HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-04The North Andover Planning Board held a regular meeting on Thursday evening, August 4, 1988 in the Town Hall Selectmen's Meeting Room. The meeting was called to order at 755§ p.m. by the Vice-Chairman, George Perna. Also present were John Simons, Clerk; Erich Nitzsche and Michael Leafy. Paul Nedstrom, Chairman was absent. Public Hearings Lot 3A Bayfield Drive - Site Plan Review John Simons read the legal notice to open the public hearing. A letter was received and read from D.P.W. Gerry Fortin, Peter Richardson, of Richard F. Kaminski ~ Associates; Jim Bourgeois, Channel Building and Lawrence Ardito. Gerry Fortin presented the Board with the followings Proposed is 2 story office building Construction of Phase I, 8,100 sq.ft., first story. Phase II would be the second story, 17.100 sq.ft. The Technical Review Committee had an issue with the fire lane. The issue has been addressed. There will be no increase of run-off. There will be a 12 inch culvert going into a 30 inch drain on Bayfield Drive. 1.66 acres contributing to the drain, 3,055 sq.ft, to be filled. Conservation had concerns with the filling extensively in the fire lane. Erich Nitzsche questioned the percentage of pavement. Gerry Fortin showed Erich on the master plan. ~Erich wanted the exact percentage on this particular parcel. Gerry Fortin stated that he would supply that information. Gerry Fortin stated that there are plans to screen Route 125 with a 50' buffer. Jim Bourgeois stated that the Conservation Commission was very sensitive to the buffer issue. George Perna question the height of the building. Gerry Fortin stated that the height of the building would be 30 ft. Scott Stocking asked Gerry if there was a reason why the the footprint of the building was 90'x90'. Jim Bourgeois answered stating it was the owners chose and that it could subdivided economically. George Perna question what the building would be used for and Lawrence Ardito answered for C.P.A. office. Lawrence Ardito spoke on the lights at Willow Street and the fact that he was sensative to the situation. Erich Nitzsche said that it would be put in the decision as a condition. George Perna questioned the lighting on the building. Peter Richardson said that the lighting on the building WoUld'be shoe' box t~pe, asked about a sign on the building. Lawrence Ardito said that the sign would be of chrome letters with indirect lighting. The Board would like to see what exactly the owner wants as a sign. John Simons questioned the landscaping. Gerry Fortin stated that a complete landscaping plan was submitted. John Simons questioned if it was in compliance with the screening bylaw. Gerry answered, yes. MOTION: By John Simons to continue the public hearing until the first meeting in September. SECOND~ Erich Nitzsche VOTE~ Unanimous of those present Hickory Hill - Special Permit - PRD John Simons read letters from the D.P.W., Town Planner, Scott Stocking's letter to Town Counsel; and a letter from the Conservation Commission. A1 Shaboo, Design Engineering, spoke stating the following, 2. 3. 4. 2Oft. easement - Barker Street 2 less units(56 units) 2 detention areas looped watermain eventually connecting to Old Farm Road A1 Shaboo wants to use PVC piping rather than concrete. Erich Nitzsche cited 10 years down the road and residents wanting the road a public way and not being up to D.P.W. standards. John Simons had an issue with the watermain. Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W. would like to run the watermain through Town property and cannot understand why not. Jack Lindon, Conservation Commission, stated that any use of the land other than conservation has to be voted for by the State Legislature. He did not feel it was a dead issue with COnservation, they were responding thinking it was a sewer, not a watermain. A1 Shaboo stated that the houses will be colonial type and all garages are under, not attached. Attorney Peter Caurso, representing Mr. Barker was present and spoke on legal issues citing the easements and that public access would mean anyone in the State could have public access. A1 Shaboo cited liability issues to the owner if public access. John Simons wanted adequate screening to adjacent property. George Perna questioned the farming ability with the tenants. Attorney Caruso stated that only Mr. Barker would be farming. George Barker expressed concern with the length of time for approving a Planned Residential Development. Attorney Caruso wanted the Board to approve subject to Town Counsel's reviewing the documents. MOTION: By John Simons to close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement and direct the Town Planner to send a letter to Town Counsel and draft a decision for