HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-07-19 Board of Selectmen Minutes 169 The Board of S.~lectmen held their regular meeting on this date with two members present; Sel- ectman John F. Coady, Chairman Joseph A. Guthrie. Selectman EcEvoy was on vacation. The warrant and minutes were approved as submitted. CONEUIT LOCATIONS: Approved: petitions to install conduits on Great Pond Road. Hearings set: On petitions to install conduits on Chestnut St. August 2, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. STREET LIGHT SURVEYS: Several surveys received from Mass. Electric Co. for street lights. Selectmen voted to place in pencLing folder. P~DREATIONAL COUNCIL: Several members of the Recreational Council with their Chairman Bill McEvoy appeared Before the Board to protest the appointment of two additional members to the Council, Louis Detora md Alexander J. McDonald. Their chief objection was the fact that they had not been con- sulted for recommendation of the additional personnel. Selectmen Coady stated that it was no i~eflection on the Council.. .Selectmen were of the opinion that additiorml, interested personnel would be an asset to the Council. Mr. McEvoy stated that the recreation1 activi- ties had grown ,~-~er the present council Because each member had been dedicated workers for many years and the Col,~,.il had. worked as a team. This could he disrupted if the new members did not .take their responsibilities ~eriously. Chairman Guthrie stated that two new members appointed because they indicated they were interested in serving on the Council, could the busy duties of the season. LAND-I~AW ~ISPOSAL SITE: Lette~ from Tcwn Counsel adVised the Selectmen that the project of preparing an accurate plan showing the dimensions of each parcel has hee~he responsibility of Frank Gelinas. To date, plans have not Been available, After contacting G~nas, $,~sbury was adVised that the plans would he aw~able By August 1, 1976. When plans are received, proper orders of taking may he executed By the Selectmen. l~ec~sary d~ents for signature By.the Selectmen ~ ~be prepared by To~n Counsel and he will/~rward/~e'~other for~-~tias required in land taking procedures. CENSUS F~[MBURS~EET: Letter from Secretary of State enclosed a reimbursement check in the amount of $3,949.~0 for taking the State Census. Check turned over to the Town Treasurer. GR. LAW. SANITARY DISTRICT: Letter from Greater La~rence S-_~tary District stated that grant payments were being held up Because the town's user charge system has not been approved by the E. P.A. Selectmen voted to send copy to J. Borgesi for an explanation or status report on the matter. PJ~CEIVED: ~etter from Seth Hnd~ (copy) to Toga Clerk re custodians hours during election. I~tter from State Pla~-~ug Office re $36,500 i~xnding request fx~m Housing Authority. COpy of letter sent to Nighway Surveyor - complaint. Registration schedule from Town Clerk. Being P~.CiNCT WO~{ER'S LIST: Precinct work,re list, submitted By the Secretary, was approved By the Board. Appointment of Warden in Precinct V was mede By the Board, naming Helen Tacy, Warden, and requesting her, By letter to name a Deputy Warden to work in Precinct V. ' Must he a Republican. ME~INGS: The following dates were set By the Selectmen for meetings: July 29, 6:30 P.M...Bd. of Fire Engineers...Aug. 2, 7 P.M., Housing Authority appeintment..Sel's, meeting, 7:30 p.m...Vet's Agent. appointment...Aug. 21, 3:00 P.N...Utility companies, dept. heads, Selectmen. Aug. %... County Insurance meeting, ?:30 p.M. FI R~iGHTERS: A..group of firefighters appeared Before the Board with grievances against Fire Chief Daw and Board of F ire Engineers. Sean Fountain stated that when his child %~s horn and critically ill, Chief Daw refused to grant him.m Personal Day or Hardship Day to allow him to go the Boston hosultal to Be with his child. Daw also threatened to suspend him a week if Fountain took the day off. Firemen stated that no one had abused the Fmrdahip day clause of contract, that, in fact, no one had taken them off in the past year.. 'Unnecessary chaos has Been By action of Fire Chief ~he will not recognise articles of contract, cannot he contacted for grievances or ~].] not cooperate in any way. Firefighters wanted, to know what the hd. of Fire Engineers wore doing to earn their money...they haven't aided the firefighters in ~ way. On April 2, although there was not anv hot water in the Center Fire Station, the Fire Chief would not discuss ~.he problem or have it corrected. Fireman,. who are ill, are not Be- ing replaced.by Daw. On one occasion, one fireman reported to 'a fire, operating the truck by himself from the Center. The Selectmen voted to meet with the Bal. of Fire Engineers, Dana Fisher and Stewart Wilson, for an accounting of their actions on July 29, at 6:30 P.M. Letter to be sent to Town Counsel for answers to the following questions: 1.