dep~tm~t (Bal. of ~blic Wor~) had s~t proposals to ~e ~ ~d, to da~, had not rec~ved the co~tesy of a reply. Nor~ ~dov~ has be~ ~st coo~ratlve ~ ~e ~ ~d it was ~ly co~ co~tesy ~at ~e ~ ~o~rec2~rica~, especi~y ~ ~e ~t~ nf whe~ ~e P~ ~ has ' be~ aba~Houed ~d what ~e ~e plus re ~e ~spos~ of the ~. cause ~e ~ h~ not come to ~y coucl~o~ ou ~ of ~e proble~ as yet. He s~d ~at ~y ~e~s wo~d contact ~lonel Beat~e, ~ ~e' ~te, ~d sub~t ~e~ r~ co~da~s to ~e ~v~t. Unt~ ~, Co~nel Beattie o~ ~. Hovey or Con~es~ . Bat~s co,~q~ not ~1~ ~Y solutions to ~e proble~ of ~e ~ssile Si~ Rd.: ~. Hovey, ~e~g i~ed that ~e ~te road was berg ~ed as a ~ag s~p...he rep~ed ~at a b~ ~o~ be ~ected, that he wo~ get ~ to~ ~ ~l- Beattie ~ reg~d to ~is problem. He stated ~e u~ng ~e ro~ wo~ be ~es- pass~g. ~e se~e~y rep~ ~at no si~s had be~ ~ected to ~e ~fect ~t it .was geraint prop~ty ~d ~e t~speople or ~e~ ~ wo~ not ~ow they w~e' ~es- pas~g. Cha~ K~k stated ~at co~es~ Bates had ~t~ed the Nav~ E~c~ Cunt, Alice ~. Le~te~-Se~et~y March 31, 1969 The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date with ~ members present; Selectmen William A. Finmeran, Arthur p'. Kirk and Atty. William B. Dully, .Jr. Chairman .presiding. ~-iGHT D. EISENHO~ER: EX-pRESIDE~T: . A moment of silence and prayer was held in respect for the late Dwight D. Eis__~howar who died the previous week after a lo~g illness. ~ AMBULANCE pETITeS: ' ~': Attorney Caffrey appeared with his client, Er. poulin, who has applied for permission to operate a private ambulance service in the town of North Andover. ~heBoard voted~ ~to .table the request until statistics are received regarding rates, garag~.~space location, i~surance, etc. Atty. Caffrey agreed to send a letter with required information. Selectman F~6eran stated that the Fire Dept. had call firemen to. cover calls on a paid basis. He also stated that manyp.tewnspeople might not have the insurance to cover costs of private ambulance service. The petition was tabled. - ._ BOY SCOUT RECOGNIIXGI: The Board of selectmen were presented ,~oy Scout" mugs in appreciation for their Cordiality in. receiving the scouts during scout week. TG~N ARTICLE CC~FIRMATIC~: The Board received written confirmation of Articles passed at the Annual Town Meeting from T~n clerk, John J. L~ns. BID DATES: POLICE: The Board ~ounced that bids would be receive up until 7:30 P.M., April 14, in the Sel- ectmen's office for 2 new Police Cars- new generator for mew police station - office furniture for new police station. The call for bids will be advertised and specificatioms on all bids will be available at the Selectmen's Office. GAS EXCAVATI~: A petition to excavate on Sutton St. to inst-~ 6" gas main was approved by the Board. STREET LIGHTS: Notice of street lightinstallations were received by the Board on Saunders, Bradford and ~mrnpike Streets. A street light survey was approved and directed by the Board to be inst~lled at the inter- sectionof Hillside Road and Rt. 125, Nor. th Andover. FEDERAL HIGHWAY FUND N~IEY: A letter from carletou Hove, ~dmintstrattve assistant ~o C ougressman Bates re Federal funds availab~ to towns was referred to Chief Lawlor and the Highway Surveyor.