August 18, 1988. SECOND: Erich Nltzsche Michael Leary did not feel comfortable closing the public hearing. Scott Stocking stated that he was not comfortable drafting a decision by August 18, 1988. John Simons stated that he would help draft the decision. VOTE, NOTE, Three in favor - John Simons, Erich Nitzsche and George Perna Opposed - Michael Leary George Barker strongly insisted that the Board close the public, for that reason the Board voted to do so. Woodchuck Grove - PRD John Simons read a letter from the Conservation Commission. Scott Stocking stated that a letter has been sent to the Department of Environmental Management stating that the Town is reviewing this proposal and that it currently calls for a land dedication of approximately 5 acres to the State Forest and that they have a process involved to get it done and they are to get in touch with us on that process. A1 Shaboo, Design Engineering, presented the Board with revised plans for the development. Both sides of the road will be clustered and the road has been shorten by approximately 160 feet. Five areas of land to be dedicated to the State Forest. John Willis stated that the detention area will be reshaped. Scott Stocking asked A1Shaboo the difference between the July 15 plan and the August 2 plan. A1Shaboo replied that there were changes in the property description and the way the property lines went. The covenant of the land was not shown. John Willis stated that in the covenant there will be language in it that access will be allowed to the retention area for the drainage. Erich Nitzsche questioned if the engineer was satisfied with the 100 year storm event calculations. A1Shaboo said, yes. John Willis asked for a waiver on the grades and the length of the cul-de-sac. John Simons questioned why the road was not going down to the detention area. John Willis answered that Mr Grady owns the house and it would be interferring with his home. A1Shaboo further commented that if the road was redesigned to loop near the Grady's home it would increase the length of the roadway. Erich Nitzsche stated that there was a real problem with the mitigation of run-off, he said that with an 8% slope it would flood across the street like a water way. Scott Stocking asked what the total run at 8% would be. A1Shaboo said about 300 feet. Bill Hmurclak said that D.P.W. would accept the 8% slope with the length as minimal as possible. A1Shaboo stated that part of the project was to sewer Salem Street down as far as the St. Cyr Farm. Erich Nitzsche wanted to see more catch basins or curve inlets. John Willis said he would like to get an idea that except for the catch basins and design parameters that the location of the road is okay, the grades and the cul-de-sac. Scott Stocking asked what the grades of the driveway were. A1Shaboo stated that they were 15%. Scott continued and asked if the driveways could be designed so that it would be a straight shot rather than a tight right angle, perhaps running them in the opposite direction. A1 Shaboo said he was willing to sit down with the Scott and go over the design of the driveways. George Perna summarized by saying that the Board had a problem with the water run-off; a problem with the turning into the driveways and the very large slopes. John Simons further commented on the use of the land. He felt that more work was needed. MOTION~ By John Simons to continue the public hearing until September 10th and direct the planner to collect information from Town Counsel regarding whether a definitive subdivision also has to be filed. SECOND: Michael Leary VOTE~ Unanimous of those present. Frances & Florence Estates - Definitive Modification John Simons read letters from the Town Planner to Bill Hmurciak of D.P.W., and one from the Board of Health. Attorney William Shack, attorney for the applicants, was present, as well as Robert Masse, an engineer. Scott Stocking refreshed the Board memory on the issues that were before them. The issues are: septic system in that the Board has to amend the existing decision to allow the developer, if the Board sees fit, to continue to installing septic systems in the interim, for the existing lots of record. 