HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-03 Board of Selectmen Minutes.RECEIVED: Two memos from Civil Service..Promotional exams and Police exams. T~ferred to Chief Lawlor. LICENSING COMMISSIONERS: Approved: Application for renewal of Restaurant, Ail Alcoholic license for 99 North, Inc, 267 Chickering Road, Charles Doe, Manager. Sent to ABC. UNREGISTEBED CAR PARKING: Letter from John P. Thompson, 1725 Great Pond Road, requested permission to store an anti, unregistered car, under canvas cover, on his property, 1725 Gr. Pond Rd. until garage ed. Also to park unregistered truck unti2 Spring business starts. Board set up a Hearing for March 10, ~1975, at 7:30 P.M. Abutters will be notified and hearing advertised. JOHN KIRK, S~.W~TNAN: As this meeting was the last for Selectman John P. Kirk, who did not run for to pressure of business, the Selectmen presented him with a beautiful plaque ir.-~cribed wi.~h the dates of his service on the Board. Both Selectman Guthrie and Chairman Coady expressed their appreciation and thanks for his cooperation and stated it was a pleasure serving with Mr. Kirk. Mr. Kirk stated that he hoped to be back sometime in the future. Alice M. Letarte, Secretary- MARCH !0~ 1975 The Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with three members present; Selectman Joseph A. Guthrie, newly-elected Selectman, Thomas J. McEvoy who was welcomed to the Board by Chairman John F. Coady. The warrant and minutes were approved as submitted. JURORS: John J. Gurka, Robert M. Beirne were drawn for jury duty, April 7, at Lawrence. JoanWindle was also drawn for April 7 sitting, at Lawrence. George T~ rd was drawn for April 7 sitting at Salem. I~'~'INGS: Notice of the following meetings received: Legislative caucus, March 13, 8 a.m. Selectman Guthrie will attend. Luncheon meeting, Senator Kennerly, Selectmen Guthrie, Coady and Staff Assistant, J. Willis will attend, March 27. Congressman Tsongas breakfast meeting, 8 a.m. April 2, Holiday Inn. Guthrie, Coady and Willis will attend. Governor Dukakis will meet with community leaders on Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Voc School. Gr. Lawrence Cbmmber of Commerce aunnal Retail dinner meeting, March date. GAS EXCAVATIONS: Petition approved to excavate to repair gas mains on Marold St., Baldwin and Sutton's Notice of intent to e~cavate on Hillside P~i. by Methuem Construction Co. Copies given to 1600 BURYING GROUND: A letter from Mrs. Sally Sapienza concerned the condition of the 1600 burying ground located on Academy Road. Robert Friis, Donald Kierstead and Gayton Osg6od were present to submit constructive suggestions as to ~bat could be done to maintain the cemetery properly. After a discussion the Board voted =o request the Tree Warden, Leo Lafond and Supt. of Public Joe Borgesi to share the responsibility. ~o maintain the burying ground using CE~A employees to do what work was necessary u~der their supervision. This would take care of the brush and over-growth that has accumodated at the site. Donald Xeirstead will investigate the possibility of.low-level lighting to illuminate the cemetery atuight, discouraging parkers and beer-drinkers resulting in debris being scattered about the place. Mr. Friis stated that the members of the North Andover Improvement Society would be most cooperative in aid- ing the town departments to maintain' the site. CABLE TV: Letter from Town Counsel advised the. Board that applications for Cable TV must be procured from the Community & Television Commission, Office of Consuzmr Affairs, 100 Cambridge St. Boston, which the Board voted to get before advertising for Cable TV. INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS: Letter from Town Counsel stated that Statue 1972,~ c. 802, s.70 stated that -~ inspectors buildings in office on the effective date of this act sb,ll be deemed qualified and but not subject.to the provisions of. C. 31, Civil Service. All local inspectors, appointed after the effective date of this Act shall be subject to the provisions of Civil Service. As Mr. Foster is presently under Civil Service, his status is f~lly protected by the statue. The Board voted to appoint the Building Inspector, Charles H. Foster,"Inopector of Building§ under the previsions of S.107.2 of the new State Building Code. Letters will be sent to the Personnel Board and Advisory Board stating that the duties,perfon~ed by Mr. Foster under the new position as Inspector of Buildings, will be done under the compensation he receives as Building Inspector. 2~ICIPAL GARAGE FACILITY: , Letter and agreement sent to Board from Frank Gelinas, Chairman of the Municipal Garage Facility Committee stating that theCommittee had unauimeuly endorsed the enclosed addendum to the contract, dated June 17, 1974, between Eric Brainerd and the Town of North Andover. The addendum pre.rides for the re-design of major scope items within the town ~] ~ °ws the Co~,~.;ttee to go out on formal bid for same. The Board voted to sign