2. figure out how the sewer system will tie into the existing lift station in the Conventry Estates and run through this development and also how it will tie into the Abbott Village Subdivision. Scott Stocking said that the Town has no assurance that it will tie into Town sewer. John Simons questioned the approval in that it was presumed that the connection of the sewer would be with Abbott Village. Bill Hmuricak, D.P.W., stated that it was approved originally with a pumping station that was never designed or even conceived. William Shack stated that the sewer lines are in the North Cross part of the subdivision with bond money to ensure the completion. In the South Cross portion of the subdivision, there is nothing done but the developer is willing to complete the underground sewer lines as originally required by the subdivision approval. Veronica Mandry, an abutter, spoke to the Board regarding the sewer and no septic systems. Her property abuts the development and there is excess water flowing on her property. George Perna said he had a problem in that the subdivision was approved with sewer, now going to septic systems. Mr. Masse said that with respect to the size of the development, would be be costly to connect the sewer. Joseph Levis stated that he had spoken to Ben Osgood regarding the sewer. George Perna expressed concerns about granting septic system and slowing down the connection of the sewer. The developer stated that he is willing to connect to the sewer, put in the form of a covenant. Veronica Mandr¥ gave the Board a letter from the Conservation Commission, dated March 24, 1986. John Simons read the letter to the Planning Board, also a letter from Karen Nelson, Director of Planning & Community Development. Following a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by John Simons to continue the public hearing until the first meeting in September and get feed back from the Conservation Commission and the Board of Health and get an extension as required. The motion was seconded by Erich Nitzsche. The Board voted unanimous. Lot F Flaqship Drive John Simons read a letter that was received from the D.P.W. Peter Richardson showed the Board members the changes that were made from their comments from the previous public hearing. John Simons questioned if the screening was complying with Section 8.4 of the Zoning Bylaw. Erich Nitzsche spoke on the easement through the property and the water main stopping at the top of the hill. MOTION: By Erich Nitzsche to close the public hearing and direct the Town Planner to draft a decision. SECOND: Michael Leary VOTE: Unanimous of those present. Discussion/Decisions North Andover Business Park - Preliminary Plan Scott Stocking, Town Planner, gave a brief description of the proposed, connection of Willow Street to Flagship Drive. Jim Bourgeois, Channel Building, was present. Jack Linden, Conservation Commission, spoke on the Conservation's concensus made at their meeting held the previous night, which was to have a bridge over the second crossing of the wetlands, eliminating wetland filling (keeping it under 5,000 sq.ft). Jack Linden wanted legal advise on the proposed as a limited project. George Perna questioned if is was a limited project. Jack Linden felt that it was headed in the right direction. MOTION~ By Erich Nitzsche to approve the preliminary plan for the connection subject to the Rules and Regulations for a definitive plan to be followed. Bill Mmurciak, D.P.W. stated the D.P.W. would not accept a bridge. They do not have the ability to take care of a bridge. SECOND: Michael Leary VOTE: Three in favor~ Erich Nitzsche, Michael Leary and George Perna. Opposed: John Simons Approval Not Required Form A Plans Coventry Estates - Land Court Plan Two notes have to be placed on the plans: Lots are part of a subdivision approved with'~'da'te 6f approval. ~ ~ . The release of the lots and the 'con~%~ction ~f~the ways are governed by a covenant, with date. Plus a note certified by a land surveyor that the lot lines and roadways on these plans are the same as shown on the Definitive Subdivision Plan approved by the Planning Board (with date). MOTION: By John Simons to approve subject to the notations being placed on the plans. SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE: Unanimous Kara Drive - Lot line Adjustment MOTION: By John Simons to approve the Form A Plan SECOND: George Perna VOTEs Unanimous Forest Street - Creating One Lot MOTION, By John Simons to approve the Form A Plan SECOND~ Michael Lear¥ VOTEs Unanimous Decisions/Discussions Chestnut Street - Common Driveway The applicant is requesting an extension on the Special permit for Common Driveways. MOTION: By John Simons to accept an extension until September 13, 1988 SECOND: Erich Nitzsche VOTE= Unanimous Bonds Pines Subdivision MOTION: By John Simons to release $26,400. SECOND, Michael Leary VOTE= Unanimous French Farm MOTION: By Michael Leary to release $45,883 in accordance with the receommendation of Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W. SECONDs John Simons VOTE: Unanimous Bruin Hill Farm - Sign Plans The Planning Board signed the plans for Bruin Hill Farm. MOTION: By Michael Lear¥ to adjourn the meeting. SECOND: John Simons VOTE: Unanimous T~g Board a~urned at 12:37 p.m. - ge~e~-na, Vice Ch'a~rman ~ ~L~  net L. Eaton, Secretary